1972-10-04 (2) QUEŒSBURY PLANNING BOARD MINUTES - MEETING OCTOBER 4, 1972 AT 9:00 QUEENSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING Presiding: Present: Absent: quests: Kushner Kirkpatrick, Mellon, Norton, Roberts J Sinnott Monahan Liapes, Boynton REGULAR MEETING lo Approved minutes of previous meeting 0 20 Request for change of zone from 1.-4 to 1.-5 for Aronson Farm on Bay Roado Presented by Ro Case Primeo Other R-S in illlDediate area will work with Planning Board on 'sizeo Norton abstained as his firm is involved in this project 0 Action tabled for later tonighto 30 Special Permit 132 - Witham - Warner Bay - Route 9L.. Additional information has been presented as requested April 12, 1972 ° Motion by Roberts, seconded by Mellon and carried to recODIDend disapproval with these co~t8: Question 12,000 square feet in lot, does not have 30' rear set back, would cause traffic hazard, this use would be prejudical to character of area particularly the wetlandso Sinnott abstained as requested by Wi,tham at last meeting. ~""'tasked for clarification anð discussion. Kushner said we would table discussion tmtil after our other businesso 40 Special P~t #~4 - Maine - Ridge Road 0 Wishes to use existing barn forstor.-geof not over 1S boats. nowork~to be done on site on boatso Charles}faine and 1.0 Case Prime ap,~ed/cRIso Motion by Sinnott, se,concJed by Kirkpatrick and carried ,to ,recommend disapproval 'as not in keeping with ,the character of the ,a;re~.'~ ' 50 Va1"iance.12S8 - Bramer - Sulliva~ Road'r- wishes 20' s.t~ackt~garage (. Brøne'1'", appear:ed for this ° Motiop.bY IU.rkpat):'ick, .second~;byNorton and canied to recolIIDend app,r(),val. as 'practical difficulty:o ' , " ."" ..' '. . . ....., '. . .~, . ':.' '.' '. .',. .' '. . ~ . " " ," . 6,. Varian.c.e .12S9 - McQonald' s Rest.1Ìr.~'t"\;, Route 9 wishest~"p;ta~e 2~," x 19' sign ,on remodeled building wherea2'x..,2l' sign had been r_oved'~: ' MOtion 'by,~obert8Þ.øconded by Me~lOnand carried to re~~end approval as this t.asma11ersign thanthe:old, :~ign which wa~ ;r,e~v~o . 7" Variance #260 .. Thelma Cormusa -,ç~J:1muJ" Road. - We~t Mo~tain- wishes to sell antiques. paintings and gifts in home 'in summer on1y,0 Mr80 CorlllUS,S appeared ... will not require any sigIUlo).btion by Mellon, seconded by Nprton and carried to'recoaÇend approvaï,o " , 80 Variance 1261 - South Queensbury Fire Co " - Dix AVã~ wishes to add m,C!,ettngroom to present firehouse..., Would have 4',.t1J¡t backo MotiQn by Norton, seconded by Sinnott and carried to recommend approvalo ~ QUEENS BURY PLANNING BOARD MINUTES - MEETING OCTOBER 4, 1972 CONTINUED 90 Variance 1262 - Benack - Glenwood Ave. wishes to use garage for dancing stuc:lio. Five nearest neighbors have 110 objection. )btion by Sinnott, seconded by Kirkpatrick and carried to recommend approval subj ect to results of public bearing. 10. Variance #263 - Rogge - Imperial Motel - Aviation Roado Kushner stated we would table this as it was received today and we need time to discusso Attorney O'Connor presented their caseo Rogge must remove present motel units by Deco 31, 1972 from Glen Street location 0 They wish to move 10 units to this site on Aviation Road.. Aviation Road is the main transient entrance to the Town of Queensbury and the highest and best use of this land would be motel or coamercial use. Plan to screen at property lines as worked out with neighborso Phase 2 would be 27 to 31 new units and a swilllDing poolo Set back 'on front would be greater to edge of road because of relocation of Aviation Road. Would meet Health DeparbBent requirements for septic system. 110 Spec:;ial Permit #3S - Dunham's Bay Boat Company. Attorney Smith appeared for this 0 Wish to locate storage building across Route 9 from their marina. Road would be relatively levelo No signs would be requiredo Motion by Roberts, ..conded by Mellon and carried ,to recommend approvalo 120 The following was submitted to Charles Maine of the Soil Conservation District for review &s to the adaptability of the land 'for the proposed developments: 18-72 Pensel, 110-72 Bucklin, #11-72 Bronk. 112-72 Mike Barber. 11....72 Twicwood, Secti,On 12, 114-72 Fuglistero . Al~o Rogge - ll:iperial Motel submitted to the Soil Conservation D1stricit 0 . 130 Føre,st Q1en Estates 117-720 Kostechko requests change of zonè from c':"l,to R-l.-. Motion by Roberts¡ secon~ed by Mellon and'.can:ièd to recoamend tp the Town Board' that .'Øy~ëbange be to R-S~8 we ,fee~ 'this is DQ't;>an åppr,o'priate location. ,fc;>r ~' '8;ubdivision.~ . 14.. 1;~4;.,:~,2:, ,...,. :Fµglis ter appeared . and' ~~'~e.s~ concern, o'ver; ,,sfSlåY·~n.'þprova1 ó:~..,~"tpj:o~~to, . .' .,:j ,;:":',",;:',- "", . .... '. ~,S 0 otC~nnor. appeared fo1;' 'Barbe~: '12:'-72 ~t,ó. object tp detaY:~';,."tr)j:ey l1'~\'~ made c'bange:s .8. ,s~ll1e.ted at\d wi;~l add ,to tlle cOlllDent.: that. ,rió,:lot, to'have aC,,?è8á: ,~B.)' Road ~ . ' , .', .,: ,;' . ; "i' ' ',. .". . 16. t$dd~':~ Van.Dusen presented '*:1'5:-.72:,0,; . 'Re,vf.sion ,to Ridg~ ,.~dOw,$ II,; Ref.t;('ed to· Suil Conservation Dist,r'~C:t~ ' Mell~D and Kushner will v.isit si'~~ '81).<1 rçort to board 0, .. '.. " , ! '. .. 170 19-7'2, - ~lind !iock Road Estàte. -"No:tthem Homes!, Mot~òij':bY Kellon. ..:conded 'by' Sb~ott and carried 'to'sr,ant final apþro;v.l~, , , , i 180 Cat1terbury'WoodIJ Section t &11..' T~~;box. Leaver and R.b'odøs åppeared on this. ConceL-ned over bond for improvements req~1redas each of approved buildf.ngs are completed or after all buildings are èompletedo Tabled for executive ses8iono , QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD MINUTES - MEETING OCTOBER 4» 1972 CONTINUED 190 Special Permit 132 - Witham. He feels he meets 12,000 square feeto Realizes that south of road is different lot 0 Feels this will not affect wetlandso Claimed that larger building was built within 5' of water by Harris Bay Corporation in June or July 19700 Adjourned for Executive Session 10:500 Reconvened 11:100 200 Kushner announced we will meet October 18 at 7 :30 to review Canterbury Woods Section #11 and Rogge - Imperial 0 210 Canterbury Woods Section #1 t motion by Roberts, seconded by Sinnott and carried to waive bond for the first building so a certificate of occupancy can be grantedo 220 Aronson - Motion by Sinnott, seconded by Kirkpatrick and carried (Norton abstained, Roberts voted against motion) to recoamend disapproval as we see no need to change this zone 0 The present zone allows reasonable use of this property 0 23.. Next regular meeting November 1, 19720 Adjourned 11020 J 0 Arthur Norton Secretary .