1973-03-07 -: ¡ .... , QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING - MARCH 7, 1973-8:15 p.m. QUEENSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING Presiding-J. Arthur Norton, Chairman Present-G. Mellon, R. Monahan, R. Kirkpatrick, R. Roberts, R. Buckley - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - REGULAR SESSION Approved minutes of previous meeting. Motion by Roberts and seconded by Kirkpatrick. Public hearing on Ridge Knolls, Section 2, Dean Howland. Also Public hearing on Rainbow Ridge; Section 2, Robert Ledda. Both Robert Ledda and Dean Howland gave their opinions. Public hear- ing closed at 8:30 p.m. Tabled decisions until our executive session which will be after our regualr meeting. Ridge Knolls Subdivision Section 2, gave preliminary approval- _ stated that we want Health Department approval, Town Highway approval, and also need Street Names. Also that no principal buildings built on rear lots 36, 37, 38 and 40 within 15' of tree line. No undesignated lots within the project. Rainbow Ridge Subdivision, Section 2 - request revised drawings. Motion to postpone decision until we have a study of how proposed roads into Mud Pond road. Two middle roads should be eliminated. Lake Sunnyside Estates Subdivision - Gave preliminary and final approval. Bob Kirkpatrick gave reluctant approval. Buckley said Monahan wanted to go on record as being very much opposed. Butternut Hill Subdivision - Gave preliminary and final approval with the exception of lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. 18. 25, 26, and 27 as stated in the Health Department letter of March 5, 1973. Bob Monahan goes on record as being very much opposed. Buckley made the motion for approval. Roberts seconded it. Variance #282-Albany Public Market-Disapproved. This is con- sistent with our recommendation on Variance #187-April 7, 1971. We feel the hardship stated is self imposed, as they, Albany Public Markets. have control of the sale of the land to Albany Savings Bank. Buckley made the motion. Roberts seconded it. Variance #283 - William L. Graves - Roc khurst - Clever dale , New York. We feel that this is not a proper location for having horses. Disapproved. Kirkpatrick made the motion and Mellon seconded it. ,. Variance #284 - George R. Nelson - Farm-To-Market Road - Glens Falls. Recommended disapproval. We feel a used car lot is not appropriate to this part. Roberts made the motion, Kirkpatrick seconded it. Variance #285-Recommended approval as st~ted. Motion made by Robert Monahan, seconded by Ray Buckley. ' ..... . Page 2 continued - Queensbury Planning Board Minutes-March 7, 1973 .... ,.. - Regular Session Variance #286-Finch Pruyn Sales, Inc.-Quaker Road_Glens Falls, N. Y. Recommended approval for a sign 126 sq. ft. on Lafayette Street. On Quaker Road one sign at 84 sq. ft. and one a 126 sq. ft. Motion made by Monahan, seconded by Mellon for approval. Recommended approval for Canterbury Woods, Section 2. Final approval. Water Department says everything is O.K. Motion by Bob Kirkpatrick, seconded by Dick Roberts, for app~oval. Adjourned - second Executive session at 1:00 a.m. Next regular meeting on April 4, 1973 at 7:00 p.m. Gilbert C. Mellon, Secretary QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD GCM/pej ,.