Resolutions TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY. 12804-5902 RESOU.LTION WREN DETERMINATION Of: NO SICIINIFICANCE IS MADE RESOD tnON NO. 2.7-2DO3 Introduced by Mrs. LASombard, who vuoved for Lts adoptton, seconded by Mr. Ftunstn.ger: WKER-15AS,there Ls presentty before the Planning Soard an apptkation for: WARREN TIRE, and WFtEREAS, this Planning Board has determined that the proposed project and PLanK%v Board action Ls subject to review under the State Envtronntewtat R.uaLLty Review Act, NOW, TFtERC-FORE,SE IT RESOLVED: 1. No FederaL agency appears to be Lnvolved. 2. The foUowing agencies are LnvoLved: NONE s. The proposed action eovstdered by this hoard is RvUl sted Ln the Departvment of Ewvtrovi.mentaL Covisewation ReguLatwvtis impLementivk.g the State evwtronnl.evlWL 4uatity Review Act and the regulations of the Town of Qtceensbury. 4. An Envw ov rw en.tat Assessment Form has been completed by the applicant. S. FtavwL,3 considered and thoroughly analyzed the relevant areas of environmental,concern and having considered the criteria for determining whether a project has a s%gvu.fwant environruentat impact as the same Ls set forth in Section of the o f f"o aL compilation of codes, RuLes and ReguLatiovz for the State of New yorl2, this Board finds that the action about to be icndertok2 by this Board wUL have vw sigvi*oavvt evwLronmentaL effect and the chairman of the PLawvu.ng goarol is hereby authorized to execute and sign anal fiLe as may be necessary a statement of non-significance or a negative declaration that may be required by Law. Duty adopted this srd day of _June, Zoos, by the fotlowin.g vote: AYES: Mr. Ftunstnger, Mr. Ringer, Mrs. LaBombard, Mr. VoUnro, Mr. Strough, Mr. Metiviev, Mr. Macewan NOES: nONE " Home of Natural Beauty ... A Good Place to Live " Taww of 4ueembw,y Ptaw uv,g) rd *s/03-Warrew TLre RESOLUTION APPROVI NC,SITE PLAN NO. 27-2003 1=0R.WARREN T11RE PESOLI.tTION NO. SP 27-03 INTRODI.tGED gY: Mr. strough WF}O MOVED ITS ADOPTION: SECONDEDgY: Mr. Votlaro WFtEREAS, aw appUcattovw has beew vwade to this Board for the fcUowtng: Site Plaw NO. 27-2003 6nUgawt: WarrewTk SEQRA Type: Kwlisted Propertu owwev: Suww�sWe Properties,�j T,�j R, UP, Agewt:Javwes Mttler, Mi.I.terAssoctates Z me: FtC-Mod. LOCatiDn: La fa�ette street Applteawtpr0p0ses e0wstru0t%0n0f 6 addttiowat batjs avid warehokse, vLewpavevKevLtparIQLvwg avid site devetopvwewt. Cross Re ferewee: SP 20-02A,SP 02-483,SS 4-02 Wa rrevw CO. Pla wvu.wg: 5/14/03 TRX Map No. 302.6-2-52.21,50.22 Lot size: 1.25 acres,1.0 acres/SEctiOw: 19J-4-020 PubUo Fteartwg:JuKe 3, 2003 WFtEREAS, the appttoatton Was received Ow 4/15/03; avid WHEREAS, the above is supported with the f0U.0WtK,0 docuWwtatton avid tnctaStve o f all wewl� received tnform.attow, wot tvLeluded tw this Ustiv,g as Of 5130103, av"d 0/3 Staff Notes 5/27 Notice o f Public Fteartwg 5/30 C. T. Male engiweevtwg 00vwvwewts 5/14 Warrew Co.Ptawvu,wg 5/7 MeettKK Notice 5/6 Water Dept. oommevits 5/6 Wastewater Dept. comments WrtEREAs, pursuawt t0 Art. 9 of the ZZovu.v Ordiwanee of the Code of the Toww of 41-teew6buru a pubtfi,c heartu was advertised and was held OwJune 3, 2003; awcl WFtEREAS, the Plawnto g Board has detervuined that the proposal eovupUes with the sate Plan recluki,t,Lents of the Code of the Town a?keewsburu (Zsov,v ); and • Town of 4uemsburd Mann r and /s/os-Warren Yore WI-+EREAS, the PLanv,Lng Board has considered the environmental factors found inthe code of the Town of cai�teewsburU (Zowiwg); avA WhtERELtS, the reciuCr newts of the state Envirov,.Wntal QAalitt Review Aot have been eonsWered and the kanntng Board has adopted a sE¢wA Negative Declaration; and/or i f applications a vuodif cation, the rec(uirevaents of the state Environvaental OZualit� Review Act have been considered; and the proposed woltfi.oation(s) do not result %n anu new or signifi.oantL� different environvxental iw,.pnots, and, therefore, no further SEQRA review is necessaru; and mtEREAs, approval of the application vueans that the applicant can now applU for a BuiWtng Pervuit unless the lands are Adironda6e parr AgenrU jurisdictional or other approvals are necessary. NOW, THEREFORE,SE IT, R:ESOLVEA,that we f nd the foUlowing: The application is hereby approved in accordance with the resolution prepared bU staff and is subject to the following conditions: i. The applicant will subunit site plans updated to MaU 30, Zoos showing that c. T. Male and Town Wastewater Department concerns have been met. 2. Proof that the Lots, as part of this site plan,will be vnerged 3. The access area w%LL be relocated sUghtlu to the west to line up with the proposed Mve aisle to be built behind the new Warren Tire building. 4. ALL conditions are to be noted on the fwwt approved plans submitted for the Zovu.ng Aclma n trator's signature in a forwn to read as foU.ows: Plans have been approved under authoritu of a resolution adopted 613103 bI the Planning Board of the Town of CueensburU, New Yortz with the following conditions: 1. DuLtJ, adopted this srd dau o fjune 2003 bd the following vote: .OYES: Mr. VoLLaro, Mr.Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Huwsinger,Mr. izLnger, Mrs. LaBovnbard, Mr. MacEWan NOES: None CZ: warren-r�re La fauette street Zueensbur�, NY 12004 Y Toww of 4xeewsburu Pla wvu.wg Board �/3/03— Warrew l'�re Jawtes Mlller, mULerAssoostes 169 FtaJi:lawd izoad Queewsburd, NY 12204 warrew co. PLOK,wlwg 1340 st. R.t.,y glee George, NY 12845