1971-04-07 MEETING OF THE PLANN1~G BOARD OF THE TOWN OF QUE' "9BORY HELD AT . '-/' QUtïdlSBiJRY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING' APRIL 7, 1971 Presiding.........ooKushner Precent............oKirkpatrick, Mellon, MOnahan, Norton Absent~.o........o...Sinnott ~uestsø.o........oooL1apes, ~Ilvaine . +¡-H+i-~++·H-1+H·+·H,J 1 ¡ t II t f+f-H It I H 1,+1 III rH I , II H ¡ H i IIIII i f I H·'¡'++¡"·H II , REGULAR SESSION 8 :00 . 10 Minutes approved. 20 t-Jeeks, Sweet and Montray R.oad, wants to expand under the Sa? ruling. Motion by Kirkpatrick, seconded by Mellon and carried to recommend approval. ~1oBheI'; Mil1nesotta Avenue, wants to expand under the Sa%. ruling.. Motion by lIo'ael1on, seconded by Monahan and carried to recommend approval. 40 Spacial P~rmit #2l:··..Te.."{aco on Route 9, north of Alfred's Restauranto Mr. Bogdan. Attorney, appeared for Texaco with cotlsent of 75% of neighbors.. Motion by l.fonahan, seconded by Norton and carried to recommend approval subject to final design changes on the building and provided that the station not be closed more than 30 days in a calendar year. ":~ ...,J 0 5. Variance #187 - Albany Public Markets - Route 9, sign variat:i{tn8o Motion by Norton, seconded by Kirkatrick and carried to recommend disapproval of free standing sign and approval of a sign on the building with white letters on a stainless steel background. 60 Variance #188 .. Taylor, Dix Avenue wishes a gift and souvenier shop in an R-4 zone. MOtion by Kirkatrick, seconded by Mellon and carried to rec- ommend sympathetic disapproval as this is a use variance. 7. Variance #189 - Hart for T-T Restaurant - wishes to relocate sign. !btion by Mellon, seconded by MOnahan and carried to recommend approval with a 30' :set back. 80 Review of Bay Road construction was presented by Fred Austin, Warren Ctyo Highway Superintendent, and Nick SC8rtelli of Rist-Frost Associateso Work would not be started before 1975-1980 period but acceptable design and purchase of right-of-ways should be done now. Utilities should be located nO~l.SO as not to interfere with road later. t~en AoC.C. decided on their site, Warren County informally agreed to up- grade Bay Road. The 1-faster Plan envisioned a town center in' the area of· the college and Town Office Building with garden apartmentsp commercial, town park at Glen Lake. Elementary School - (since decided against.) The road would be built with Federal and State funds with the County pro· vi~~ing design and right-of-w-:ys.. This would be designed to major arterial standards with consideration· for the ecology and aesthetics. It would be tree lined with four lanes. The state feels that over 500 per hour warrants a four lane road. There is now 700 carß per hour and this will increase. QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD MEETING - April 7. 1971-Pag'- 'l - continued '-./ '-- 8-continued..... .Suggestions for use at Meadowbrook were made. Austin stated that if development is to proceed as the Master Plan indicates we need this 4 lane road. If we wish to retain a rural character then we must develop in other areas and halt development here. 9. Discussion of White request for zone change on Ridge Road. William lacas . Attorney and Marvin White presented their plans. They would leave a 400' buffer rather than 800' now shown. They feel the land between the 400 t & 800' buffers would be unsuitable for residential use. They have no committ- mentsbut would be constructing on speculation. They wish to build on the Northern end of the property and keep the parking and employees at the Southern area '!\ear Quaker Road. No connection to Ridge Road is planned. It. road would be built between tbe airport and residential areas. Attorney Caffrey spoke against this statl~ that tbe Whites had 182 acres of which 125 to 140 acres are now M-l. He was also ·concerned over not . knowing wJ¡at specific use would be made of the area. Motion by Norton, seconded by Kirkpatrick and carried to recOllUlend dis- approval at the time with the feeliug that we should see tbe development of the area already zoned for manufacturing before we consider granting this extension of the M-l area. 10" Sherwood Acres #1-71 was discussec:1 with descriptiion of easements to be fumisbed bighway Superintendent Garb. 11. Finch Pruyn Sales Sub-division of 15-70 Crownwood Hills. Now designed with SO lots because of tbe available water supply. Healtb Department has app"'" roved pipe~ etc. for drainage ditch. Motion by Kirkpatrick, seconded by Monahan and carried to grant preliadnary approval. 12. Next meeting May 5, 1971. Adjourned 10:10. :s. Arthur Norton, Secretary