1972-09-20 EXE SPECIAL QUEENS BURY PLANNING .BOARD MEETING HELD September 20, 1972 at Norton Residence - 7:30pom" ....!XECUTIVE SESSION Presiding: Kushner Presmt: Kirkpatrick, Mellon, Mbnshau$ Norton~ Robe5tBf Sinnott , I I I II f I I I I I I 'I II I I I I I I t t-H I ....H..++++f·++++H-H f H-I-H+ I f 1+1 +'1 I H I ¡ I I H . I I I I I t i I- L Discussed number of sub-divisions we have before us.. Total of 173 lots. As the Soil Conservation District people have offered to review projects for ability of soil to take these proposed uses~ we decided to ask them to review all sub-divisions where there might be a questiono This would be done before preliminary approval is granted, Kushner will act as SoC~D, representative to next meeting.. 20 Norton and Kushner reported on #12-12" ~Jike Barber - Bay Road-Bay Road" 20 lotso Suggest change of entrance road, and planting where work road was located and all lots have access on new street not Bay Road~ 30 #8-72 - Pensel - 11 lots - State Higæ~ay Department letter presented by Penselo We will refer this to So Cc Do 40 110-72 - Bucklin - 13 lotso Bay Roado Sinnott and Mellon reported? All lots to have access on new ßtreet, trees as buffer on Bay Road and refer to So Ct) Do 50 #11-72 - Bronk .. 36 lotso Roberts and Méllon reportedo May suggest parI, at'l~ for 2 lots surrounded by streetso Discussed maintenance and liability of such recreation areas in sub-divisionsQ Will refer to So Co Do 60 113-72 - TWicwood - 6 lots . Sinnott and Mellon reportedo Will refer to So Co Do 7~ #14-72 ... !"uglister - 34 lots .. Corinth Road,., Sinnott and Monahan reported" This is in M-2 zoneo Will refer to S,., Co Do and suggest more valuable as M-2 use" Question having this residential use interrupt the industrial" This is in C-3 zoneo We Surrounded by commercial Change of zone Kostechko - Weeks Road (, 42 lots 0 feel this should remain C-3 or possibly go to R-50 and Northwayo 80 100 S" PQ #32 .. Witham'" May not have 12,000 sqo fta required 0 Doesn't have 30' new set-back; concern overtraf£icsafety and damage to area, and planting not shown 0 Land Use Plan submitted by Murphy & Kreno We feel this is acceptable~ We will 80 resolve at October 41) 1972 meetitlg and set up meeti.ng with Town Board to present thiso 116 Budget discussedo $400~ eachf~r Chairman and Secretary plus $5000 to $100 to print sub-division regulat1.ons. zouing ordi1.1.snces. forms g etc ù Sinnott and Norton to present at t),ext meeting 0 .I d or 0 ~o ...1" Arthur N()rton~ Secretary Ad.1 O"Jrne J,.: ~') " 96