1973-10-03 f'\o.Y\"'\~a t3J, µ"w.~ ~. ,q . j'JOvto"" QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD MEETING QUEENSBURY TOWN OPFICE BUILDING' .. Ĺ“TOBER 3, 1973 Presiding: J. Arthur Norton, Chairman Present: G. Mellon, Secretary, R. Roberts, S. Richardson, R. Kirkpatrick Guests: G. Lispes, H. Boynton RegU¡~ÖOMp~~~ng 1. Motion made .a1id seconded to app:r:ove minutescR previous meeting. 2. . There was no appearance for Balley-Jennejahn'Subdivlsion #7-73. There was no action taken at this time. 3. ,There wasno'appearancefor Sherman Acres, Prank Pulsifer #8-73. No' action was taken' on this subdivision at this time either. . . 4. Clendon Ridge, Subdivision of Demetrius Vamvalis, was introduced to the Board. Public hearing was set for the next meeting, November 7,1973. Mr..Vamvalis appeared. 5.. Opened public: he.aringon No:r:thwest. Village, West mountain Corp.#lO-73. Mr. Mike BrandtanøTonl ,McCormack appeared.. Preliminary approval was. granteð,andfurtheJ: plans 'needed are: 8 copies of plans for the Board t s use, State. Health ,Dept.. approval, T own Highway Supt. app:roval, cômments of. th'e Soils Conservation Service to be followed. Also, that the Highway Supt. treat this with proper 'respect with ec.ologyandvacation·type of subdivision. Tt)e Board ,recommends . 'a'copy of roads be sent to Carl Garb, Highway Supt.· p:ublic hearing .. was closed~' . 6. . Under neW bUsiness:.,'1.a.fiance #325, Star Mote.:!. (S,chwartz) Lake George .Rqad- to place asWlmming pool. in the fXQnt yard in lieu of the :r;ear yard.,,~;wàsdi~8pptoved with the foll:oWing. comments: As. to TOWnPlannirig ~ poolsh()uld be in the rear·yard.. .. . 7 ". Variance #326 .. Svelyn Benack,,19Glenwood Avenue, to place a dancing schoqlin a . converted garage on her property: was 'granted a'pprpval, with comments: One y~aX' period for:r:ealistic· evaluation. . . . 8..·· Variance. #3?7. Towne Måx-ine, 692 Upper GI'el,St., fo:r'boðt sales and repair serv1.ce on the property. Approved, subjèctto following stipulationsl' :nove~icles displayed forward . of th~ front setback of ,the build ng to the immediate south of the subJect property.. 9. V~:z;'iance #328... West M9ÚntainSales, Inc.- Claude Brandt, Pres. '(Enlargement) Recommend approval with no comments. Mr. Brandt appeared. IO.Sp'èctal Permit #46,Cli:f'ford B....~ith~m, Jr, .. to continue nlé1rina and rea! est.ate off~ce()n the property .atLake Shore Drive: ReçommendapproV'al to~o~ing B'oard~to inves'tigate as to author! ty ·of.the Adirondack Park Agency. Recommend approval subject to prior committménts. Motion entertained to adjourn. November 7, 1973. The ne,,. t regula:r:lyscheduled meeting is Respectfully submitted, Gilbert C.. Mellon.. Secv.