1972-05-03 <~ ~ -QUEENSBUR.Y PLl\NNING BOARD ~1INUTES __b'EETING HELD MAY 3~ 1972 AT QUEENSBURY Tam OFFICE BUILDING Presiding: Present: Absent: Guestà: Kushner Kirkpatrick:) Mel1on~ }'ionàban¡; Norton,~ Roberts Sinnott: r..tapes ¡i Boynton:" Streeter __B~E_øm~~=e~e~~_~~=3zø~œ=om2-*£=_===u=~a=~~m.~=~~m===m3C==zœ____=nœ=__uas ~q,ï.L~§.ª.I~. 10 Minutes approvedo 20 SP#32" Witham'" Witham appeared and read statementR as followsg·~ teAt the April 5p 1972 meeting of the Town of Queensbury Planning Board which was postponed by Mro (George) Kushner" and held 'on April 12~ 1972¡) the Town Planning Boa:d upon initial revi,ew of Special Permit Application Noo 32 ofCi1£f~rd Bo Witham directed me~ Clifford Bo Witham~ to on four of their directives ~upply additional information~ clarification of plans and certain other information I' for their future reviewo 11 "These four directives ,to myslef by the T~An of Queensbury Planning Board in regards to Special Permit Ne.¡, 32 ar.e in work process and will be completed in time to present to your ) the Town of Queensbury Planning Boa:r:d" at your nex~ meeting ~" 'We have been and will continue to be ever ready to co- op~rate with the wishes of your board" Thank you"" Elliot ~wton ·of Lake George Assoclationa. Adiron-'ack Conservancy 'CdiDmission Kattskill Bay Association" t-lould .Like to have c~tizens. see plans before meeting" These will be public record when filed" J 30 1227 Stock .. Resturant - Qqaker., Road - Sign setback an~ rear lin~ setback~ Stock appeared for ,this" He cannot obtain additional land a.t the rear" Motion by. Monahan" seconded by Nor;ton and c,arried tor,øcommend approval of,the setback" Applicant stated bé will conform to sign S,l!tbackc 40 1228... Gerrity - Restaurant - Çorintb and Big Boom Roads" .. M-Izone" Attorney O'Connor appeared on this and ask.ed that this be tabled so they can supply further data" ' 5., #229... Peking Re ':taurant - Route 9 Lou and Hoffman appeared 'for this 0 MotiOl\ by Mellon $1 seconded by Ki~kpatrick and c~r.r:iEd 'to recomp1end approval as this was cause~ by State tak~ng and will be back of the front line of the buildingo 60 1230... Vincent.. Chestnut Road" Glen Lake.... wish to replace" existing garage with a new two car garage ð Peteµ- Brown appeared for this 0 Because of grades the presf!I\t garage 18 practically unusable" Motion by RobE!rts;). secOJ1ded by Norton and carried to recommend approval aa this is less non-conforming" 70 #231... White - Corinth Road' .. Wh~te appeared for'this v. Wishes to build house under required square footage on s,a_ lot for mother,-in-,lawo Motion by Norton21 seconded by !rtonahan and carried to recommend disapproval as this would result in two undeairable precedents ... two structures on one fot and undersized building" An addi:tion to thê present house was suggested" &.~~ 4:232 - Sto't-ytO''¡)vn - Route 9 ... Wood,) i\ttorney Judge~ and Hoffman appeared for thisc Wish to erect a 155 square foot sign to advertise a restaurant 10' from the right of way" They feel siI.laller sign cannot. be seen!) septic tank field located here t'1':I.11 interfere with different location¡, and need sign of this size t!) compete <::"nd let: people kno¡,.¡ what is there" Tabled for la.ter .acti,\~no 9" #233 - Hutchinson~ Broadacres Road and Spruce Court - Hutchinson appeared for this" '¿1ishes to add to garage with 8' setback aga,i1'1.st présent 20' setback to Spruce COUI.'t., Mc,f:im:t by Mel10nfJ secondep by: Monahan and carried to recommend approval subject to resulta of puþlic hearing" I, _'¡. 10" Subd5-vision #2-72 - Rainbmi Ridge Section 12 - Harris.o, Harr18 appeared... Rev:tsed locations of buildÚ\gs!), will put turn-around t\t dea,d-end~ will not build on lot #27 to allow surface drainageo Letter from Town Board indicate1.ng they will accept \-later sy,st~" Motion by Norton¡) seconded by ~.elll)n and carried to grant preliminary approval" 11" Subdivision i6-72 - Still Crl.ck - 1.12 mile off Ri,J~e Road Q Howland Sr 0 and Jro and Peter F¿~tedman appeared for thiso Have 7S acres" Wish approval for 14 of l}9 lots" 135 'x150 t approxiJnately 1/2 acreo They are interested inpreseX'ving the ecology 0 15 acres to remain forever wild" Plan to' build in wooded area c Sewage :would be pumped to rear of this site - approximately 1900' from, the creek" $20~ to $25~OOO year round Ad,irondack &\Vle homes 0 Pool and tennis club n Ponds for fishing I1nd no motorized boats abut each lO,t:¡, but not connect to the creek" Roberts and Kushner will look at" , Lawton snoke on th~B .. stated this is a part of the Dunham' 8 Bay wetlands" Harold;J Sr" said this purch~sed,in 1968 and offered the wet lands at app- raisal value but: was notpurchased,l'\ Adjourned for executi,ve sess.ion 10:05.,; Reconvened 10:25'0 ~ 12., #232 Sto,rytown .. Motion by Roberts;:. seconded by Kirk¡>4trlck ad carried to recommend disapproval as we feel this can be conformingo Any hardship was self-imposed on location 0 130 Next regular meeting, June 7 ~ 1972." AdjOU1'1.1!i 10: 30 p Om(, J l' Arthur Norton ~ Secretary ./