1972-03-01 QUEENSBURY PLANN1:NG BOARD March 1¡, 1912 i~~. Presiding: Kushner PrEment: . K~,:rkpatrick, Mellon,~.Dnahan. Norton" Roberts Absent: SInnott ßues ts : . Boynton, Barber, Streeter , . '¡'l'k*...t*..1.,********,A*A:.~""~'~******~***~'t"*'I.,,******************,"i:*****'A* EXECUTIVE Sß~StON""7 :30 ...... L ~_tr '''' T ..~ .~.... . .... 1." M.tnutesapproved~ 20 1220 - Vermont International Petroleua, Ridse and Farm.-To-Market Road - Gas station in C-1 zone" Use ,variance,. Need mor,e datAi. . . t .. .' 3.. 1223'" Van Dyke(t Assembly Point,. Replace 1 eergerage with. '? car garage,. Road put in le,ft with undet'Widtb s,etbacko' . . f~Q #22it... Goet:z. AS8eaably Point. add ,two ear garage Oft existing bousec- Canpt get: setback because of road location... ,5" SaPo 131 ... Kayo Oil Company" Qusk.er Road" West of Railroad~ Gas Station., 6" #6....71 Grabl t Queensbury Vl11age, Gar~ên Apartment's, off "~" 'a.oado Approxo 340 units, .... 40 acres eo . . ' . , ' 1" #1...72 - Couture. Wl11terg~e_ Road,o' .Chïmse" in exJ,stists....-diV;ision¢ . J.. 8. 12--72 -Raitlbow R.idge Sectløn 12 -Neêð contOUi'~n~t~,øf ,boUae on ea~'h lot.. . .,' ;\,,' , ' Adjourned for regular meeting ~, 8 :4001 .