2007-137 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building &Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE ('31F17 COMPLIANCE Permit Number. P20070137 Date Issued: Friday, January 11, 2008 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20070137 has been completed. Tax Map Number. 523400-308-006-0001-063-000-0000 Location: 55 WARREN Ln Owner. SAMUAL J WAHNON JR Applicant: SAMUAL J WAHNON JR This structure may be occupied as a: Demolition By Oder of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the Cj)j f1 property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, 0� Variance,or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN OF QUE E NSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-5902 (518) 761-8201 Community Development -Building & Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20070137 Application Number. A20070137 Tax Map No: 523400-308-006-0001-063-000-0000 Permission is herebygranted to: For property located at: 55 WARREN Ln in the Town of Queensbury, to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the QueensburyZoning Ordinance_ Owner Address: SAMUAL J WAHNON JR DEMETRIA LEMNOTIS 1304 STATE ROUTE 9 GANSEVOORT, NY 12831-0000 Contractor or Builder's Name /Address Type of Construction Demolition Total Value Value Electrical Inspection Agency Plans & Specifications -137 Demolition of Mobile Home $20.00 PERMIT FEE PAID -THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Sunday, Apri106, 2008 (If a longer period is required, an application for an extension must be made to the code Enfon:ement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the To of ens "~ ~ i ri106, 2007 ~~ ~~ SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. SAMUAL J WAHNON JR Director of Building & Code Enforcement Oa/Qa/2D07 wED 16:17 Fax 5187a5aa37 Community Development ~Qpl/041 ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~. ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ TO~~, ~ ~ ~ OFFICE USE ONtY • • .....• r . ................ t„f S7,(,olf r ,C i TAX MAP N0. PERMIT No. _ FEE PAID ; f ~OI~G ~~D ~ `uC7UL~ y ~ ~_ Permlggier, is hereby granted to the about! nartleq Applicerlt t0 demolleh the building(s) i ~ ~ , ~ f . , ~ described herein ae setfonh in theAppllCallon below, ~ ~ :. •1„ ;,~~{'"` -r „ ,. ~ ~r i ;i Dirador of eulWing 8 Codes Dale ; ; APPI,IGATIO~I FOR DEMOLTTION,PERMI7': FIII inapplicable spaces and submit two (2) plot plans, drawn to scale, showing lot boundaries with dimensions and adjacent roads /streets. Show all existing structures on the property and indicate which are to be demolished. Indicate on the plot plan the location of all utilities., APPLICANT/BUIL r+~R ~~ ADDRESS: __ 1 PHONE NOS. PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATION OF DEMQUTION: WHERE WILL DEMQLI710N MATERIAL BE QISPOSED? 9~ESTOS INFORMATION: ADDRESS: PHONE: ~ '~~ / Is then: any asbestos within the building to be demolished? YES N0~ / If YES, our office needs the following information: o Name of firm removing the asbestos:- ~~ o License number of firm: o Indicate where the asbestos material will be disposed: NOTE; A copy of Asbc~sios Remove! Reoorr must be filed wtth our office before dsmollNon begins. STRU FORM N; / Indicate Which structure(s) will be demolished: RESIDENCE- GARAGE: BUSlNE55 ~''~~ / Size of structure: ~ X ~ STORAGE BLDG. OT}IE~ ~~C" \ ~,y, ~ fl / Number of stories; ~ ~ ~""'" ~ / Foundation type. FULL CELLAR CRAWL SPACE SLAB ~ ~ /~~~~~ ~~JJ~' ~~',~.-~ i~~-d.XO UTILITIES INFORMATION: / Indicate utilities for this structure; GAS ELECTRIC, PROPANE / Foundation: WILL BE REPLACED WILL NOT ef_ REPLACEp~ / Structures(s): WILL BE REPLACED, WILL NOT B!" REPLACED PUBLIC WATER ONS17E WELL-WATER PUMP AUBLIC SEWER Have you notified the Town Water Dept. for public water and public sewer dlsconnect7 YE3~ N0~ / ~+~ Nave all utilities been disconnected: YES N0~ QUESTIONS T C/LLL 781.8$¢6 OR Eb1AlI, VISIT OUR YVE63lTE FOR MGRS INFORMATION SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT m"~'°"-b°'"''~ Town of Queensbury • Community Developn~nt Of j4ce • 742 Bay RoRCI., Queensbury, NY I2804 Sam ,Wahnon 2007-137 5_5 Warren Lane demolition/removal of mobile home @~~4 ~o~ ~~ ~ 8 ~ ~~~ ro~v~L~ ~. ~~~~~ Bu~~~r~v~;4.~,, r* ~QQ ~.Y E f,.,. t , l i. ~' , ~~ ~ o`l .~~ °' ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~ e G ~ ~-~- . i~~ ~~ ~, ,~ 1 ~ } ~ ~~ T ~~ •r P f ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ skis ~~q ~` a~_ 14 S'' U9N~/eN Lq>~ ~~ ~~~ FINAL INSPECTION AEPOQT MC>I~ILE / MOOUL.Ap Tt>Mm of Queer>sbury Building & Code Enforcen~tertt 742 Bay Rc~atd Uueensbury, NY .12804 (518). 761-8256 ARRIVE: '~ DEPART: ,. ~INSP: DATE INSPECTiQN REQUEST RECEIVED: NAME: ~ l~ Sl ~-~~ LOCATION: .~ ~ R ~~~~~ ~~~ DATE: _ l ~'C~ - t1,`~ PERMIT ~! ~=i:1.J_ )AtOHILE HOLE 11tOD>uLAit NO11tS POORIN(3S _ FO(INDATiON _ . Bd1CKF711.. _ ~tQ1~} N/A .YES NO 1. famdahon suppod, pier spacing per manuf . ..... ............... _ _ .... 2. anchoring per manuf . ............... _ - 3. water line shut off ................... _ -_ - 4. sewer line support ®4 feet ....... _ 5. hearing crossover (dblew-de) off grd. - _- _- b. dryer vented outside ..~ ................... _ 7. skirting ventilated ................... _ -' - 8. hot water relief valve piping outside _ _- _- 9. deck, porches, steps. railing ........ _ 10. furnace/hot water operating ........ _ - - 1 L garage fire proofing .................. _ - - 12. door closers ........................... _ _- --_ 13. plumbing fixture ...................... _ 14. foundation insulation (if appl.)...... - - 15. smoke detectors ....................... - - - 16. final electrical ........................ - - - 17. variance required ..................... - - 18. data plate okay ....................... - - - 19. mobile HUD seal okay .............. - - - Model ~ Serial # Manufactwer Date of Manufacturer OKAY YES NO (:omments: Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement - Residual F Office No. (518) 761-825+5 Date Inspection request received: ___^__~ Five: ~= L Inspector's Initi NAME: ~ ERMIT #; LOCATION: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: - DATE; _ Q~~^ ~~ -----_ Building Number /Add Yes No lei/A ress visible from road Chunne Hai t / "B" V / - ent Direct Vent Location Fresh Air Intake 3 inch Plumbi V h n ent t rou roof minimum 6 inches Roof Com late /Exterior Finish Corn late Platform at all exterior doors Guards at stairs, decks, atios more than 30 inches above ade Guard at stairwell at 34 inches or more Guard at deck, orches 3b inches or more Handrail Termination at Newell Post or Wall Interior/Exterior Railin s 34 inches to 38 inches Interior Handrails stairs 2 or more risers Grade awa from foundation 6 inches with 10 feet 6 inch clearance to sill late _ Gas Valve shut-off exposed /regulator 18 inches above grade Interior rivac /trim /doors /main entrance 36 inches Bathroom /Kitchen waterti ht Safe lzin /Window in stairwells safet lzin Interior Smoke Detectors; Every level: Every Bedroom: Outside every bedroom area: Inter Connected: Batte backu Carbon Monoxide Detector Attic access 30 inches x 22 inches x 30 inches hei ht in accessible area Crawl S aces 18 inch x 24 inch access, 1 s . ft.-1S0 s . ft. vents Bathroom Fans, if no window Plumbin fixtures Foundation insulation Floor truss, draft sto in finished basement 1,000 s . ft. Emer enc a ass below ade Gas Furnace shut-off within 30 feet or within line of site Oil Furnace shut-off at entrance to furnace area Furnace/Hot Water Heater o eratin Low water shut-off boiler Relief Valves installed /Heat Tra /Water Tem 110 Enclosed Stairs Sheetrock Underside minimum''/z" Gypsum Basement stairs closed rise > 4 inches Gars a Floor Pitched Gars a fire roofin /'/a hour fire door J door closer Duct work Sealed ro erl Gas Lo sin Sealed or Glass Enclosure Final Electrical Final Surve Plot Plan As Built S tic S stem /Sewer De t. Ins action Sticker Site Plan /Variance re uired f Flood Plain Certification, if re uired O Inspection -~ Comments ~ uA,~ o~ L:1Building & Codes Forms\Building & Codes~Inspection Forms ntial Final Inspection Form revised 100405.doc ~- /D ~/ Rough Plumbing /Insulation Inspectio sport Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection Queensbury Building ~ Code Enforcement Arrive: °_ p 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's In' ' PERbA'iT #: INSPECT ON: 0~ ----yam f Rou h Ptumbin Nail Plates ' Y N N/A I V ents in Place 1 'r4 inch i i m n mum Drain Size Washi M hi n ac ne Dram 2 inch minimum Cleanout eve 100 feet /than a of direction Press T t ure es Drain /Vent ' ad. 5 P.S . r 10 ft. above h' hest connection for 15 minutes re Test Water Supply Piping Air /Head 50 P.S.I for 15 minutes Insulation /Residential Check i Commercial Check T ek or Similar Exterior Sealant Pro er Vent, Attic Vent Door /Window Sealed No Insulation Duct /Hot Water Piping Insulation If aired unheated s aces Combustion Air Su for Furnace Duct work sealed roe / No duct to e COMMENTS: ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ Ql~` ~~~~~ ~ ~~~ Rough Plumbing Insulation Report.revised iuov 17 2003, wised February 75, 2005, revised January 7, 2008 'TYPE QF STRUCTURE: Framing /Firestopping Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspet~ion request received: Queensbury Building 8 Code Enforcement Arrive: _____am/lxn Depart: am/pm 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: ~~ PERMIT #: - ~~' / - LOCATION: INSPECT ON: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Framing Y N N!A Attic Acxess 22" x 30" minimum Jack Studs /Headers Bracing /Bridging Joist hangers Jadc Posts /Main Beams Exterior sheeting nailed propeiiy 12" O.C. Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. StairweNs 36 in. or more Exterior Deck Bracing Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Notches /Holes /Bearing Walls Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate 1% w 16 a e 8 16D Haas each side Draft stopping 1,000 sq. ft. floor trusses Anchor Bolts B ft. or less on center Ice and water shield 24 inches from wall Fire separation 1, 2, 3 hour our Firestopping Pen tort- ed 16 inch insulation in ca ' min. Garage Fire Separation House side'r4 inch or 5/8 inch Type X Garage side 5/8 inch Type X Ceilin II Windows Habitable Spaoe /Bedrooms 24 in. (H) 20 in. ~ 5.7 sf above /below grade 5.0 sf rade COMMENTS: ~ V r ,~x-r'r- ci^-~, ,_. '~~ ~~~~/1M~~ ~~ L:16uiiding & Codes Forms-OLD1Building ~ Codesllr~padion FamsiFrarrNnp Firestopping Ir~spec~on Fteportdoc Revi~sd January 7, 2006 ~-~o Rough 'I~ir~bing / nsulation Ins ection R p eport Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspecti r re ' Queensbury Building ~ Code Enforcement Arrive. ~'" rt; 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Initi NAME:~~~~~/~ PEI#IUIT #: ~7~ IOCATION:_~~ ost.Q ,~~~ r _ INSPECT ON: ~v , 2 -~--- TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Rou h Plumbin /Nail Plates Y N N/A Plumbin Vent I Vents in Place 1 %2 inch minimum Drain Size Washin Machine Drain Z inch minimum Cleanout eve 100 feet !than a of direction Pressure Test Drain /Vent Air /Head 5 P.S.I. or 10 ft. above h' hest connection for 15 minutes Pressure Test Water Supply Piping Air /Head r 15 minutes Insulation esidential Chedc /Commercial Check Similar Exterior Sealant Pro er Vent, Attic Vent Door /Window Sealed No Insulation Duct /Hot Water Piping Insulation If uired unheated aces Combustion Air Su for Furnace Duct work sealed roe / No duct to COMMENTS: ~~~- ~y~~ ~i^~ ~~' ~~~-` ~ ~a~~ Rough Plumbing Insulation Report.revised Nov 17 2003, revised February 15, 2005, r~evisad January 7, 2008 Framing /Firestopping Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection requ ei Queensbury Building 8~ Code Enforcement Arrive: t = z__~ a i 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: ~_. T~~_(-, L_~E>~1 PERMIT #: LOCATION: ~9 ~ p ~JC•t t ~\. C~ R~ i F INSPECT ON: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Y N N/A Framing Attic Access 22" x 30" minimum Jadc Studs /Headers Bracing /Bridging Joist hangers Jack Posts /Main Beams Exterior sheeting nailed property 12" O.C. Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Stairwells 3t3 in. or more Exterior Deck Bracing Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Notches /Holes /Bearing Walls Metal Strapping for Notct>es Top Pla#e 1 '/ w 16 a e 8 16D Haas each side Draft stopping 1,000 sq. ft. floor trusses Anchor Bolts 6 ft. or less on center Ice and water shield 24 inches from wall Fire separation 1, 2, 3 hour Fire wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firestopping Penetration sealed 16 inch insulation in cav' min. Garage Fire Separation House side'r~ inch or 5/8 inch Type X Garage side 5/8 inch Type X Ceilin II Windows Habitable Space /Bedrooms 24 in. {H) 20 in. (VV) 5.7 sf above /below grade 5.0 sf rade ~Q_ 8f~ COMMENTS: L:~Building 8~ Codes Forms-OIDIBuilding & CodesYr~specxion Fortr~lFtaminp F~stoppin~ I~podion Report.doc Revised Janwry 7, 2008 MLB CONSTRUCTION Fax:518 289-1652 Oct 17 2008 04:03Pm P002/OD7 ,i~r~~, ,. , --. .. ~iiVl~: k ~~iVu ~- b ~ : ~' ~ ~ ~ u'1"r"~~'~ ~~~ ~ i .. ~ ~x .. ii b~~ ~~ -, J ~ ~~ ,~ ~~_: _ _ 'k_~ .ter r i r ~ a7~t=.i~lB7N1 ~C~~~~ m1~"~QF[, ~d-`r ~ ~ if r i __ =- ~r -~ . _,~ 4~~ at'~I~~~ ~ ~ni~ i8J 3'73r8~1;J6` „ . ~ ,~ r r ~°~ : Ali yy r ~" ! I JJ ~~ '" `y:':l zf i _ ~ 4 V u R-a ~~ rni,AF~}~c~~xiti,~~~,` ~ ~~ „~~ <~~ ~h f, ~- I ,I ~. '' .w Eti . ttt t R'r. _~- ¢sci ~ Ill li4 i A r.. ~ .c'.>• ~~: t=~'~r t`ia~,i~oi~-Ptf~~ty~g~,~~f+e~.~~t#tcrn, ": ~~ ,, ~~ ~ , t~:~ yen, _ ~' ~ ~~~. '~ $ .~.. . ~il. I Prig _~ -. ..r• . F ~i[~ .~ t :~?~13] +tL*C~ r ..-_ _ «_ l i CPc _. ~ mil" rtt ~;,'-u~: thsc~ ~~; b t ~C•€'s`.c ~lr~ ~ ~- "~ ~ #7ktitAec~ t>t~ r -' ~r~ t'~c,~~B~trY~5ti I~ f1`il. r r F,~i71~ iF'.'~t~$a.~_f;ra.~i 14'd~'L~I.d`If yyyy ~,~ ><'`~ .. ~.~`l~~,o~_~ ~_.f'}'8e i S`~3i(C7L~F:~"4i'~"IT"~LTl itl~3p,7E~(;~~~}~j ~{]Y] - ~u~+;, ~o ~9s'1< ^'CCt.~ 1~QC1T:~5#,~Iift~. _ ~ ~~ ; ~~ a 'A'Sl` 1F~~jr"~.?ri~~ f'C'VCt+~f+~ Qr> ' E&dt-I4Sla $~ u'~`, as 5~ ~ ~ ~.T:~'C~e~~ ~;~~'~~~,~~r, ,mot ~ P ~~~ s~ hem ~e nak ~~ ir~e~~w~a.5t~~: ~cix,~~ I ~~~~. ~4~~~~ im a~.~ucrt this,aibd h~ stated a*~•1,~~.13kG ~ 6~~iSUx3~T ~~ ~4~~ ~ ,m,~Q . >a _ . ~a - ~i 4~~' Ull >~3 ~-;-~E~''+zr~77E~ i1115~,1i,~ ~AI~tS - nr [hti ~r~flz ~~'^d~t i~"~`'~~ SEk~`c~1~ tYr~ ~ t hQ it ri f ~ a n~~, ~~~ .~~a~ l`a~.ci#$'}}T_ W ~ tli.~~~ ~ ~2~1 ~t?C~CIGUS. ~e~_m IcrCrs~r° ~~3T~E~R f~~`3~z)~is~4t)~t9;mar..~~`#~~'~~~ty~°'!I-~ts~~r[it't~c a erg :~~:#hti: "~ 'iz1~~.57f1~'}d(d~,STU.(~~Y~h~ ~~~ iF".1~~~~'~~?}[CST` - ~ _~. f%X[Q[ ~ ~ ~~'~r ac~.taQnaf~bt~{ 7~;. toad. tisr~='i2xd dl~,tt lU~;:t"re'~~ ~k~tt, fns~al] ~-~~o~'fi2~ 'a~irf~ ~d?. ~1 t= ~ _ i ' r _ ' -"~' '.f ~ ~ ~ II t r"v~~d #h_ n~rx,cc .~ev~F~i`=~i'xi.~.nil c~~ '~~ ~~~ke ~s Ltt~r tiv7~,aE=s~~ If v ~~~ h x~ ~}~5r~cn~a, p~~aaY c~~n1~"~r1e. -, "~~~ !rah ~' "c,~z~ i~a . ,,,_ ~~;;,, n... _ ), i~' ~ ~ * ~ ,, w ~~ ~~~ ~ .~ _ i s , @. ,~ ., ' /.~' . ~. - .in of pl $ - - ~~' ~ y ~f I Ya.. .. ~~ b' a ~.: ... i., I ~1~,1 ~-' fit` ._ .. _.#r i - - - dx~ ~ `xd', ~~~x,• ~ I~ ~. ~ f ~. o ,~ ~~ .. ., ~I ,. ~.,; _ „ .. `,: ~, v,.~,, , ~ „r, .. . . , ,:-- ' ~ " ~h o -_ ~,f r~,~~~ d ~ ~ ~ i~ ul II r{ ~ ~.. ~ ~ ~{ ~~~ d u I , ,- I x~ ~a~ I, ~ ,r' ~ :x ~~-_ _ ,,; ~ ,: ~- h. ... ' ~, ~ m., - 7 .. ~~ u-ipd m = . i f ~° x,. .,. I ~... _ . _ 's Qty Y f ~~. ,.-,~ ~ I9 r ~., ~.~ ., ~~~: ,'I~~rs ~ r _ ni.rl' X14 _ kh' -. irl~~ ~. _ ._~ ,1. - A - .f I,.. ~~. MLB CONSTRUCTION Fax:518-289-1652 Oct 17 2008 O4:Odpm PODd/007 El~iG.iNEiwR1NG =FS1C. • ,'4 fM~ek:11-~fiiiaf~ Tr~nca 818 5oandside Rd i=demon, NC 27932 Ra: mlbgin~l The truss drawing(s) refereaced below have been prepared by 'Fuss Eng~neearing Co_ uxader my direcE supervision based on the paraxn,~ers~provided by Stock Building Supply-Schenectady, MY. Pages or sbeeb covered by Luis seal:ES0p8359 tl?rruP5008360 ~1' ]icen~e renewal date for t})te sfate of Nov 'F'ork is ,A,ugust 31, 2QD9. ~~~~ NFL ~ ~,~P ~~A~ ~r~~ ~9~ ~ a E. a a 1~ ~u• 671a~/Fi "`'r August 26,2008 St~yzewski, MaFVin one seal on these dtswlttgs ir-dicate acceptance ofpKafessionaI angine~g respoztsibiiity solely far the truss ca~poaents sbvwn_ 'lhe suitability aid use of Luis c~vmponcnx for any particular buiidang is the respons~-bility oftbe budding designer, ~ ANSt1TPI 2002 Aiaptex,Z. Etagiz~eetiz~g services provided by truss Bugincxrireg Company. MLB CONSTRUCTION Fax:518-289-1652 Oct 17 2008 Od:Odpm P005/007 ~ ~ ~ ~ u>w+~+ , ~ a ~ ~ aoa:aibl,g s~svw. ~a,a~omel, ~r Loos e.~os~pr2aomrrrekmaaseMC,~'ri.M,o~BOO~R~saooa v.gei w~ ~ . ~_n.n ~ a z-IF_~ 5T1J6 f13"FROOi4 RKKShtT END OF TRUSB. ATTACH Gll.R3ET3. 1xd = ~ = ilxM1 ii ~ II a 3 sa H~ cu r i4n~ RE3lIWE SECTION iND1CATl=D 8Y DASHED FINES. LUMSER AND CONNECTC+R PLATES T[7 BE CUi CLEANLY AND ACCURATELY AND T7iE RERQA-NING PUTS ldUST HE FULLY 17~i61=GD@D AND tHVD!$TURi3ED. scaq: siey~' ~ax4 u $'S = 7Rm~M£D ATTACH 314` PLWYDOD OR OS$ GUSSET {'13/32' APA RA'Z'ED SHFATHING4$/24 EXP 1~ ~ ~~ (S'OX •~2f PIAINLSHSCPPe~ ¢ Q FROiA~F./~CH FA At~1Dil~IABE`s~S. ea-8 Sb = TW~cD LOADING (psPj TCLI 40 o SPACING 2-0~ P C81 DEFL i0 (be) VeiG$ L/d . TCDL 16.0 lateeB~ctease 1.04 LumberlncTaaos 1510 7G os4 BC 0.54 vergtL) ~.ta S•7 Wr0(1~ .p 3p 6 7 >B12 >2 sao BGLL OA Rep 9lnass Ina YES WB O.A2 , . Har ~(T[ ) 0 02 8 B0 N 200 BCDI 10.o LUlIHER code IRC2006/FPIa0p3 (ONtOrs~ , , . a fVa PLATES GRIP AdTSO 19711aa WeI9hL' 35 ffi TDP CHORD 4 X 2 SPF 16SOF f.6E 9RAC(NG - 90T CHORD 4 X 2 SPF i~bOF f.bE TOP CHORD StrUCW[Bl ~wod staea@~iig drrealty ePPr+ed er&0.0 ee puditc, exeep! YVEBS 6 X 2 SPF SSUd erd vatieals, BOT CttORD lipid cediig dar'edl~ appretl or 10~0~0 oe bracs~B. REACTIONS [~~) 9=SB510.9.6, 8s587JNeG{IHt~I FORr,E'S (W) • NazAxur~ CarnpressloNOSax6mlm'fanslon 70P Cif 9.10.•i15~0, /-1Q~1iS10, cyC,~•{(L>pp, ~ 2i-7fq 2.5.-124210, 3•i47242/0, 4.6=Qlp HOTCIiORD 8~On2i2.7-B~Y1242, 6.7~1r'i078 iNEBS 46~f 164/0, ~ia28,o, 4.7f, 28~[Yf34, 3~ 3410 NDTE3 i) LhiGelenced floor five loads have been coneeaeled 1Gr bis desfpn. z) R®(er iv fli~dra(s) kor 41us m 7nms m 3~ Yhit fisss Is designed ie a~ccvrCetge wpt~ She ZOOG Ir~aratioE,a1 Residen5al Code sec~[oiss RSOZ 7 {,1 and 8902,10,2 and reFdeixrd t@snd9rd ANSUiPI 1. 4) ReeommerM 27a8 suagbacks. on edge, spamd mE 10.0-0 oe end 7Aate0ca to each euss,enTt, sled Haifa. svonflnedce to De eCaMeQ'b wells ed tleefr oalerdtds of reeU~iDed Dy other means. 5) CAVTIOIy E)o rmt ere4fnrs 4od~vrards. Loco CASE(S) Sta~aara QF ~~~~ J`~f.. STR~2 0,~~ z s,.`` a/.~ ~ 'vQ. 874aZ august 26,2008 !~&"` anrartxmwr. MLB CONSTRUCTION Fax:518-289-1652 Oct 17 2008 04:Odpm P006/007 ",-" Cl1TAND REMOVE b'!~CTJON it~IC/1TED 8Y oAStiEp LINES. H LUAA@F.it AND CONNIACTOR Pt.ATES 70 BE CL1T CLEANLYAND TELY ANO THE RElNAI7JlNG PLATE MUST t>i: FUCCY STUB 117° FROM RlctrF' Et~dD OF TRUSS. ENBE DEb AND UNQI8TUR8ED. sue= ~:us ATTACH GUSSETS, 2~-0 bs fi ~ _ ~ tY6 '- 2 3 X07 "" ~~~jin w~ o„ S 4 >.a.6 - --- ------^----~ LOADING (P~ TCLL 40.0 6PAC`!A!G 2~0 00 P~ss~*~ 1 C~ TC 0 34 DEFT. in [locy Ude! l10 PLATES GRIP TCDL 15.0 . Lumberinrreese 1.00 - 8C 0.30 VOA(I.l.) .0.05 Vert(FLJ .q 07 7B egg ~0 78 x9 IiAT20 697/144 6tCt3_ oo ~ 5trees Irrrf YES rib 0.28 , ,~~) o.a1 86 240 s n/a ~ actx 10.0 Code IRC2o0erFPrmo2 (Nroalxj Weight:27>k WAR TOP GH081) 4• X 2 SPF 1890E 1 5E BRAC1Nli . 130TCHORD 4X23PF1a50F7.5E TOP CHORO 9hvtlyr~ wood aheett~g epPtted a 688 oc -urgns, e>TOpt 1ArcES 4 X 2 9PF Sbd BOT CHORD ~d~~- Rigid oepin8 ~recAy applied or ! 40-0 oc brachrp. REACTIONS (IArakt~ B=~Sl~f03.8, 6nt~ FORGES (m). hfeximum Cow Terriion 'f~DP ChtORD 8~1sa0,1 9W.t31/D, dS~t30X1, 1-38/4, 2.3=.B~7ro, 3.4.o/v H~DT CWORD 7-S+OB27, &7-0f827, 5$-(kg2y WEBS 35--~Ofb. 2S=J7'8/9.2 7~f91, s~4r95 !'d(1TE3 1) lAfDale~ced Boor Five toads hAVe beer! eoets'detetl tar ttda design. ~ Idsterto ~rdar(s~iarvussf~ truss mtx+ee8mis, ~ T~ vusa !s in ACLVlrlartce rriltr the 2008 InOsmatbnal Residarsial CodO sedlons 8602.11.7 and 8.602.10? arrd rsiersrwed standard ANSNfPI 1, 4) Recarvnand JrS sgonghm#a, on edge, apecsC et 10-0-0 oc and fastared to emdr biiEe. YVAR S-iEid !tens. 3lronyOacF,a f4 Ee attached to walls at ttleir older ends or wed GSr oraler means. 5) CAUiIOTt, Do r+e! erect vase Cackfnmrda. wl-D CJISE{3) ~n~rQ o~ ~~ty y ~O 37~D2 August 26,20Q8 ~+~a~~ gs~~rass~sv.IV~sausxsrsarlnrx~imaem:mrRSrars~sras~a~~ra~po~r~rrss ~,m e,euo onywsi t.~eecw-mecio.x, Yhb daipRa bma6 oNpupai oarar~efassho.yn. ana,E wr anxk-.;cga bwr7Gnpoarmonorl. it ~ MCw7gi ponancraaa and proOrMoo~ooiaHa~ofoo'sy5orw0ti~ipptpD~l(y'WEUFS +~orar. nos tnecale~ec.8~adiv ~ho..n alpDwtolidFklud++gb stn ody. Atl~er,olfenpa,Qit~oi~ieur. ~1e63fX mrer~..esa~s9ee a~Mr. aam6onayemon«vax-~adaasweroFxnrsupme,onsspm~rumeae~,we. a~grnrapu~r~ca_~romr°dk" AIWLYMIiob aue6iraenEd 3yme_AaYw.v we..M,.,...,.e 1...-~--_Y.a ..w..m. ,.....~.~___ ___ ATTACH 3W' PLYVYppp OR OSg GUS6t="f (23!37` APA RATEIa SHEATti1NG gB/2a EXP t) ~ ' TO EACit SIDE QF TRU35 LVl7H CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ADHESIVE AND ONE RbW OF tOQ (3" X .131% NAILS SPACED 4' O.C. FROM EACH FACE IN ALL [y1EAN3ERS, ~uEa MLB CDNSTRUCTION Fax:518-289-1652 Oct 17 2008 Od:Odpm P007/007 } ~ ,~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 6 ~ ~' .err ~ O ~' '~ ~ ° ~~ m~ ~ ~s °` ~ ° `off ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ n s ~ ~~ aum o~ - T m mm !22kX~~~?? ~ a ~ o O ~ m ~ ~ n~ ~ ttf3 ~~ U~ ~m ,~~~ ~~ ~Q' c ?ASS ~ ~~ me cQ ~~ Q O° o p '$ ~~ ,=, C° Y7 p ° a'~ ~v ~~~ a aY~ ~ ~ ~a qua z°~- a _v o ~ ~a~ va 3 3 ~ ~S a~ ~ vtw ~?a ° ~~ ~ oce ~p~ ~igo$ ~~`o~ a ~~ a.~ ~ ~m o £ ~ ~'~ = o p ~ ail ~~°a ~ ~ °~m ~ ~$~ c m ~ ~b ~? ~ ~ ° ~ nm ~~ ~ ~~ ~ mg~ ~~ ~_~} o ~ ~a ~C~jS'„ ~_ ~ ,~ .Lyo ~ng~~ P ~~ ~~ „8a~ ~s ~gQ ~ g ~ ~0 8 ~~~ aim ~~ m~ f: ~ C N i~ 13.~ ~^ C~ 6 43 ~' '~ @ j,~m ~ H'm •o p0 ~~ '~ c,.l O 1r ~ ~ 0 ~ V ~,. 3i o p V ~ li m ~ a~ m_v .s`.~ cr a ^ = c ~ ° v ~ ~' . ~ O 'C r`3 E~ a~ ~vv ~i ~'~ ~£ ~ ~ v~ ao d~ 3s~ g~ ~~ c°~ ° ~ ms`` p ~ c° gg ~ ^ ~ 3`w a ~~,~ d< Q N l7 ~ `fS ~ ri ~ P ~ .- ~ ~ 4-r ~ ~ ~ ~ A O n C3NQH~ d01 v ~ Q ~ ~ .i.r 5` p w -, s n ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ~~ ume ~ °a ~ d ~ a o ~ 4 m N4 « O ,a m d w~ ~ r ya U O ^ a h < rF _. ~: O ~ ~ Y O '~~ n~ Q ~ ~°;~~ a G'I W a ~, ~ z ~ ~ ~~ ate. u ~ _~ e _~ ~ ~~m~~ ..- ~~~ Cem ~ Il.l ~pP iO ~' y1ri~~ll p 22 p ~ Ord d (U) fe~G t'~ ~ ~ ~ v~ C T L 2 ~ ,~ ~ CEC;I ' O ~ _~ ~ GAY 6 ~ j H O C~ 6 Q~~ ~ ~• ~ o~ ~_ Y ~ ~H „~ m o U o~d ~ ~ ~~~ Q O q ~ ~ c O.~ m ~ ~~ c V C~ ~ ~-~N ~ 4 h Q ~y~p~ ~~ ~~ ~ .~2 a E~~ Q~~c~~-~ o~vmm as~v c.~=H ~~a ~ ~~~a Win- a~oro ~'d~ ~R 0 aC•~ ~2,• rop' ,~ ~ [TOi ~ ~ myw ~ 'a~~ m g~b~ `i'~'CI a~ O `m~c~7 x O GSQy ~:~ ~ ~„~~ Q ~''~" ~ ~`y ~~ ~aL7p Z m~._Q.G _ .. c M~ ~~- a m~.xs Qcs'~ ~mc~up~ to = UODQO w ~~ s myV ~ V r~-~34~ ~ ~~flS ~ y~~ g0'~C30°~~ _ ° ~u Q ~.~v O o a V a Q ~' ~ ~~,~, ~ a .Q U ~ a'o w ~ ~asn~L9=U r v ~ ~ z y• ~ ° ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ to S `~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N °- ~ as ~ ¢ [~ m