1975-07-02 CßjES~SBURY PLANNING ßOARD ~EETING r,., ¡;'r=::~1,1'~~b·UR. '" T""J.~rr.l O"C'!':'IC"" BUILDI'N'G 'a< "t., L.""c.,t,,', .~,. D , I.. $: ,¡5¡'V~'~ 't' L .i. C ,,' JULY 2, 1975 ." ' , , .. ~ .. . '" ... .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. J. No:t"t~, Chairman ;,;;,¡;mt, . "." ".,........0....... .G.èl:1oh, Secretary, T. Carlaw. J.. Sinnott, R. Monahan , 0"'" * , . . ... . . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. . . . ..G. Liapes and H. Boynton ~ Regular wèetlng 8:00 P. M. June 4th meeting aÞ~oyed. j;íinute;s """/i,; :.~.'-!.!?£itv:!:.~:t£n.. ~..;~ Public; He?arln~t 55 Loh.~lnt., Acr:es. Off Plc:kle H~llR08d, .~!Y1!ff. .J::;!:§~..n~~ ðèveìcR_r. So 1 repon.r..e..· ÐY Sec... '_ì~o... n......Motlon bi ~aX'law $t:':~::.onded by Sinnott to glveb'el1ad.nary Approval. .Ca~lttd. W. II !1!i:!ed th~~ following for further act1.-.= State Heal tb Depal'tlJltit Approval , To\~m Hlf;ìhway Supt. Approval, M1rosu,tlck Puk Agency AfIpa'Oval.Ðeed Restrictions. and Covenants, HOIDfte'M\'-' A$&oclatlon for bandltng of Lake. Sub.d.iY_;§~?;:.~~f1 - ~, Lot,s off <a~'tRoa.q. 79Q'eUl!lfRoute .~42tl\pdn~ ~ P~Iti:s J~~~ck~i!l. GUy Rcemft. attorney '.01' BUe:!l.ns was present. J:d felt they had no jUJ:isd1ctlon and Saw no pX"Obl_. Varianc~:¡:t407 , EmestSkel1ie, Rb'f.SlaMAvenue 1M' nor. >.tbOf,......... ... nth Ro!d to 's'eri -"¡;;:ld x-epaír firearras tn an.. . ,1· z¡¡. WIìñ a ~x ..,....-.I:gn. .... ..... ....... .... .~sïln waspres":fnt and X'ep%'esentèÔ tb.. &J.\P':tI~..t. Mot1on by Slnnott ........., Mel1~n tô recoønendapproval. Can'ltd. Board felt till.would not d.~'I'aet from the niighborhood. y'~'Ç'!. ªrH'; ~tJt408 !I Bohdan KoJraâmXc!cy,W,".ts{ct~o:t Routt >~ 01$1 . S an<J ,H ~,.n Stamº~t:~Æ.!) .. -to conduct light man",'.ct",.-ng and as. .... ly operation n an ex1stJ.ng building in a C 3 Zone. AttoiÞ\.,. Gordon Garltekrepresented the appllcô,¡)t" Motion by Sinnott second..b., Monahan to .:reco_.nd .PPZ'OVal. Can'led. Board;$uggested bulldlng~tnsp.cted by the Queensbury Fire Liarshal and that the Queensbury' Co_it\.e for Community Beautification be notified. ¡:., ,,j <>: Variance #409,· Stanley Ju<::kettt 369R1.d,eß.us! to continue to operate a li.eal~·Es'tã:te and -Insurance Office 1n a dwelling with a 2' x 3t identification sign :ti1 an R 3 Sone. Motion by Mellon seconded by Carlaw to recommend approvaL, Carried. ,'Yi:'t meetJ..ng of Planning Board Augus.t 6. 1975. Respectfully submitted, Gilbert Mellon, Secret.ary ,.¡;~' .,/- ~. ""..~' / ,,,...' " ....' "'..... ~. ~' ,-~~/~".< > " ..