1971-10-20 _ f'""" LIMITED PLANNING¡SSISTANCE PROGRAM . ·::'û.;~ OCTOBER 20. 1971 /Q HÁu.- ~ QUEENSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING Present-Plenning Board - Kushner., Kirkpatric,", Norton -T~a Board - Solomon, Demboski -F'lanners - Joseph Murphy . , -O£f,.of PIano Service - ÐOnaldRo'O'Dell .., . XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXJOO{; , .. . ' " '~'i" . .; . 10 Our progra.m gives us G meetl~s for, ,p,lanning and one .publ.ic ,mee.$;ing and is to,be .compl~ted June 30, 197t!'. The To;wn Board will hol,<t,a public meeting to aftlE!n:d the Zoning Ordinance 0' ." ,. .' ~ " 20 Murphy presented Town of Vesta). pla.n,to"sbow general þ1p.pro.ch ,and typical prlnct.plesfor de1>ate" He wi,ll dlsc~s, øÎ1s.take·~ in ',~resè~t, .Zoning Ordinance ',' ' :. - ' t,._.. ~ \ ,', , '., . ~1' .~:.: :..~:, 30 Mas.ter plan would be for 20.Ys_r. w~le Zoning Map w()~14<be, .first phase of this pl.an..generally geared to ~ervtcøs. - w,ater. seWase··a~dstorm drainage Water could go to approximately ·620te,~evationo Sewage presents probelm of pumping over ridge lines,o, ~., . >",' , ., '.. 40 Entire toWn prsset\tly open for :deve.lo.plDento .,'Before Wo'~Úi Wa:.t-e II town was . selisonal" rural and suburban in cbar-acterc¡ Now 90'0 urbp·suburballo Pèople cos~ lIoney. growth should be :di,8coUX'aged wber.eseÎ'vices. olin' t be èconoilaically p;rovided. ." " .. '. '. ,.... 50 1970c"'~"1aus of 14...5060 Growth fpr next 20 years ap.proz:lmately ,10..0000. 't!4is wou,ld ~ 2.830 h( tJeeÞolds, a~ "lO.OQØsq 6 fto, lot.woulð ,t.'943 acres at 3 lot;s ~~ac::reJ' r8st,8treets. e~co, Iobrphy Sql&U~ ,tty for. S acre lot where physical retraints (8 lope, ew.pa, etc.) or Whe~ê se:rvices cannot bé provided in near future" . . . '. ..; . ~ .', ~ 6" Shouldri't honor 1D. Mast,er P~n or Zoning Plan., existing uses. not where they " shoui~ be" Pro1)l,_ of one owners, r,i$ht aga:l.nat overall ,ood fOr ,town" 7 ~ Water' - Fâ~-To-Market Road South, W.'t Mountain Road ,East. Sewer same gener.ally except.belþw SherDJaft, Howard: S,treet,. Peggy Ann Röad. .,. , "., . : . ...: -.'.: :. " .~.,. '. 8.. Sub-division regulations are inEuUcrWi;~ if not 11lela,l,und~ 'l\.own Law Section 27,6!" M1rphy ~d ,O'De\l w11:1,suggest próper J:.ula;t,1ons. . Con- stiUct:iò~attd dMign standards for8ub.-d~Vision regu1ittPus ~to provide. (á) livability of envirOmQent .-nd. aite. recreation. .tc'..an~ (b) when tbrough b,avéprlvate and t~ 'property (tQWQ' 8 responstbtlity for ut:llities (includtngetreeta) . Prese~t 'tr..:tt8Cl\1ir,ementet designë4 forc.ars in s\iaíDier tItOntha only. Shoulc!require p.v:l.ng of streets and cluster developmen . ", ':.' \'. " 9.. "or streets suggest 60' rigbt-of-w..y. 30'pavement with ,eoncreté curbs for drainage. Thiå also sives car storage at curbs and roo.w" width g1"8S place for \m~rground water,a.n.dsewage,. 10. Should have water by June 1973.. Zoning not follow water and sewage district lines .~ LIMITED PLANNING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM - contlnued - Page 2 .... . ¡" ~ lL. Sherman Avenue authorized interchangeo Will form key'coœ;nerciAl and light1-nc!ustrial area. 12" Under zoning Cooperative, Condominium, or rental apartmentsall.santeo MObile home counts also same if private ownership Qr rental of lòts~ Should keep same high standards.. ' , 13.. Deasity makes difference, between s'ingle home and gardEm" ~artments 0 .~ .¿ 140 Recreation areas in sub-divisions 0 Land or money by devéloper to town for recre,ation, use" Scale of òeve1ippment dictat.es. If land .should be provic1edo . y. 150 Lake are8$· - seas,onal COtmectect,to. y~ar round$ 0 ShotÌld tighten ~up to hold present lake shore ðevelo~t.Hold,inter1.or areas fc>rfuzu' re dev- elopment:. ~ ,_ .. 16" Growth of w~tever kind causes higher ta&~s ,. ,Keep reasonable growth areas 11. Adirondack 'ark Commission.,may re.view ~ning ordinancet:evlsi..ms.. 18" Next_et~ Np,v8mber 16th Tuesday. and ,Buildirig Deøartmcmt ~present. . , Should have people from Zoning Bo..d '. J,o Arthur Norton" .Secr..ta~, r.l~pning Board ò, " . . , -'" ~., ;., ;,~ -":.:,' . . '. ," , ' .w. . . .. .;~ ... . " " ,t, . , I . ,.'. . , " . ~ .,.,' .~. , , , .,