Zoning Board Debrief 03 17 2021ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS DEBRIEFING NOTES March 17, 2021 Members Present- McCabe, Urrico, Underwood, Henkel, Hayward, Hamlin, McDevitt Members Absent – Kuhl, Alternate Members absent –Weber Administrative Item: AV 39-2020 JEFFREY GODNICK, 312 Glen Lake Road 7:03 Ward 1. Applicant proposes to maintain a 188 sq. ft. shed that had been installed in 2019. The shed is located 3.9 ft. from the east property line where a 20 ft. setback is required. The existing home is 4,259 sq. ft. footprint with a floor area of 5,774 sq. ft. Relief requested for setbacks, floor area, and permeability. Site plan new floor area in a CEA and hard-surfacing within 50 ft. of the shoreline. Request for further tabling to April 21, 2021. Status: Application tabled to April 21st. Tabled 7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to provide updated information. New Business: AV 15-2021 JOSEPH LEUCI, 277 Chestnut Ridge Road 7:04-7:17 Ward 1. Applicant proposes construction of a 2,796 sq. ft. home with an attached garage and to construct a 750 sq. ft. detached garage. The second garage will allow for the storage of property maintenance equipment as the project site is 34.2 acres. The project includes associated site work for house placement, driveway area, septic and well installation. Site plan review for construction within 50 ft. of 15% slopes. Relief requested for second garage. Status: The application was approved as submitted. Approved 7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to appear before the Planning Board at March 23rd meeting. 7 AV 14-2021 ROBERT MCCORMICK, 18 Dark Bay Lane 7:18-7:51 Ward 1. Applicant proposes a 110 sq. ft. porch addition to the main home and a 116 sq. ft. porch addition also on the main home. The project includes a 500 sq. ft. carport addition to the existing 624 sq. ft. garage and construction of a 3,113 sq. ft. 8-car garage. Site work includes a new septic system and a well. Site plan review for new floor area in a CEA, expansion of a non-conforming structure, and project work within 50 ft. of 15% slopes. Relief requested for size of garage, second garage, and number of bays. Note the applicant revised the application for the zoning board meeting reducing the garage size to 1995 sq ft with 4 bays and no bathroom. Status: Application tabled to April 21st with revised information due by March 24th. Board was concerned with the size of the structure. Follow Up: Applicant to be provide updated plans. AV 12-2021 STEVE & CATHIE SCHONWETTER, 17 Holiday Pt. Rd. 7:52-8:24 Ward 1. Applicant proposes alterations to an existing home and site; existing home footprint is 2,953 sq. ft. with a floor area of 3,233 sq. ft. and proposed floor area is 3,505 sq. ft. The project is to remove a portion of the home (336 sq. ft.) to construct a 2 car garage with a craft room/bedroom above (329 sq. ft. footprint) Interior work is to reduce the bedrooms from 6 to 4; exterior work includes a new roof, stone veneer to be altered, front entry to be altered. Site work includes shed removal, replacement deck, shoreline planting, new permeable pavers replacing hard surfacing, and repair sea wall. Site plan review for new floor area in a CEA, hard surfacing within 50’ of a shoreline, expansion of nonconforming structure. Relief requested for setbacks, floor area, and expansion of a nonconforming structure. Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved 4-3. Hamlin, Underwood, McDevitt Follow Up: Applicant to appear before the Planning Board at March 23rd meeting. AV 13-2021 STEPHEN HARADEN, 334 Cleverdale Road 8:25-8:43 Ward 1. Applicant proposes to remove existing home and outbuildings to construct a new 3 bedroom home with a footprint of 2,052 sq. ft. and 222 sq. ft. porch/deck. The proposed floor area is 4,312 sq. ft. Site work includes permeable pavers, stormwater management, and shoreline plantings. Project subject to site plan for new FAR in CEA and hard surfacing within 50 ft. of the shoreline. Relief requested for setbacks and FAR. Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved 7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to appear before the Planning Board at March 23rd meeting. AV 16-2021 CHARLES CARDER & CAREN TUCKER, 93 Fitzgerald Rd. 8:44-9:02 Ward 1. Applicant proposes a residential addition of 765 sq. ft. of floor area renovation of the second floor converting attic space to living space and covered porch. Project includes 142 sq. ft. footprint addition to the house footprint for a covered entry and mudroom. Existing floor area is 2,088 sq. ft. and proposed is 2,853 sq. ft. Site plan for new floor area in a CEA and expansion of nonconforming structure. Relief requested for setbacks, height, permeability, floor area, and expansion of a nonconforming structure. Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved 7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to appear before the Planning Board at March 23rd meeting. AV 20-2021 ROCKHURST, LLC, Holly Lane &Assembly Point Road 9:03-9:36 Ward 1. Applicant proposes parcel 35.1 to have access over lot 35.2 to Assembly Point Road. There is a proposed new home and associated site work for parcel 35.2 that includes a new drive area 13 ft. wide from 35.1 over 35.2 to Assembly Point Road. There are no changes to the existing home on the parcel 35.1. Relief requested for access on public/private road. Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved 5-2. Underwood, Urrico Follow Up: Applicant to submit final plans for Zoning Administrator signature. AV 49-2020 ROCKHURST, LLC, Assembly Point Road___ 9:37-10:25 Ward 1. (Revised) Applicant proposes to demolish existing buildings to construct a new 2 story home 2,300 sq. ft. footprint with 3,822 sq. ft. floor area and exterior patio areas. Project includes site work (fill, grading, stormwater management, shoreline landscaping, new septic & water supply from lake). Planning Board: site plan for new floor area in a CEA and hard surfacing within 50 ft. of the shoreline. Relief requested for shoreline setbacks. Status: Application approved with condition the driveways be merged for a shared driveway. Approved 4-3. Underwood, Urrico, McDevitt Follow Up: Applicant to appear before the Planning Board at March 23rd meeting. Adjourn: 10:30