1974-04-03 ;,...o""~ JEENSBUHY ·0· [ j',~E S'T I NG - '-'¡ .~ QUEENSBURY Ta~~JN OFFICE BUILDING APRIL 3, 1974 Presidingooooocoo..J. Arthur Norton, Chairman Presento.,...o.oo....G" Mellon, Secretary; R. Kirkpatrick; R. Roberts; R. Monahan; S. Richardson Guestso...o.o~o"......G. Liapes, H. Boynton o . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 0 . . . . . . . 9 . . . . 0 . . ~ ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Regular Meeting - 8:08 P.Mo 1.. Motion made to accept minutes of March 6, 1974 meetingo 6arriedo 2. Woodbury Lumber Subdivision~ West L10untain Road - Public Hearing. Michael Woodbury, J. B. VanUusen and Town Engineer, Ray Buckley appearedQ 24 lots submitted - soil conservation report received - drainage was discussed - City right-of-way for water mains discussed. 30 Sherman Acres SUbdividion, Frank Pulsifer, South Sherman Avenue West of Pasco Avenue" Letter of approval received from Carl Garbo Recreation area discussedQ Suggested association of individual house owners share. Health Department approval :received. Review by Soil Conservation re~eived. Motion by Roberts for final approval seconded by Kirkpatrick. Carried. Clend.9~ Ridge S~bdividion, D. Vamvalis .;, 49 lots Sherman Avenue west of Burch .,,', Highway and Health Department approval submitted. ¡,lotion by Mellon ,seconded by r.lonahan for final approval 0 Carried. Bailey-;Tennejahn Subdivision - 32 lots N. Sherman Avenue west Pasco Avenue. Highway, Health Department and deed covenants submitted. Uotion by Kirkpatrick seconded by Richardson for final approval. Carried. Ledda Subdivision, Rainbow Trail, Jenkinsville - 22 lots George Kurosaka presented plansQ Public hearing tentatively set for May 1, 1974 subject to approval of Queensbury Town Board and Queensbury Town Attorney. Rezoning Kostechko property, Weeks Road from C-3 to R-5 Gary Watkins of Landco Services, Inco, Eo Champagne and Robert Lever appearedo 100 tovmhouses for individual ownersh:tp vJi th :lndividual sept5.c system for each ovmero Motion by Hoberts seconded by Richardson to reco~~end approval to Town Boardo Carried. Variance #345, Stephen Letizia, Corinth Road - to construct a motel complex and place an oversized sign on property at Corinth Road. Case Prime appeared representing Chalet Susse International, IncQ Discussion of oversized sign with price on it. Recommend approval be granted for use of this site for a motel and a sign no larger than 50 sq. ft. and 50 ft. in height. 4. 50 6. 7.0 80 \ . Queensbury Planning Board Meeting - April 3, 1974 Page 2 10. Variance #347, ~ario J. ~igliore - to place a commercial office building in a R-3 and R-4 Zone and right of access to Quaker Road on property at the Corner of Quaker and Meadowbrook Roads. Felt that this is not in the best interest of the Tovm in good planning as this is a non-conforming lot and set backs could not be met. There should be a 50' buffer zone at the rear of the property since this is against residential property. Motion by Norton seconded by Richardson to recommend disapproval. Carried. Variance #348, Norman Uarincic, West Mountain Road - to use one apartment of a two apartment building for a real estate office in R-3 Zone, along with an identifying sign. Motion by Kirkpatrick seconded by Roberts to approve this variance. Carried. 11. Variance #349, Lake George Travel Trailer Park - for an enlargement of a non-conforming use on the property situated on Farm-To~~arket Road. Motion by Roberts seconded by Kirkpatrick to approve this variance. Carried. 9. 12. Special Permit #50, Zayre of Hew York, Inc. for renewal of a Special Permit on the property at Zayre Shopping Center, Route 9. Motion by Mellon seconded by RobertsSrto r(ecommend approval. Carried. Zoning Board is to verify that the requirements of the Beautification Committee have been complied with. Respectfully submitted, Gilbert Mellon, Secretary