1975-04-02 QUEENSBURY PLANNING DOARD MEETING QUEÐJSBURY'T~VN OFFICE BUILDING APRIL 2, 1975 Presiding. . . . . . . . . . . .. .'. . . . .. . J. Arthur Norton, Chairman Present..................... .G. Mellon, Secretary, R. Kirkpatrick, R. Monahan. R. Roberts Gue.t....................~...H. Boynton I. Regular lAeeting 8:10 P. M. Minutes of March5-th ..eting approved. ~aødd ~ll-L Aviation ~d - New .p from Pyramid Compani.. presented to t . BO,ar ;, -"beya:r:e as ng for revi8ionshowlng the northeast comer, of the property cleal'ed during the fir.t phase of constructi~. Motion by Robert. seconded by MonahaA to accept the :revision with the stipulation tbat tbe cleared are. be seeded ,~ prevent erosion. Motion ca~ied., Subdivision - Hewitt Deve~t Sec~fon I. Zenas Drive '., John VanDusen appeared to~iscusl wíth theBoa~. nal approval given in 1967 but not filed in County Clerk's Office. lAotion by Kirkpatrick seconded by Mellon to reinstate the final approval. lßotion carried. , .. Board granted Final Street Names, 2. 3. 4. 5. - Public 6. 7. Yuiance #97. GI~S ~lllS Ci tv SChr:1 District. 31 Glenwood Avenie. - to enlarge a non~con orm ng use wi tli e.. than the required, rear setback. Motion by ~~llon seconded by Roberts to recommend approval. Motion carried. 8. Variance #3l?~ James H~xmance. Feàd Avenue . to repair mobile home. in a If' 4 ~one. . I, otlon by ~ortol\ secon ëd by Roberts to recommend disapprova l. ~otion carried. The Board was concerned about the access to ând from the property and how many trailers would be on th. property at one time. Spec~l ,Pe%'lJ1~t....1#57. Dr. ",nrY DeBoer. ~arm-To-Uarket Road 1600' west of nay oadintersection - to construct and operate a veterinarian hospital with animal kennel and with identification sign in a R-2 Zone. Motion by i.10nahan seconded by Roberts to recommend approval wi tb s'tipulation that the sign be reduçéQ to conforming size and also approval subject to APA approval Motion carried. ' r.\eeting adjourned at 9: 30 P.M. Next regular meeting of Planning Board ttay 7. 1975. Respectfully submitted. 9. Gilbert Mellon, Secretary