1971-07-07 EXE Presiding :: Norton Present: ICirkpatric1J. Mellon. Mouban. SiDnott Absent : ~hner Guests :: Robert Eddy. David Little I I I I I I I tl I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II . I I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I EXECUTIVE SESSION 7i~' 4011. MEETING OF THE PLANNING BOARD CJ! THE TOWN OF QUElNSJlJltY HELD AT E QUEENSBUaY TœN OFFICE l--.ß.DING July 7, 1971 . 10 Eddy, Chair.-n Beautification CoBDittee,. disc:uasecl poasibility of an A.ath.tic ZonÛ18 OrdilUlDce for the town and left copi_ of the City of Sarato¡a OrdiDmce. Discussed a1p ordiDanc. rev1ai0D8~ Discussed g8s stations and cooperation the g8s collpaui.. are giving in atyl. and planting. Still concerned over withholding special pend.tso 2 \I Discussed Special Permits #26 - West Mountain Ski, 127 Zayre Ges atatioa., #28 Glen Motor Sales 0 Act OD. later. .. 30 Discussed Variance 1196 - Bruce - set back, 1197 Gerald Brow, Quaker Road- sip, #198 - Reba - sip, #199 Wetherbee-Mason Road - Ganle set back, 1200 Smith Equipmeat Ridge aoad~. .Act on later.. 4. Reviewed IS-71 - Crowawood Hills #3, Pincb huyD Sal... Subdivision 0 s. Reviewed 16-71 - Scanc:1avanian Village - Grahl ~ Bay Road - garden apartments. Adjourned for regular ....tiDg 9:00. Re-convened 10 :20 60 Discussed Special Pend.t #26 - West Ibmtain Ski Corporationo Adjourn for regular meetiag 10 :25. J. Arthur Norton Secretary JAN/pej