1971-08 SP QUEENS BURY PLANNING BOARD Presiditlg: Kuahnet' Present: Nortont Mallon, Monahan!) Roberts Absent: Kirkpatrick, Sinnott . XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXY.x. SPECIAL·MEETING...7:30 P"M" ..._... _IIJ""""- ~ x #6-71 - Grahl¡þ Queensbury Village!) Bay 'Road, Garden apartments" Appearing for this: Bob Grahl.. Bristol (Landscape Architect), McCormack (Surveyor)1) Rhodes~ (Attorney) 0 RevIewed conments of our planner on this 0 Dedicate land £or necessary town road width) 1 acre of topography with circle road, sidewalks to Bay Road for school children and collection point at Bay Road and single acceS80 Owner feels that would not dedicate road to town<> Can dedicate SO' but leave 12' set back in same placeo .The circle does follow topography by bitting high pointso Will check '(tfith scþool to see where children would be picked up o Tryltlg tQ discow:age pedestrian traff,ic to Bay Road 0 ~anl t provide 2 accees roa.ds at tbistil'leo Access shown is best location.. Future access at North is a possibility. Will maintain buffer along Bay Roado Designed to giVe convenient ~ccesB from car to house entrance, inner courts between bui~ding8 at .rea~for. outdoor livingSl 'inner circl.e for oP~. play space,) Keep gully a~North and create one at· SoutQ of propertyo Storm drainage provided und., roads and parkingo Roof drainage also collected and piped 0 Density half what, is allowed by :Zon~ Ord1nanc.eoËight families per acre 0 Will curb-inside lip of parktng"Refus~ d~sposa~to b~ r;e&ol~edo Planting ¡¡:CY"U~;1'~ rYl21-1.:1:1.s shOtfß" Minimum planting at _tr,an,Qe road at this phase,'" ,. , Motion by Mellon, ,seconded by ~ban .and canied to grant final approval 8ubj eet to tbe following: ~eceipt of planting ~ exterior ligbting plans 9 certificate of occu~cy dependant on completf,on of improvements s.hown on plana submitted ,and place noted ab.f\ve a,8 follows: ,Plantf.ng, cUJ:bs a~()und inside of parking, paved entrance road to town highway standards ) storm drainages. sidewalks if school ch:tldren are to be picked up.,on B;8y Road ! dedication: of land ou'.Bay Road for widen!J1g 819 required. by, '.i:~e plans prepared by Rist-Frost Associates as of dais ..t,i:In8.~,$$Urance that 8ew8g~ t<ii.l1 ,be connected· within six months of theavailabillty .to the to~ '.sewer f and light- ing" Performance Bond to be 8Xeci1tedfor value of work nO,t ~ompleted at time of :isDua,:tce ,of Certificate ofOc~pancy" " .,' Adjo\lr'C1ed ~ :30 ~". J Q Arthur, Norton