1973-11-07 4.·' J J: II. ¡Jo r to"" QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD MEETING QUEENSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING - November 7, 1973 Presiding:.......]. Arthur Norton, Chairman Present:........G. Mellon, Secretary; R. Roberts, S. Richardson, . R. Kirkpatrick, J. Sinnott. Guests:.........H. Boynton, W. Miner . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e, . . . .," . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /I ... 1.. Regular Meeting 8:18 P.M. and seconded to approve minutes of the previous 2. Motion was made mèeting~ , The public, i)earing opened on subdivisio #11-73 Clendon Ridge,. owned b'y"Jaunes Vamvalis. Mr. Vamvalis ap re ai$ did'John VanDusen, who commented on lots locat.ed along the top of the bank. The Board, discussed the soil conservation comments regarding the severe erosion. sewage disposal problems, and preservation of Clendon, Brook area. Mr. Don Clements questioned the Bo·ard 'and Mr. Vamvalis, who ~xplained the plans to him. The results,of the ublic hearl,ng were as discussed in the E , n:' re J.n ry as gJ.venf $ub ect to Town Highway approval, street 'names, copy of restrictive covenants,'and inth~covenants some way of protecting and preserving Clendon Brook v.r11d lands. 3. Northwest Vìlla,ge -7. Mike Brandt appeared. Discus'sedthe s;tuationö'f ,keeplngroåds priyâ~e and r.eserving the right to ð,!\ed the 'roads ove:r.:1;o the Town '.when own'er\yishes.The'roaqs are not 'surfaced, just graded. ·.to be maintained by:oWpér. Dls- cu~sed area ,of drainage. of surf~ce water, soil corise~,vation. Town Engineer Ray Buckley explained roads are acceptable as to nlateria¡s~· grade, l:>ut have to beçlearedfull 50 feet 'to be accepted . Mr. Brandt wishes to. clear only . 2 . fe with a '., hot theful.l 50 feet, Granted final. approval it\. Execui:ivesessionsub ec . ..0 ~a ept . approval, restrictive covenants, arid a copy of portion. of deeds regarding owne:r.:ship of còmmonlands, which 'ini tself allows the rb.ads to bekeptpri vate.. , ' " Evergreen Subdivision, . 12-7sectlon 3 (original-#6...69)H~nry . Sleight was represented y G.Gordon Davis. Since Mr.Sleightt s original ,suþdi vision wå s approved, four. years have. lapse,d ... 'and this section must begin by. being subject ,to a publicheariog, which "w.as set for the next regular meeting, December 5, 1973.Three Board members will. look as site, S. Richardson, G.. Mel]¡on, ~r. Sinnd:t. Health Dept. questions ability to provide proper amount 'of water to residents, Mr.. Davis explained, but there sþould be ~hOU9h water for 25 houses at thè time the houses are completed. Filt~ati . ant will be ine£fe~t in future and can handle it. Te oard state may conS1 eX' ns p ..' ate nex log subject t'o: Highway Dept.anci Waterpept. approval, restrictive covenants,: Soils CQnse~vation Servic . report, copy ofvariante . from EnCon,· Healt.h Dept. a proval. iscµs· . ono sewage " on op n on a eal th Dept. opinion,. Mr. Boynton will send a copy of subdivision. map to S.C.S. (Chàrles..Màine) It was also noted that Robert Eddy, Chairman of the Beautification Commi ttee~ was intë~.es:ted inthè pL.:ns for this sectlon. Continuation. óf Minutes of November,regular meeting, Queensbury Planning Board.. 5. Pickle Hill Acres, ,#6-73. Ed Grar;1t.. Mr. Gr.ant and Danlel Grant, his son" wer~present. Section 2 was approved 1n writing by the / Adirondaçk ,Park Author! ty t and all otherrequiremer\tS\f;lere received. M()tion made bI Sinnott, seconded, by Robert.s to grant f.inal approval for seeton 2(12 lots) Séven (7) prints are needed.. . .' . . . .' . . .. , 6.' 'Var:tance'#329- Alex Muratori,' Jr. - fora restaurant, office and shOwroom ft'irfuture wood-treat.ment plant in a Mo.I Zone on Quaker Road - discussed 1<)9 piles and milling onpropertYf' office and restaurant ,( manufacturing and co~ercial) in same building. .sÜggest Zoning Board'secure opiriiøn from Town Atto~ri~y. Also di scussedsource of· heat (propá;ne gas) non-discernible vapor ém~ t ted'from: cirying the wood. ,Mr,.·· Murato:ri.éxplained the restauran t was suggested to him as a pr~ctic~l use for the building on Quitker Road.. Hearin9 .,'wás then tabled forEJ(ècutivesessiön~ M9t,ion mad~,by SinnQtt. seconded'byMellon .to recommel'1d di!¡appröval ;l$'tbe Board finds that restaurant is notpermittedinánM-l Zone and no hardship,or practical difficulty has been shown~·The Board suggests that ·:l;oning change' pe made. ' . . . 7. Vari.ancê·#330. . Guy·· Damiano-to place an. addition closer than the r~quired ·setbacks ·ón,thepro~)G~i'ty, at Rockhurst. Mr.. Damiano did not,appe~r.In tileabsenceþ,fthe. apP,licanty ·'the , variance was ta'ble.â..· '~,n Exec'~t$.ve sessloJ},~ ma~J.on ,made by Kirkpatrick, s.conded'by Itichê1;rdsoF\ to retø.end disàþproval as no· practical ·'plfficulty hëis been shown. , . ... ,. .,. . . , . . 'Ya~iance#33lt Ronald, qrlmes-t~ ,ènlarge l'\ofl,-confo:r:Ç1~n9use. ie 9(i,rageâdditlon to h.~us'e con$tJ;~c.'tion equi.Þment. M:r"G1:'j.me,~ ,ªnsweredquestlonsfJ;~lDthe Board.Motio~: made by?innott. . .s~cQnded by a.oberts to' ·recotTlnt,ndapprova¡ .(No Cormnel'lts) : V~'riance #332" Bromleytmports,'Inc. -t()plétceariõddition less than the required ··set back$,on·.Upper Glen Street. .Mt.,J()hn, McAndrews'represented Bromley Isppor.tsand .'exp1ain.ed,t;he, addition will be no:çlós,er tbantbe original building to the.treet., Pàrking wll1,bélnth.~rear.Mot~,onmade by Kirkpatric~, seconded . by' Robertstô 'recommend ·approvå:r ,With no·· comments. 8. , . .9. , . . lO.Va:r1ance #333. Barry Cònv~rse .. to place'a Trailer' CÔ4rt ònthe p:coQerty.situated off Burch Road (Warren Lane) the.f'ormer Una. and ·Warâèi- Burch,subdiv1sion (proposed). Mr. Converse app~aredand answered questions. The Board discussed such,potentialproblems . as public ,roads, Mr. Converse ,wants to maintainpX'~vater6ads, J.~obil Home.. Court reg\Jlðtlons afidrequirements (55 lots). Tabled . for Executive' 'session, IIlotionmade by. Sinnott,seconded by Richardsontoreèommenddisapproval, as the board finds a self- imposed hardship, also not in the proper zòne. ,. . ll.Våriance#334, Richard -'. Pingêl,.' jr..- to place a free~standin9 sign on thepropertYi;ltdcornex-of Bay Road, and Rout,e149. ... The fjigncánnot mee~setbacks, also in C-l Zone. Motion made . by Sinnott, s'econded by Richardson to recommend approval without comments. The nextregu,larly$cheduled B.oaX1:! meeting 'is Decembé:t'5. 1973. iJ..': -' v' RespectfullY. submfttedt ~L1~6~~ ~_ _Uð~1ðft_ S~rv_