1975-06-04 QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD MEETING . QUEENSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING JUNE 4, 1975 Pr.siding...........................J. Norton, Chairman Present...............................G. Me-l1on. Secretary. R. Kirkpatrick. T. Carlaw. R. Roberts. R. r~ab.n. J. Sinnott Guests...............................G. Liap..., H. Boynton Regular fv'.etlng 8:00 P. M. l. Minutes of May 7th .eeting approved. 4. Old Business: Shore drive - Zoning Doard. 2. 3. 5. 6. Variance It405~ rUçh,el E. S~~cz. 6 Che~kee Lane - to place an at. tached garage less t an the requir ront setbac on the property situated at 6 Cþerokee Laoe. Motion by lAonahan$econded by Sinnott to recOdllend approval. rnot10n carriè<1. V n H d d T Un 1m! Inc.. oute 9 1 4 mile rom Cleverda e oad. to convert two stores nto three ap,rtrnents in an R-3 Zone. Motion by Mellon seconded by Kirkpatrick to recommend approval Apartmènt #1 top floor 805 sq. ft. end Apartment #2 top floor 648 sq. ft. subject to Aâlrondack Þark Agency approval and Lake George Park Coraroisslon sewage approval. Board felt that tbis was reasonable use of the property. ~~tion carried. Next meeting of Planning Board July 2, 1975. ,Respectfully submitted. 7. Gilbert Mellon, Secretary