1975-02-05 <,~, nUEENSI3URY PLANNING 'BOARD r.Ĺ’ETING QUEENSBORY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING - FEBRUARY 5, 1975 Preslding...................J. Present.....................G. R. Guests......................G. Arthur Norton, Chairman Mellon, Secretary. R. Roberts, Kirkpatrick, S. Richardson Liapes, H. Boynton R. Monahan, . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l. 2. Regular Meeting 8:06 P. M. r.Unutes of January 8, 1975 meeting approved. Re-zoning - John Ku~ricky and Sons~ Inc. - Bay Road-Everts Avenue.. Rezone from M-I and ~-4 to tl-2. 80 people were present for this rezoning. l4 lettèrs received favoring the rezoning_ David r,~lcolm representing John Kubricky and Sons, Inc. presented the data for the rezoning request. The Glens Falls Common Council has recommend unanimous approval. ~~tion by Roberts seconded by Monahan to recommend approval of this zoning change to the Queensbury Town Board. Carried unanimously_ Variance #387. Duke Concrete Products Inc., west side of Bay Road - to erect a storage building less than the required side and rear setbacks. Larry Rossman of Mannis Oil Heat appeared an~ said that he had no objections to this variance. Motion br Monahan seconded by Mellon to recommend approval. Carried unanimous y. Variance #388, William E. Threw, Luzerne Road - to enlarge anon-conforming use. Motion by Kirkpatrick seconded by Richardson to recommend approval. Carried. Variance #389~ Robert Eldred, Richardson Street - to use an existing building as a retail store in an R-4 Zone. Wm: V. Canale, attorney for applicant represented rÆr. Eldred at this meeting. Plans for a clothing and gift shop presented. Motion by Kirkpatrick seconded by J.~ellon tofrecOftllltend approva~_r Carried. 4'x8' signs either side of bldg. nelow roo 'line also approvea. ' ~~clal_Permit #~~, Ha~ St~art. West Mountain Roa~- to extract stone, sand and gravel in an . and 1\-3 Zone. Jerry Sawñ and William Threw spoke for Harry Stewart. r~otion by Roberts seconded by Kirkpatrick to recommend approval with stipulation that extraction should not be such that it would create a drainage pocket. There should be positive drainage from the site. i.tot10n carried. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. r.11nute~~ of Februa:t'Y 5, 1975 Queensbury Planning Board r.leeting Page 2 8. Variance #391.~ Pizza Hut, Upper Glen Street, taller Hill·· to place an oversize sign less than the required setback. Motion by Roberts seconded by Kirkpatrick to recommend approval of setback of sign. Carried. Motion by Roberts seconded by Mellon to recommend approval of oversize sign. 4 in favor and 2 against. Motion carried. Variance #392. KathIe.!!l... Chesn!Y...R!.9,gy Ann. Road, ,and Braydon Avenue - to place an addition on an exi~tin9 garage less than tne required 30 ft. setback. Applicant was represented by Henry ;:iaddelore and Dennis rkCue. L1otion by i.ionahan seconded by Kirkpatrick to recommend approval. Carried. Va:rian<:èff~9~. Stótt~~:1êLa\1q~ltPå R~ut.e?~_:- ~oplace a.3 f. t. x 7 ft. sign on the race ot an eX1sttng .. u 1 Ing in ~n n-3 Zone~ 1\pplicaflt w.a~ts to reþlacèan old sign that has been down 3 years or more~ !,totion by Kirkpatrick seconded by ;~ellon to recommend approval~ . Carried unanimously Next regular m~etin9 of ~ueensbúry Planning Board. Wednesday, l~arch 5, 1975. 9. 10. Meeting adjourmed. Respectfully submitted. Gilbert t.\ellon Secretary