1972-04-29 LETTER ,I '. F~sitiOD Statement Su~mitted to Town of Queensbury Planning Board On St-..turday ) April 29 t 1972 I) concerned area residents met to express their conceJ:n for preservation of wetland. within tbe Town of Queensbury, specifically the Dunham's DaYt Harris Bay and Warner Bay wetland complex on Lake' George and t?¡e Glen Lake wet- lands 0 While those gathered respect, the need for residential and ~oamercial developmene-'in Queen.bury, it was '" tbe coø.sensus. of opinion that the .T~WJ;1 Planniwc B~ard bè urged .~o take notice that the~e wetlands; .,," ': ,,' , : 10 t,~ .: .' . . '. ' ~. . . "'. ,. areofout8t~!1~ng,: edùcationa-l. sC~~~,i,flc and scenic value,."""':,,, 1. . . " '. . '. - . ~ . " 20 provide:cri~1c~( habitat ,for diver~.'~~ '~~dant pOPUlati~~'~7f~,~Þ and wildlife , ' 30, are ',the princlpl~ ::spawning and nursery areas for the young of a$v,eral important,spe~1..' of game fish in eacb1ake ,i .';, ,:,,:í,,,,, ' . . ~ ; , f.. . . ~ : 40 are purported.,'to 'eontain plant ¡md:.iaìal s,peeies which are eithe~ 1:"a~e~or endangereci' ",: ;;: : < : .", . So are the baslsQf,,.,upport for variouafo~ ,øfoutdoor recreation. including hunting and fishing,nature studY9 sight seeing anðcanoeing , , " 60 .. . - . - ,. are a natural resource and. ther~f()re.. 'the,¿'l:ed.! 'I.; ,~' '. economy is\) in, part)) either directly or ind:í.:r:ec~lyd<3p_Øt\(1en~. ',' upon them represent fragileecosyst,ems which can 'easily be disrupted 0 70 Upon reviewing on8oútg and proposed development proj ects and the threat to the'wetlands, it was felt by those assembled that develop-c!ent, of tbe wetlands will, constitute'8Q irrevocable loss to the people of the cOlllllUnity!) county and régionand of countless generations to follow" As such.. further development of the wet.. lands should be discontinued" Recognizing tbe unique and irreplaceable value of these wet- land areas we respectfu'lly urge the Qu.eensbury Planning ,Board to design land use controls which reflect the goals for wetlands preserva tion 8S outlined by ~~_Y...9.:!U_t:.!.t;.!_J}j!.!!!~R..~~1:...~1:- which are 8S follows: - To protectonooothose wetlands with significant fish9 waterfowl and wildlife habitat, natural vegetation2t outdoor recreational and ecological values~ ,.--............. .. To protect wetlands and floodplains forme> 0 0 0 oincompatible useso - To designate and protect significant wetlandsb including: inland fresh water areas (seasonally flooded basins or flatsg fresh water meadows~ shallow and deep fresh water marshes!'J open fresh water f shrub and wooqed swamps and bogs)" Respectfully submitted By Neil E (I Needleman for Concerned Citizens