1973-02-07 EXE QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD MEETING MINUTES February 7, 1973-7:00 p.mo QUEENSBURY TCMN OFFICE BUILDING Presiding: Pr(~sent : J. Arthur Nor ton Go Mellon, Ro Monahan, R. Kirkpatrick, R. Roberts, R6 Buckley EXECUTIVE SESSION :~1ií'1utes approved 0 Discussed Maine Sub-division to some lengtho Art Norton read letter from Charles Riekert (Warren Coo Planning Board Chairman) on Signs in the town v Our new o"t'dinance when passed will take care of signs" Talked over Variances and Special permits. J, Arthur sent letter of thanks to George Kushner for his many years as Chai~-man of the board 0 Read a letter from J 0 David Little regarding Land 1'0' Pines sub-divisiol1 He states the developers could put in these roads at their own risk before being approved" .10 David Little was asked if the Planning Board can turn downs sub-division if all requirements are done 0 He says rIO we can' to Adjourned to regular meeting at 8:0S.p.mo