1972-03-01 (2) -"c .r.-;; i¡;lo¡o~ QUEENSJlURý PLANNING BOARD March 1.1972 Pres1dlng :~ Kushner Present: Ki.rkpatrick, Mellon, MonabanS} Norton. R.oberts Absent:~ . Sinnott Guests :' . Boynton, Barber. Street,er . *****~ *"'k***,~~fr11t1t-a;..*'It.*ktiAA.**.Ht~***1~***,.\****f.:******·.Wt**,A'i..,****** REGULAR S'ESSI0N - 8 :40 ... 10 Minutes approvedo 20 1220 V oIeP. Ridge and Farm To Market Road - Gas station in C-l zone" John Bend1:r appøred for thiSd 13'x13' islan,d houseø Two SQ' entrances each road 0 Need IIIOre informa,tiouø '. Witbdr&Wno . 3" 1223 Van Dyke, A.sseuibly Pointo Replace 1 'car garage w1th 2> car" VanDyke appeaxoed for this. Road put in' lèft \Ulderwidtb setbacko , Motion by RObè'rt,.írI séconded by Kirkpatrick _d carried tc) rec~endapprö"ttl as road built éauses set back problem" . 40 1224.. Goetz, Assembly Point () Add 2' CÐr garage oneX~t1Ì1g 'building 0 Gôètz appeared for thiso Motion by ~11()t1.. seconded by .~:bant and ~rrièd ,to recoaøend appro,va1 ~.,t,~road. ,~ilt le~,v~s.D.:O .C)~bcp; l811d for this" , " '... -'.'..... s. S,o PQ #31 Kayo Gas Station - Quaker B.Qa.d " Wes,t ofR..ail-=-~. ,Motion by Norton ) seconded ;byKirkpatr:Lck -.ct ~arriedto rec~d .U..approval as not compa,tab1e w1tb area If probable drainale into Half"Way _ook" 6 0 11-72· - Couture - Old Forge Park. Wtnterare_ Road,o HcCo~ appeared fC)~ this øMotion by MordIbau. .se.coaa.. by Ki~,tri~t ..d. c.anied to grant firatapproval subject to tlUllmi8.ion Qf protective c;()venanta (> 7 e 12-72 - 8.a1nbow ll1dge-Sect 0 12 -ø.ttia 6& Woodbury/),' . Woodtiury to submit lliap with :Cèmtour _d locat:Lon of houa,e types. JSob Moor. spoke against tb1s 0 '. ~. bad 30.000 tbere for f~,lear. 0, Coac.-n~ a~t, lqw ,interest gov;e%'llllia'\t~oana, on $18.000 bOM8 will. depreciate Y8IQe~fex:L8ting house..', Motion b1 Eb:kpatr:Lck.8~ODd.ed by )fellcm. apcI,'ca1:ried to table forful:tbtar inf--.tion" '. ' , . . .. ' '. . 89 #3-72- Lot 2- Ball lloa4. . Lotz .pp'ear~, i:or tbiso . ,3~"lot:s, proposed, ~d work 'Oft Hall and Reardon Roade 0 Nor,toD. _ Ro~~ts 't() ,1ooJcat and report ~*. .. " 9 () ::;~~, Hughes, Rockwell Road:.' Monahan 6& M8J1on, wi1.1 ioolt a~ and' report 10 ö 16-71 ~ Grahl. QueensburJ Villas... Garden Apartmen~s off Bay Road () Appro.x" 340uøits.' 40 acr... Firat phaa ODly now,> L.ver(La~scape Architect). McCormack (Surveyer) Rhodea(attori1ey) 4Dd Robert Grahl (owner), appeared for' . th,~ Ð DiaCU8sed future need for garages" Car porta and blOck heating posts were proposed" Health and Water Deptso bav~ approvedo Water added hydrant 0 Sewage - tie i.nto municipal when available. Mandated in HealtbDepartment Regulationso '" . '1Uanning Board - March 1. 1972-continued Motion by Norton. seconded by Mellon and carried to grant preliminary approval subjeCt to assurance of future cØtmection of septic øystemto lIImicipal sewero 110 #5-72 - Northern Homes, Pitcher Road and Corinth Road,o Approximately 2SS lots.. Sectlon all 49 lots,o 141 acrèS - $23,000-$28.000 - Wood areal Presented' by McCormack.. Kirkpatrick and Kushner will look at and report back 0 120 ;:1~act meet1ngApril 5, 1972ò Adjourned.. J 0 Arthur Norton .. " , ., . : ..'!. ,", , l