1974-05-01 QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD MEETING QUEENSI3URY TCXVH OFFICE BUILDING - r..'lAY 1, 1974 Presiding............J. Arthur Norton, Chairman Present..............G. Mellon, Secretary; R. Roberts; S. Richardson; R. Monahan; R. Kirkpatrick Guests...............G. Liapes . . . . . e- . . _ . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regular Meeting - 8:07 P. M. 1. Approved minutes óf April 3, 1974 meeting. 2. Behrens, Durante, Riffe Subdivision - submitted to Department of Health for review. 30 REZONING - Albany International Corporation - to rezone 2 areas, 11 acres on Quaker Road from R-4 to M-1 and Ridge Road from M-1 to R-4. Uotion by Roberts seconded by Uonahan to recommend approval to Tovm Board. Carried, unanimous. 4. VARIANCE #35l - William E. ~right III, Sunset Lane, Assembly Point - to place an addition l3 ft. front setback in lieu of the required 30 ft. Amended application to 19 ft. front setback. Motion by Mellon seconded by Kirkpatrick to recommend approval. Carried. 50 VARIANCE #347 - IJario J. Migliore, Corner Quaker and Meadowbrook Roads - to place a commercial office building on Quaker Road in R-3 and R-4 Zone, right of access to Quaker Road and waiver of f~ont and rear setback requirements. Uotion by Mellon and seconded by Kirkpatrick torecD\r:lcmd approval. Board felt property unusable as residential. Motion carried. 60 VARIANCE #35~: - Glens Falls Commercial Properties Development Corporation, Upper Glen Street - to place non-conforming signs. #352 (a) Motion by Kirkpatrick seconded by Richardson to recommend 200 square ft. maximum on the facade of the Darker Department Store. Carried. #352 (b) Motion by Richardson seconded by Honahan to recommend approval as Board believes sign can be conforming. Carried. #352 (c) tlotion by Richardson seconded by I<irkpatrick to recommend approval as Board believes sign can be conforming. Carried. ' 7. VARIN~CE #351 - Edward N, Lindstrand, Cor. Boulevard and Belle Ave. - to establish printing shop in the front of warehouse building. notion by I<irkpatrick seconded by Roberts to recommend approval. Carried. Board feels this will be a less non-conforming use and will enhance the appearance 'of the building. Respectfully submitted, Gilbert ~ellon, Secretary