1972-02-15 ~,~_~_ .1':1'. LIMITED pr...ANNING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM February lS~ 1972 y~. Present: Planner" Murphy O.PeSo ... O'Dell Planning Board.. Kushner, Mel1Qn~ Honahan, Norton, Roberts... Towø. Board" Solomon,' Barber, Streeter Building'Inspector Liapes,. A...Utant Boynton XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxx XXX Murphy lead discus.tono Land use Plan lookfng toward 1990ecVøry low rural density - problem areas. Swamps~ stÞP slopes. etc, low denSity .. developable but no servicess medium density ... have water or sewer ., Eventually 'commercial at Gurney lane Intercbsnge when have water and sewer (I Corinth Road intercbange s1ld.1ar for c~rcial. Town should keep, incØ!Dtive on developer.. 0. Let them proovetbey are good for the town ° , ' .. . .. " Present roadø are bad - boles, poor drainage" Developer sbouldprovide paved roa.ds so town can i,.rove what . they have" .' Higb density residential .. town hOUSé8» 12 to 15 faDd.lies per 'acre. and mob!l home park, 8 faratlies per acre .. only where first phase of sewer ~ i" e.. where have supportf.q u,tilitieø.. ',' ".', .' ",.,', .'. Light manufactur1l1g .. office, research,. light; manufacturiDs... etcu .Sbould bave services."". . .. '. . ... Hanufacturtng ) warebOUfÌ~, truck tend.nal.,,.etco wb~re few '~emplpyees" no gre4t need foX' water aad aewageCl , " " R.ecreation - centDl. park areas" Substant:Lalsubdivicleo S'þould. g:l.ve 101 of land fo~ recreation park" Smallsubdiv:l.a!.cms, giv~ IIOI18Y 1n li_ 'of land for park uses in his ~reae , More high densi,e:, .. Bay s.n4 'oster Ave(f ar.e.aSo , . Rural cOI.1.Senat,f.ol1 .. city vat.- sbed.gol(coursé8.., ØUIP.,I:8t':~8 nmybe farms... Check ~ sprbg for 'Wet area, .~ter thaw 0, M1ni1lum4e~lopme~t along Farm to Market uqtil get util1t1eø .4 see how s~te. gQes 0. Need better road connection - Ridge. Bay· and ltoute ,9 I) "Dix.at should be l."estricted topassettler car tra~fie 'OBI"o. ,¡own pro&.bly not de"'tilop new roa.d corridor. througb town 0 Official to_ map would defer. ((ev.~pment for one year ip. propo.ed J:'oad l then. town ,t1='1 ricbt of, way II p~e8"." a~pow., width in s~ivi.~On 0%00 perm1t d~e~Op..t, þ). prOceed/) ,<.-, '" ,: .." Our tax maps ebC1¡tld ~.. cQ'&1801iClated iJ1 8<..-11_ scale 80 c,at\. co.ver larger area on a sheet" ' Sbould have roÍ14throUah 't~ watershed", '.. ' ' Primary concern ,should be to get ba.1~s"inoftter rather, than looking to futureP9..1b!1~t1... , ; ;. '" ' , Towns.Þoald ho.J.d4e..lo.....t 80 can oa~ch' ,qp wit" ,it,a,elfo. '~t :""t!.litles before .4evelOplléat..', , . .' .. ,,:,: " ," ., Require. '..,1." ·l."caped,buff.. betwe_ cOllmwt'cÛ\l andtlldt,8tr1a' and re- sident",1:.' Ko, o.tUs.cate of oc~ .until tbis i. COIIIpt.etedo . ,Interior ace... . rc.taclø sbould be developed East .~ttd Weat of Nor.tbway froaaCormth Road N tb·· . , , or .0 , . ' ," ,< " , ' ";' Pr_eat city dump - .tot_se _eon1" .~.. ,110· building ò , ' ; : , Town coad.tt~ to...... .an4. -.ter as.o.st,~~i.øae devalop..,.t in ,these areas to pay for thes. serVSCes 0<. ... , _~v..lew subdivisions in ,regard to town planningo Mobile Home courts" if well designed. meintained and landscapedo Special permit only and tell developer what be eån do 0 . Zon1n8 regualtions .. change "may" to ,n.h4-~lu 0 .". . '. . . ~' . .", . - Should bave ,drainage ordinance ... 'nofoÒ't'tng draint) or sept':if:f:Leld within 100· of any water course or body of watero Permanent easement 'to tONn within 3S' of centerlf.ne of any water course or dr!1inage ditch 0 . ",' Signs and billboardso No bf.'11boarda ..;apt on premis888' ..~PiV'e'y:ear8then DI1st be removed or penaltiest> Si.gns.- basiç Id$1ti~icattþJt and directions only 0 One gx:pund sign pJf : establialmleÞt if on s1.te ~~Q,: 100' apart 0) . .", ';.' { New York St..te Ho_.i:øa" Code - can' t v.ee~le8a 'have hoU..IÌtg;f;or families this would a£fect9 (300 fam11i..>.. ., . ,'" TRees over'· S· ca,liper ~ep with,ita-ple, ieviE!W . .' '". Gas station ... 1t) OOC to 1,500 feet from aÎaotberetatlon .. under speclal permit only" renew annually.. after 1, y~r o~ non-use ~e"~1nð permito . , Next meeting'Marçl1 l3 with O'P_1t oø.åt.tb.divis,itmS; Marc,h 20~.w1th Murphy and O'Dell!> April 4 public meeting t April S.witbour boar4, to: make changes9P etc" ,', Adj'ourned 10:30 pell" J.. Arthur Norton ..~ ,> ~ ..