Supplemental InformationDerby supplemental information for Site Plan Approval and Area Variance applications sections 179-9-080 and 179-9-050 (Feb 5, 2021, revised Feb 12,2021) *Project Description: The project involves the addition of a second story to a portion of existing dwelling and alterations to the interior. The project seeks to improve the parcel within the WR1 zoning and within the Critical Environmental Area of Glen Lake. Improvements include: (1) a new Clarus onsite wastewater treatment septic system is to be installed, (2) an engineered stormwater plan, (3) the reduction of impervious site surface by 1,400 square feet, and (4) a Landscape Design Plan. Additionally, the architectural engineer has examined the footings and structure of the existed garage and determined it adequate to support a second story. 179-9-80 Requirements for Site Plan Approval A) Yes. The proposed project conforms to the Town’s Comprehensive Plan by improving the WR1 parcel within the Critical Environmental Area of Glen Lake. Improvements include: (1) a new Clarus onsite wastewater treatment septic system is to be installed, (2) an engineered stormwater plan, (3) the reduction of impervious site surface by 1,400 square feet, and (4) a Landscape Design Plan. B) Yes. See attached Site Plan and Stormwater Plan C) NA D) See attached Clarus Septic Plan and Stormwater Plan E) The proposed project does not alter the WR1 use. It improves the site with WR1 and the Critical Environmental Area of Glen Lake. F) NA G) NA H) The project will not have adverse impacts. In fact, the project will improve the site with WR1 and the Critical Environmental Area of Glen Lake. I) NA J) See attached Stormwater Plan. Further, impervious surface on site will be reduced by 1,400 square feet K) Drinking water is taken from an onsite well. A new Clarus onsite wastewater septic system is to be installed. L) A Landscaping Design Plan will be included in the application M) NA N) Silt fences will be installed during construction. See Stormwater Plan. A Land scape Design Plan will be included in the application. O) See Site and Stormwater Plan, and a Landscape Plan (will be included in the application). 179-9-050 Checklist List of Sheets and description SHEET #1 – DERBY RESIDENCE SITE PLAN & STORMWATER PLAN SHEET #2 – DERBY ARCHITECT DESIGN PLAN SHEET #3 – DERBY CLARUS SEPTIC PLAN SHEET #4 – DERBY ELEVATION SURVEY SHEET #5 – DERBY DEED, 31 CANTERBURY DR. V. The project seeks to improve the parcel within the WR1 zoning and within the Critical Environmental Area of Glen Lake. Improvements include: (1) a new Clarus onsite wastewater treatment septic system is to be installed, (2) an engineered stormwater plan, (3) the reduction of impervious site surface by 1,400 square feet, and (4) a Landscape Design Plan. Additionally, the architectural engineer has examined the footings and structure of the existed garage and determined it adequate to support a second story.