1972-01-05 J -- '-.,...... .........., ~~G OF THE QUE_Bu;RY P~ING BOARD HELD A'rTrm, .\.,'. :/ ',~. QUEENSBURY'Tœi,N 'OFFICE BUILDING JANUAa~,'~,,~ 1972 .':.. '.. """', ,'. Pres$ding,: Pres.,t,~', ' Abs~t·: Guest :' , ltu$bner Kii'Jtpatr1ek¡t Norton,; '~:J..m..ott ' IJi~pes Mellón, ~aban, Roberts 0... :;:. ~ ¡ " . '" ;, 217 , , iŒGU~'MtEiING-a ~lS ,p.ii1Ìo ' 1 It ~ppro,ved 'snùmtes for Novemb.er, a¥ Dec~er meetings 0 .. ,~nsiQn of existfr..g use #1~"23...71,W.iteþ niX' Avenue\-:Based on' Attorney ,:~~~,~'opüi:lcm. DIOti.on by Nort~~:,:,&;e~~4~¡ d by Mona~ an~'::;Pa~.f.ed:' to ' ;J;~C;!>~ ,approvale., ,," ','; ,'¡ ::"-.">' , xxxxx 3"Sp.~'i.,.1P..~t :#30 PetralO!l ,çon>()r~~io~ .. Main S~~eet~dPine Street :~e~q~~ving,;t.isbted signo Nel~ttD'4J.!.d,"~~~inter appear. êID'~th:is~,::No allow· ~~:eúi'::C_~l z~ for the pe~t;, --,~,i~1.ing, $tat1on, ~de~:'$P:¿f28",:':given /i]22111.:Feèl tbat a cbangé' of" :¡:~e:':ls more approprtà~,;,::~~r",~8tation t.lifij.1',s'\,Po . fo~ sipo M¡)t1on', bYl~h8.à, secOnded by ~~,~,:~,,'càrr1ed ',tø:r~~ approval subj,e.ct .tÒ·'~eg.l, cl@rification ô!, r1sbt~o' grant ,~.~8\).,. ',,:'. ""',:, ',., , . ~. ' 4 c;'~~t~(;!~tfJ.3i :re.bruary 2. 1972. ~j'~q11~~ .;9 :09 ,poJla, . " . ~: . .., ",.... ,. .' . , ;.' '~. ::, ", ¡ '. ,'-.. ' . "" ' . "~....:.,'" ''¡' ':: '. . ~'. i:' . . , " . ~'.:; ~ . " ~". , , " , :'0 /t.r,~ Npr~~ .. ' . .' .... , ';,. .:" '·.ø .,' ~~~ .:: ~~~'.p~?,-~' . -. ,,;. ",', ,'. ,..... ". ,-" , ' ,', . ~: " ,,', " " . .' . . . ,"'.. .'. ....... '. ,.........,' _c.,- : 'O( ; ~~ . . ¡, '. ", . ,~~~,,'::,\,-- _. ".~. .'- -;~. ' ~';"""'~.~'';';'~.,,-,~.... ',' ~ \ ;1,....., " ~_J