1975-05-07 QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD MEETING ~.ENSDUR~ ~·.'I ~PP'~E\ ß~I,~~\~. UA~ 7, 1975 Presiding......... ..'.:: ~ . "'. . oo...J .N~, CbalNan~'l~ \; ~,\ Present... . .oo..oo . .. .......oo..... .G. l-.'-llon, s.c.r.tary, R. 1Urkpfit'Z'l~kt J. Sinnott, R. Roberts Guests..........................G. L1ape., H. Boynton Regular Meeting 8:00 P.M. Minutes of April 2, 1975 meeting approved.. Letter from Dr. DeBoer regarding Special Perm! t 1I!J7 - baa withdrawn application. Subdivision - RaJnbow Ridge Section II - Public Hearing Tbis 22 lot subdivision 1ocated' east of Ridge Road olf )enkinsvìlle Road. H. Russell Harris was present. Motion by Roberts seconded by Sinnott to grant preliminary approval. \Yill need State Heal th J.>epar~t ~roval, Town Highway Siaperint.ndent Approval and Town Water Superintendent Approval for Final Approval of this subdivision. Motion carried. 4. !!!guest to Alter SubdivJsion Lot Line Lot 69 Twicwo~ - George Coughlan III ana r~rtha ~oughïan. w. Arthur tllrlch spoke .,a{nat t is alteration of the ' property line. Joseph Durcan who is int.restfd in purchasing the a1 tend lot was present.. J. Norton sugge.ted that a public hearing be held on this matter at the next planning board ...ting. Tabled to dlsc~ss in executive session. (Exective Seesion: ask the Town Attorney·s opinion) SuWJ.v~g"~ - Mt, View E~lte~_J13 ,,- \Y~bUry Wb1WOOrw11;,t Road .. 11 Lots T,'otion y innott second b'ÿKli"kpatr1-c to grant inal approval. !.~tlon carried. Town Highway Supt. approval needed and 7 copie. of plans. 6. Yn.tance #:'99. ~·!1d State r;~t~g ~lnY '(Ri~ Aid c~. LUoDJ ïueen,bu1V Plaza to olace an overs z s 91' on a l)Ül~ang be1owthe'·röõr 1 ne in a é 2 tone. lJoUon by,f\6ben' seconded by Sinnott te recOlllMnd disapproval. Motion carried. 7. Valiance #400, Frank S'O Bubbs. East side of Bay Road ~OO ft. south of Route 11I49 . to reopen a barbecue stand In an R 3 ZOne. wi,tb appropriate sign. :¡1otlon by Kir~patr1ck seconded by 't_Ilon to rec__ approval. J¡~tion carried. 1. 2. 3. 5. s. Variance #401$ V.S.~H. ~l.t¡t Itlc ... CorMLQ,uiY.J: ~ RidGe RoaC\- .. to conduct aX"et.811 us. 1n, an -1 z;;.,. ~901an. attøney tor applicant was present. Motion by Roberts ..cond4M:I by Mellon to ""_end approval. Motion canled. 9. Variance #402. Klngøood E.tat..., Inc.. r'¡ortb Side of Weeks Road to _ive the minlQ'1um ya:td requirements lnan R-5 Zone. 'Jotten by Rob.l't...c.ond~ by Kirkp.at~lck to recOJIIIIfmd approval. Motl~ carried. , 10. Variance '#4~. ' ArtburÊ.. and LaRue T. B~.n (Antigua Motel) - LakeSbOH' Dr! ve .. to enlarge a non-conformlné.J use in .n. R-3 Zone. l.~otlon by MellOJ\ seconded by Sinnott to rec~nendapproval subject to APA and Lake George Park Commission approval. r,\otioo Carried 0úeensbury Planning .Board :.~eeting May 7, 1975 Page 2. Dr. Robert Westcott, Robert Leaver and Ron Moss appeared before the Board concerning 3 acres on Day and Glenwood. Would like to develop~ into Commercial Compleg with mixed uses - commercial and other. They were looking for suggestions from Planning Board and requested conce~tual approval. Motion by Norton seconded by Roberts to give conceptual approval. !,1otion carri ed . Next meeting of Planning Board June 4. 1975 8 P. 1:1. Respectfully submitted. Gilbert Uellon. Secretary