1972-04-04 SP ~PSCIAL INPORMA:IIONAL MEETING FOR CHANGES IN ZONING APRIL 4, 1972 7:30 P.M. ..0..0.00.000...0......0.............0................oooa....oO..........O...O.OOOÐ Mr. George Kushner presided over the meeting. Mr. . JOleph MU%'pby a aaember of the firm of M~hy & Kren Planning A..ociate., Inc. spoke on hi, firm. planl for updating the Zoning Ord1nance. Membera of the Planning Board and Town Off1c1al, attending the Information- al Meeting': ' ' , Mr. George Kushner Cha1rman tAr 0 J. Althur Norton Secretary Mr. Robert K1rJcpatl'lck Member Mr. Gilbert C. Mellon Member Mr. Richard Roberts Møber Mr. Robert Monahan Member Mr. Robert Barber Councilman ' Mr. Harold Boynton A"i.t~t Building In.po Mr. Donald R. Odell Planning Service. oooo...o.ooooo·........................~..o...........................0000.0.00....0 OPENING STATEMENTS: Mr. Murphy 1n hi's opening remark. pointed out that we are concerned in establishing some development pollcle~ for the Tot~1ft of Que.nsbury. This 1s a joint v.nture, .not only with )1,;" firm but a plan pJ'e~ared jointly with the Planning Board and the Town BoaMo Mr. M~hr state(! that they had discuIsed; -What i. the Town of Queen.bury, where . it today. what problem. does it face, Where 1s it going tomorro~" PRESENTATIONs (VarIous maps exhibitedencluding the Warren County Soil Cons.rvation Servlce Map, the U. So Geological Survey Map, composite mapa of ,the Town ect.) MR. MURPHY: The intent of planning i. to minimis. our problems by reeo9nlli~ the.p 1n advanc. in order to cope rationally and intelligently-with them. Mr.MurDby d.scribed areas from the map. pointing out pJ'Obl"s of drainage, water supplies and util1ti~.. He also pointed out that some of the problems present extreme expense and long tezøa expensive maintain- ance. What the Town ha. done about balic problems: a. In 1973, a new water plant will open up several new al'''' for d",.lopmento b. A f. existing S..er D1stricts and hopefully by 1976 a joint venture for a ntw Sani taZ'Y Sewer Plant will a110 0p. new areaso c. New York Depll'tMftt of Health :rule.", 1. No ..tee o~·.~erl lot slze 20,000 aqoftd 2. water or ._.~. lot siz. l~.OOO .q~ft.~ "Thi. baa been . very l~e paS't. ouzo approach to" 'v-... ph~lcal re"", .uaints the tild.no and availability of youzo own utiUtl... the recogni- tion of baa nMd. t6at you need develop- ot.\er than residential to balance your tax b... and to lead UI to . Fel SIII¡Y plan..." PAGE II M:t.. Murphy gave 10m" .uggestlons: a.. .t.~ hillSl swalDpl, d:t"a~nag. 81'e. ar8 listed .a low den. ty area. and are not encouraged to to be developed b. develop¡r:ant. are enco,uraged where publics... and water sys-tem will exilt In the near future c. Industrial Area: encouraged near the Northway & Corinth Road adjacent to sewer and water system ar..s and transportation facilities --at this time the Saatern part of the TOMl is lilted as industrial' but for pratlclal pu~o..s it will not be in the near future d.veloPf:~" because of the expense of drain- age and water supply pt'oblems At the compltNtion or Mr. Murphyì, p~..entatton a que.tion and answer ,..,ion ~~. eonducted. . o._ù....~...,.o....o···..··.~·...~...~.........o.~..........o....................o..~ rEXCER~T$ FROM ~T~ONS. ANSWERS AND STATEMENTS, Mr. Clltford~ Answer: Dean Howland: Answer: Jerry Howe: Answer: Mr. Murphy: Unknown man; H. the coQUDittee checked \'dth the 'tate KigbWaY Pepar'tment for new long range plans? 'lea Up 9%'ad1ng of area roads such as Quaker Road and possibly new interchanges have been anticipated. My conc.rn is \dth the Boatd's re..ntiDent of resort homes, why? It haa been the experience that the '.~ond home concept 1s oft_ become not a .eoond home but the primary home, therefor not lifting the, school tax bu:L"don but .stablishing mora problems with water. sewers and the need for b'-gger schools.' Define LoW b.i,~.i ty A relà tl va teZ1D equate the number of houses per acre ...would I1te'to see 10 acre parcels ... slX' you and t botb know that a man is legally entitled to use own land to develope his pro- P.~Y to ita highest and best us. and 10 acre$ 18 not that... stated that certa1n restriction have already been ..tabliaheð and Town Board policy can establish $ome standards Ulke Woodbw.y: \'111 the Zoning be changed from time to time? Answer: Ves to keep up wl1h thCl grQW1ng pace ect" Mrs~ Van Dusen: Will there be recreational facilities 1n the Town of Queensbury? An.err. Ve. New Subd1;v1s1on ritgulatlons .tate that sub.. d1 vi s10na will be requ5.:red to .et aside land or money lor r.~r.at1onal facilities... FURTHER INPÅ’U-Á.'TION G! THi QttESTIOO AND ANSWER PERIOD CAN BE (JBTAIUED FROM THE TAPES OF tHE M£::rING. An$'Wer: