1973-01-03 EXE QUEENS BURY PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING..JANAURY J, 1973-7 :00 P oMo QUEENS BURY TOWN OFFICE 9~~~ Presiding - Jo Arthur Norton Present - Go Mellon, Ro Monahan, Ro Kirkpatrick, Ro Roberts, Jo Sinnott Guest - Go Liapes - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - ~ - - ~ - - - - - - EXECUTIVE SESS10ji Discussed meeting with Town Board either January lS£h or l7~ on Zoning changes and sub-division regulations" Also stated that we need one more member on the Board to replace George Kushner who has resigned.. Also Town Board must give us thet~:· approval to (X sub-divisions (> 1276 of the Town law 0 Discussed application for variances and special permits. Also discussed Butternut Hill sub-division by developer Charles Maineo Adjourned to regular meeting at 8:10 pcmo Gilbert Co Mellon, Secretary Queensbury Planning Board GCMI pej