1974-02-06 1. QUtEdSBuRl lL/JJNING BOf."RD MII\UTES QUEENSBù'RY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING - FEBRUARY Presiding. . . . J. Arthur Norton, Chairman Present _ . . . . G. Mellon, Secretary, S. Richardson, Guest . . . . . . H. Boynton _. ~ .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Regular Meeting - 8:00 P.M. Variance ~342~ ,Tê.Y Wassel - to place a mi~.:ed occupancy .þuildlng'· 1 commercial and residential) with a 20 ft. front setback in;1Ïl~eu of the required 50 ft. on the property 51 tuated at East Sidê-i9f'" . Route 9. Recommend approval of this Variance on motion by R,o};>erts. 5:co~ded by Richardson. Motion carried. Recommend appr<?v.¡:¡!w.;for~~"¡ tne 20 ft. setback inasmuch as it would create a harclship on~':the applicant since he has alreé'dy installed the foundationof;;thé '. building, having gone throuc:h the Lake George Planning Boarcl:.'feeling. that his land wãs in Lake Gèorge. It Vias fe! t that there -wóûld.'~.?:,!;. probably be no real problem with traffic. As to the mixed'~occupandy' of the building we will again recommend approval as this isa~art of' the same variance. Inasmuch as there is an existing private);"(fwelling near by we can see no real· problem here ~nd people llving.,;~lj,ë:se might be of some benefit. We also qucst~oned another part,~"gf~the Ordinance which says that there should not be. more thanÒº~ll~'> principal building on a zoned lot. We see thJ.s as a moot'p~Q!Ðt.) a s all "that would be needed here would be to combine th~se,.:t~~o .. buildings and he cöuld accomplish the same thing, sinc~. tn' '~are .legal structures in this zone. . ',' <)'~'~"" " , ,'_ " ' , " , ," ,_ . :; , ',' "',. "" " .', ' '_ ' ,.~':' ,i. ::' ',,: ,,',,' :' V~~ance #343. Wal tar Loett€~.Èi. (~Ç.hn Mason) - .t. 0' PlaCe.·.. "8...... ...,..,"............ ..'.'. 23 ft7"front setbôc:k in lieu 0 t c required 30 ft. on th, p~rty':;;:1 $i tuated at RockhurGt Road . RecoImnend approval of this ,~i~,wl~lrJ apparantlynot be ~ny clo$erto the road than the other·~I"M",F..,J19,7}š·,;:~~':,',:;! structures along this road. . Also, we f~el thls should go;;~!tere.:,¡!I;,t'.,¡ the Adirondack Park AgencYê; S it seems "'0 be under thelr'jpr .... dictlo!!., , as an expansion of an existlng building. .The, $etba~keho~, ··C?t,!>.f '<.f any closer,to the property line then Coval's which 1.S adj,!, ..', '.1. the south or Roemer which is two lots north of this prope there are other pì:'cperties in the area that have less set, Motion for approval by Roberts, seconded by Mellon. Ric:Þ" abstained Norton voted in ~~greement. Did not have a'quo but will to the of the Zoning Board of Appe . ., "'l~T';,; ¡,. 2. ,. .,' ..~ ,.,'1 ¡:~¡ ::"",:::_:'),,~~,::": ,'~:: '