Queensbury Planning Department TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Planning Department " NOTE TO FILE " Mrs. Lee A. York, Senior Planner Date: September 26, 1990 Mr. John S. Goralski, Planner Mr. Stuart G. Baker, Assistant Planner By: Stuart G. Baker _ Area Variance Subdivision: _ Sketch, _Preliminary, Final Use Variance Site Plan Review _ Sign Variance Petition for a Change of Zone Interpretation Freshwater Wetlands Permit Other. Application Number. Use Variance No. 76- 1990 Applicant's Name: Ronald P. Dufour Meeting Date: September 26, 1990 The applicant is proposing construction of a office and garage facility on a lot on the corner of Dix, Avenue and Phillips Avenue. I have reviewed the application according to the criteria in Article 10, and I have the following comments: 1) The applicant must show that the use provisions in Section 4.020 (I) would result in an unnecessary financial hardship. Inability to make a reasonable return on the property for all allowable uses in the CR-15 zone must be shown. The circumstances on this lot are not different from the size and shape of the other 1ots , in this zone. 2) The applicant must show that the variance is necessary for the preservation of a property right possessed by other property owners in the CR-15 zone. 3) The purpose of the CR-15 zone is to provide a transitional area between residential and highway commercial uses. The proposed use would appear to be more appropriate in a light industrial zone. The Board should determine if the variance request is the minimum necessary to alleviate the specific hardship found. SGB/pw