5801 BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. ,g01 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to Ted Hans OWNER of property located at Mason Road (Cleverdale) Street,Road or Ave. H in the Town of Queensbury,To Construct or place a—_ Sewage Alteration at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. to 1. OWNER'S Address is Cleverdale, N. Y. 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name John Mason 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address Cleverdale, N. Y. 4. ARCHITECT'S Name O 5. ARCHITECT'S Address O Iv n I� 6. TYPE of Construction—(Please indicate by X) �p ( )Wood Frame ( ) Masonry ( )Steel ( ) rt IZ 7. PLANS and Specifications No. 1500 tal. concrete septic tank, 600 gal. concrete receiver with pump and 2" line to drainfield per gkPtclh and application submitted. 8. Proposed Use Sewage system for dwelling $ 5. 00 PERMIT FEE PAID—THIS PERMIT EXPIRES Sept. 1 19 79 (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the (D town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) rt Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 1 6th Day of May 19 7 9 ^' Fi SIGNED BY c - for the Town of Queensbury N Building and Zo ng Insp ctor APPLICATION FOR A PLTNIT TO CONSTRUCT, ALTER OR ENLARGE A SEWArE DISPOSAL SYSTEM FOR A PRIVATE RESIDENCE WIT= THE LAKE GEORGE PARK IN THE TOWN OF 1. Name and railing address of owner: -roWN OF QU NADURY 2. Specific location of property: - Y t ► .lj %9 3. Application is for: (check one) A.M. ?1819p.Opp.IS 2111213111106,. New construction Alteration or enlargement of existing csposal system 4. Description of building: Number of bedrooms 5. Property line dimensions, or total area of property: 6. Topography: ( flat, rolling, steep slope, gentle slope, etc.) 7. Nature of soil. (Describe to a depth of 5 feet below bottom of leashing device.) Give soil type, distance to groundwater, distance to bedrock.) 8. a) A soil percolation test may be required. For details on procedure, refer to "Individual Household Systems - Standards for Waste Treatment Works" - N.Y.S. Department of Health. b) Percolation test result: (Please attach test notes.) 9. Please attach a carefully drawn plan of the proposed sewage disposal system. Give all dimensions, including distances to lot lines, wells (yours and neighbors) , streams, and Lake George if applicable. 10. The Lake George Park Commissioon reserves the right to inspect the completed system before backfilling. The owner is required to notify the Cormission at least 24 hours in advance of backfilling, to facilitate the final approval inspection. 11. Construction will begin on by — (Date) ( Contractor) application and attached plans dated I hereby agree that if this p - or any amendment or revision thereof, are approved, installation of sewage disposal facilities will .be made in accordance with the details thereof as shown on such approved plans, within 180 days of the above date. One extension of 180 days will be allowed if applied for and secured in writing. • (Sjgpature of owner) Date) The Lake George Park Cotrzrri.ssion has reviewed the plans and site location for this project and accordingly recommends approval. By: R. E. Cowen, III, P.E. Date 712' Asst. Hydraulic Engineer TOWN OF QUE ENSBUR BUILDING & ZONING DEPT.. QUEENSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING BAY & HAVI LAND ROADS, GLENS FALLS, NEW ?OM 12SO . 1.1CATION FOR A PERMIT TO COSTRUCT, ALTER on ENLARGT-, : T',"--.GE DISPOSAL 3YSTEM WITHIN THE TC:iN OF (ZUEENSBUTI% C:JANTfE. NAME 77_0 .W45- ES..› z-O 't1 HONE z ONNER S AAME L2!1/3- OF 3 ED 7,1C4>Nrs (MINDER? (YiS OR NO TOPOGaAPHY °gLAT;)Rct STti:Ft. GENTLE SLOeF„ OTHER , ,ATME OF SOIL: CLAY, SANDY, LOAM GRAEL, RCM,. 1"^ Z/3401 ON TEST WATER SUPPLY: ..clUNTC:1 kcy":ii Fit 4 WAGRAM OF RR(.P.,CED SEPlIC vI /F-1) 'PERTINENT I NFORMT I ON : HEREBY AGREED THAT IP THIS APPL:TAT1 ON AND PL P., LT -:•R i • (Yr: '; FAc 7 scAi :;1•QE •171-'I DETAILS SHOWN • :2:4IT FEE TS 7 , y SIGNATURE OF Al-PL --.=;A;47 ' TE 1-171 7-/J TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Building Department" Inspectors Report Date �- P/7 Nam, `7,?0 )4v41- " Location --$T Permit No. jsre 0 j Weather Per Cent Complete Remarks Excavation Footing Forms Footing & Piers Foundation Cement Coat Waterproofing Backfill Final Survey Framing • Sheathing Roof Felt Roofing Siding Masonry Veneer Rough Plbg. Rough Htg. Relief Valves Wall Board . Ext.Porches Finished Floor Interior Trim Stairs&Railings Cellar Dr.Tile Concrete Floors Plhg.Fixtures Gar.Fireproofing Door Closers Chimney Water Meter Inst. Septic Approval / lei zdi/L---__,-. Building Inspector REMARKS ://041(4'd /014 'c- °rL9e'.7'6t( 75-0 am e_, Po-e...../ -'--'-----7—c- /4/, ?it/ perk61 ---f i tie' ao - /- -,, „--- it"FLA 1-0 HA 7-t 0 r vi- •', .,.- )1E'NuM s AND FILL 02 1 . • . o . o I, ,,0 cp „ -.V , -"45`:9_, ,v. c Go 7,0 . ,..:.,,...:7-;•1',.. bo,6414.01144 .5004 • •I4 4 4 i. , 4 b -..,...., . psou.. • 527_.2........____- , ._ ..:•!:::. ....s:,., IA'-..1/4..f/7.- ': `.." a -...t,,,.... . - .. - -`•,t, .t..- . i 'P 'eit.1 I ...% . C Vi It.) \ • . ._ r..6_ro.nd W.fre.r •• ' •-----__I,k._...- _ — - - - - T _ stk,-Lon- AA----"..-".*`•—•._s 5 Sue cOiL \-VD"- Iii 5-roll E 1 .51 . ZEptouE REM0VE ORGANIC, MAI-SA.1AI. —7-1 -- - - I S7/,'"/Z5.:asirr.perv.v,s Ltns . •. . . A \.\\ \ . \ I 1 ' i 1 ' I ) ....4.-----~-e-i;VMPii .:. Ci-INAI-Ja•:: . ‘,...,..• \\ 1 ( ! .--.-........_'' . III ...,„..... • / . .1 . ...___ --. — 1 - sEEPA3E Tir,'ENviN ,, -1 --.1—,—.1 A • . i g el II I 'fie "1 S7CNE 1 t • -- I i • -- i I ----- 1 I i ....-^, 1 .N.I.II ,,..s.. I . X i 24' ---"..-..... *-- " I I -•,--- In PERFORATED 1 _ P VC PIPE ..---..\1 4 5,,- c----..-4., i ,. II ' j'i i / P' 1 A i 1 . • -...-• : . ' A 1 ' A I * ; I 1,11 ....•... ... Y , i ---1, < ›...I-.c -2'7 —,..i ... --.c -- - P,-• 1--1' ' \ • / ____Y '1/4‹ 1 / / / s . • ' . • • .,.... ..ar'+L i.r,;t` I.CliJa`J l.i:tl ciil.li t. �iYi\G iACUilt7L PkAK CUis:i J� s )ji7/�� _> � a Lj � r i��sL C t�v A-i f tb.-91 1 r� i-U A A 1 � The above sketch shows the locations of the units comprising your sewane disposal system for future reference in case of difficulty. It shows measured distances from buildings, trees, garage, fence posts, etc. , to septic tank, sewers, distri- bution box and absorption field or seepage pits. CONTRACTOR: John Mason DATE INSTALLED: DESIGN BASIS 1. No. of bedrooms: 3 5. Septic tank: type concrete 2. Daily flow: gpd capacity 1500 gals. 3. Undisturbed soil depths: 6. Size of leaching device: ft. a. To groundwater: - 2 ' 7. Type of system (conventional , fill , b. To impervious lens: >5, etc. ): pressure 4. Percolation rate: min/in. LGPC MAP NO.: APPROVED BY: DATE: