1973-01-03 QUEENSBURY PLANNING. BOARD MINUTES MEETING-JANUARY 3, 1973-7 :00 P...M.. QUEENS BURY TOWN OFFICE Presiding - J:'. Arthur Norton Present - G~ Mellon, R. Monahan, R., Kirkpatrick, R" Roberts, J.. Sinnott Guest .. G. Liapes - - ~ - ~ - - - - - - .. -- '. ~ - ~ - - - .~ - ~ - - -."~' . - - ~ - EXECUTIVE SESSION J 0 Approved minutes of previous meeting~ 2~ Public hearing òn Charles Maine sub-division" Tabled until next months meeting1' Maine will' try to find . out about changes in the danger~ussectio~ of9L:> Several .res.~dents . . of that area attended and voiced their opinions on traffic'· conditions and problems.. Motion'made by SinD:0tt .~nd·second- . ed by Monahan 0 . . 3..· Variance 1274 - Harry La FHnn - ~eadowbrook Road ..' tabled" Norton appointed Mellon and Roberts to inspect the prop~rtyo : Applicant wishes to have a real estate office. and food· market 0 Motion by Sinnott and seconded by monahan 0 40.·...· variance #276 - Que.ensbitry Mat:'ke't: - Avi.ation Ro~~ .~ ·r~co"'erid . disapproval to erect a s~gn a£t~r per.mitJ;1ad ~n'l 'out and was " t.old not to put it upo Motion by Sinnott and seCQnded by Roberts 0 (Mellon desented) . So Variånce #277 - Humble Oil Company, Main Street J We.at Glens Falls to change wording .00 two f~ee standing sign~' ft-<>mE8so to ExxOn - recolIIDend approval 0, Motion by Sinnot·tandsec- onded by Mellon 0 . . : : 60' Special Permit #38 .. Bray Oil Company - Dana" S.. Br._J', Rt" 9 recommend approval for gas station in a proposed mini-mallo Mati,on by Sinnott and seconde~.. by Mellono 7. Woodlawn Sub-division Sect.ion #4 -7;'7,1 gave prelininary app- roval- ¥Dtion by Mell~ 8~d secOnded by Bob Kirkp~tric~o 8.. .can terliUry Woods Ph&se· II ga'"e p:reliminary·appro~a.:t~>,-~.tion by Bob Kirkpatrick and 8t!c~ðe~. py Dick Roberts" :'~nahan . wa8opposed" . ~ '. '. 9" Lake Sunnyside Estates tIDe" .. .2'2 . lots - #}'p73 we ~illhold a Public hearing at our next regular meeting Feb%'UiE'1,7th·.. 10. Mountain View Sub-division #7..69 .. gave 'final approvalo Motion by Kirkpatrick and seconded' by Roberts" January 3 t 1973 meeting of the Queensbury Planning Board Ne?¡;t regular meeting February 7th, 1973 at 8:00 pomo - adjourned at 11:30 p.mó Gilbert C. Mellon, Secretary Queensbury Plann1-ng Board