1972-05-03 EXE QUEENSBURY PJ..,ANNING BOARD Mn~UTES.:.MEETIl\JG HELD MAY 3!'1 1972 AT QUEENSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING Presidi~~: Kushner ?.cesent: Klrkpatrick!,1 Mellon" J.II'.onahan~~ Norton*) Roberts Absent: Sinnott: Guests: Liapes~ BOYl1ton~ Streater . -J+++H-H++H++H+++ I I 1-1 ¡ +-: I I 11--+1 I f I , t I I I I I I+- t H-H-H I I I 1 1·1 1 I ,. J t t : I ! I I I t I 1 1 I ~ECU,!,IVE SE;S,ª" ¡O~ 10 Minutes approved" 2" SP32.. Witham - letters froU1 Katz stating that building is illegal () 3" 1227 - Stock-Quaker Road-Sign set back 40 1228 Gerrity - Corinth and Big Boom Roada w restaurant in M-l zone" 5" #229 Peking Restaurant ... Route 9 ... Old Ml 1 frank , S ... sign. because of state taking" 6 v #230 VÙ1cent .. Chestnut Road ... G.len Lake II1II garage setback Q 7" #231 White - Corinth Road... 2nd house on lot... for mother"'in-latfo -II', 80 #232 - Story town ,- Route 9 ... Sign - size and setback~ .. " .! , 9" 1233 Hutchinson - B:roadacres Road.. Garage set back on Spruce Court" . i '. _ 100 #2-72 - Rainbow Ridge Section Noo 2 - Roberts reported on:results of Geological Engineer study 0 No problems except to make surface drainage work ,) 11~ 1232 - Storyt~~ discussedo 12,. #228 ... Gerrity - discussed with AttorneY O'Connoro Adjourned for 'l:'egular meeting 10:250 J" Az tI)ur Norton" Secretary ,