Deed I°AMLLA J. VV4a"u I o 4461 PACaE a 293 CQU�'RTY CLERK r 4 § Inskrumsnk Number: 2d11.040041 S6 As Recorded On: June 03,2011 Dead Parties: MCCORMICK ANK J To W_CORMICK ROft"J dulame Pupa: 6 RwatO d By: MCNAMEE LOCIIMER TnUS&WRLLIAMIO PC Num Of Papee« 6 Comment: Ex mirwd and Charmed as Follows. " rj-*,j cc'.-'a oovw PEpa 500 rG-d2lTR IPOW lift 123600 TP.564 51ri a e peeOrdlapChsro". 35004 r ,r I _'em' , Amrk - $t 'aN - a TtrulerTas J.p" C1.00 TT to" Batla 000 Copy UJIMISIMLY lacer 0.00 SCeaeiAdutlorar 4A0 adoeener 0.O0 Tnmeter to Tea sharps, 9 oe �scail�a 4MLY CIRrirs Office Jul 03r2011 021V Paaeie J. 46la1 �rrae �elaty $lirY p � � IL TM PAGE 0 FART OF THE IMMUMENT" I hereby carpry thil the w2hm and tarapoinQ was Worded In the Cowles Office For; WARMN COUNTY, NY FRO inhxmet w, Record and Ratum To; Daamem NhJmber. 2011-00004110 MCNAMFE LOCHNIER TrTUS&W ILLMM4S IBC PA"04 Number: 213892 PO BOX 459 Recorded Date Time: June 03, 201102:32".34P ALBANY MY 12214-11 b0 Book Vollft: Bk-RP V14207 PQ-293 Cashier I Station: C Latham I Cash Station 3 U%MENT9 000041 L& ., p¢ } 294 THIS INDENTURE. �Q made the day of May. 2011 Je ANNE J. MC CORMICK, residing at 1$ Sage Estate, Albany, New York 12204. and ROBERT I. MC CORMICK residing at 30 Dornww Drive, Clifton Park, Now York 12065 as loud Umnts with the right of survivorship, parties of the feat part; R08ERT I MC CORMIM residing at 30 Doren Drive, Clifton Park, New York 12065.party of the second Put f i Wr[WZSSCTH Out the patties of the first part, in consideration of ONE and 001100 ` 7 DOLLAR(SLOO lawful money of the United States, and other good aril valuable eoasidcraiion pdd by dw party of the second pass, do hereby grant and release unto the pasty of the seecmd past, his heirs,successor and assigns fi aver, 7 L t C' g a o Q ty, New Yxrrk, of tact I ed y in Lake taexttge, whir parse s ed flows, SEE SCHEDULE "A" ATTACHED RE1tE O AND MADE A PART HEREOF HEM,die same penises conveyed to the parties of the first part by Deed dated March 17, 1999 aad recorded in the Warren County Clarks Office on March 19. 1999 in Liber 1 107 of Deeds Page 292. The said Parrdl of haul will be subject to the following covenants and conditions which shall be LousWered to run with the land; 1, No part of the abov"escribe4 premises shall be used for anything but tcsidential purPosrs. 44 'NcIt n,<ar t(vaa ;,osi "idaaae w1t}t auxiliary outb%tifdiAV for the aconntmodation of a single rarmly, Its in"I'toyces W -OymttgE�'s�M b%CrccW t" ' f 4 whale of the aheec ACSCriNxd P axti s ( n, r 1 L 1-1 3. No temporary structure, trailer. tent, shack, garage, harp or outbuilding shalt at say time he used as a residence temporarily air permanently upon the premises. 4. No septic tank or sowage disposal eystaoa will be nuinteined an said promises other than in accordance with time laws arrd eeguletions of the State of New York or in such a ntADW as to pollute the rvatr;rs of Lake George, 5. No animals shall be kept or raised on the premises except for household pets. 6. No structure more than fifty(50) feet high with a garsgte for mw therewith shall be oonstracted or maintained on said premises_ [WaRtm iI vuLunk : t1e1 r•w(Jt : Cf 7. No buildings of any natuto shall be construded end no hoes, bashes Eaud my other vegcuidon %hall be removed Within seventy-five (75) feet of the southerly most, southwestarly wmt,westerly mm4 and northwwcrly most boundaiiem of the &J*t pared. except for one such cutting to allow the eoastiuction of a driveway and entranceway to the subject premises, except with the approval of Helen M1. Mitchell, as Executrix of the last Will and ` cstarncut of Malcnlm T. Mitchell, her sucemors mid assigns and which approval shall not be unneatinnaNy withhold. This restriction shall be for the benefit of the said Helen M. Mitchell, her si=cssom and assigns to real property on the soalhoaly tide of New Ymk State Roane 9-I, in the Town of Quepnsbuty. Warren County, New York, adjacent to the subject prerrrisat TOGETHER with the appurtavoses and all the estate and rights of the parties of the first part,in and to said prernises, TO HAVE AND TO Bela the premises he wtto the pony of the scoond Put ,ll4D pitetn®ti 1rws: t F"W.'That the party of the v=ond part shall quietly enjoy the said prcrniscs; SECOND. That the parties of the first part will frarcvcr WARRANT the title to said Premises, TIURD, flit, in Compliance with See. 13 of the Lien Law, the grantor will receive the considom ion for this coaveyanoe and will holm the tight to reocive etch consklanntion as a trust Wn4t to he nlapiied first for the purpose of paying, the cost of the improve rent and will apply time same first io the paymou of'tlte cost of the impmvcment before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose_ IN W INESS WHEREOF. the panics of the first part have duly eactcuted this deed tine day and 1eaT fatal above wnttcav MC COYE ROBF.RT]. MC CORWCK i�a„ DOCUMIIE T: 090041 1 B rill)ltIM1E+ �Y ,, F'rxfGRr + 246 r STATE NEW YORK ) On this 2Y day of _ mAy . 2011. before me persmially appeared ANNE J. MC CORMICK, parstxWly known to am or proved to me on die basis of satisfactory evidence to be the Individual whow name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknovvlc gcd to me that she executed the smm in bw capacity and that by her signature on ffm irutrument, the individual or the penom upm behalf of which the individual acted.txeeuted ttse imA uncut, Notary F'uNit: ` `ptdU6A4=mar wb'k 1 S"FATE O)IT I G �a�4u�,sgaa i a' COUNTY OF At y } cwg"non t ours dab t k 2t1 i�. On dis-0-4 day of,_T. 2011,beftm me personally appe d ROBERT J. MC COR&OCK, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the indivia#tml whose= n mta is subscribe) to the vAdAn instnmaem ml acknowledged to me that he executed the am in Ws capacity and that by his signature on the i nsltuttaent,the individual or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted,excetuod the im�. Notarg f'uhlic _ __ _ ,u 1ii¢Mltbb taitl 'f°A` i y , .�n 5uun �� t t:ymascican rut A4irrh Richard D,cirincione. EA. McNamee, Lochs r.,rhus k Wa7liaam F,C_ ISO 8"454 Albany, New York 12214-1180 (518)447-32DO �eoasm.�F A%I that aartai.a parcel of land situate in the Two of "na"Ury, rarr+n County, Mew York, beibq part of Lot t of the rranch Nountals Treat and located on Dark May is La" George. and ;filch pamal is bounded knd described to LaLlavar a 0103110 At as beet pipe oat IS the nr;rtharlY lino of paw York state saute mL at the snathaasterly corner of Lot 13 as anowa an a map at arm makevna, OYaanta a Itiffo subdivision, rode by ctmater s rMark, L.iransad Land sarveyora, elan Palls, Kay Ysrk, doted Kay 1. imam, and filed In the aerraft County Clmrk's at[iCe an saptaaber 26, 1l64; tahniaq thence trap the place of b"Inalbq, the fallowUn six courses and diatencep eta" the easterly line of aeLa Lot 11, Lot it and Lot LI, as Main an amid IMP, vim.; tea. a5.Gaza, , 21 t dagt sus OIL;{at 0 101. to as Sion pipaa 2! North 21 dagxaes da riietas Sae%, 112.52 foe; to 46 ' Lron vivo$ 41 south 14 dagtmms 02 aIMMUS, Tact, 21.00 Coat to as Leda piper 21 mam 21 dagre" of Misnta tsst, 53,90 tut; ai maVO 2 ddgrwea e2 sl;n;tae Teat. 123.06 fast to ao LfM DLPd aarkiM the bartheast corner of meld tat llt thence Barth m6 dogreas S$ minutes tort, and along %ha sauthaely Sine at lauda of Dark Ray Aaosoiatlan, Ina., tar a diaaonae of L6o,64 Cost to no Leal, pipe; Uwnde aeactk 28 d6gUmbr sm Myautas East, far a distamp4of " test, ;1bt'm er 14/. La. tq�a or Dark ,*S , i hay i +u af�rt#E�e }'ly -0N ion, it Ing tt [ 'f perm A?' �Lr, hK aif'er14:q�'L�Me� so 10rA M�s Ythd 5 for a distanda of 220 Cost. metes or isaa, to ae lrom Pad not r at the feat Leak Of s drank, and rhiCh irus Sod Is Situate ■% a distance at Itl.ei tact on a .sumo of mouth an dpresa ad minutes is Seconds cast fret the previously Mantiamod iron VIVO 12 fait Leas the Above of mold LMk6j tbraaa the follreisg twelve courses Pad distanram demo the meat bank of raid break, baLq also the wastarly bomilnwy of MAMA DCOKUSs om- •eyed by Meloala Mitchell to Mtaphan Dmads by dyed dated aaae*bar 10, 1l33, abd raomraad In the Marren county Clarks off Ise is Meek 3a6 of Daadm at Page sad, rii.t 11 South 26 dagraes $0 aibtatas lost, 35.72 fast; 11 mouth L deproeo o6 binute■ 40 seconds Moat, 30.91 fact; 11 mouth T da4rser si miWAea 26 amaand■ net, 101.04 tact; DOCUMENT* 00004116 VC)LUOIE t 426 J PAGES-- 348 41 4WU 14 deltama i6 rlOiat4m. 40 *aaundA Pact, 75.4% }I mouth 1 dpra4/ 63 aLlewtae 1S Omaesd& tact, 96.06 fear 4) lomtn 40 de rsie 71 aimates la woods Seat. la.)L famtl 71 6 Al 4 degrr. 27 mimat*g 40 a4eoad* List, 17.99 teat I asuth 44 dmiraas 33 x4mot4e 46 0440044 Last. 29.77 Rmatp 91 SOM It 41"VOM 01 gdra►te 90 00000t0 mamt, 01.71 Rant! li l0I swath a ownm 14 winetme 10 aaad&& mart.. 33.46 torte 1LI Sousa 21 "Peen Il aida944 Seat, 40-12 t*mtt 32). goo" 9 dapteam 1s mimcag 40 0060MA pate, 1a.04 feat ta .tM. SattYeaa4r;: aa4wi at a meierntm aai60aL1t" Roath 1 64 t[,.7�efi RI nlflu tbs 41 t40090+ F"umt '410143 the IffiFth.a l'L'f' . s iiiaa De PO4 Volk. Etna& -O .444'at to a con"41;Q am Ramesh tbamaa meru at depaea U elattes la asamnda pemt. 41.ma1 main mactheclf Lima, Yet a dtstancs of L7L.4# f414t %a 4ha lrlaa'a of ha0lwwi9q1 awl GOATAlatal 4.71 4arma at free. acre of lama. Toyetber vi,tu all rigmt, tttl4 and iAUC"t. at "m patty a. the first Fast met"Am the obov■ damorlbad Parcel and fmr last ROOM 9L1. aaa OIL vtibm, title and fet96ast 09 tb* party of the tt"t part between the pUcal sleavm dsrarlbed ana ■ Vat- tai0 IS foot wide "01; at rmlr rwAIm9 aIGpq tile wabael,r b4wadary at the said parsal, and sutihd4mq. n a motherly "clatter iewlm Paw lark moans YL to the aaeraa of take "at". 4o9tthu vtt9L. and in cai+mn With otbar4, m Protract r4ht. of Vey new a 15 foot aids right de Way twmalry along a drivevey 04ctharly cc** New work State mo4tr. 9L and alarm UN aaetarly twumtary at th4 above mamexibea peaaimes to it* northmeater- lyymSt aarnar, ae said rlght at way was reaarved to natoela T. mitdiatl. Rig heit4, lagst rm0v*%*wctakire* and 6ae1902, In a peed latad Cmco*bat its 1249 and rocarded,in the W&VPM CaaSCy ciarx4.a or C1 cr an NI-4jitor 15 j iYaa ir` aanb Sal 0 0 at Pa4Da lu, YY oafs F@eel as-1 t fume viaa`riq d EO�are e.nd u v Yam Rr „ 9E. sna �aL epputlenancaa tliu'Eed aff`28i'o w!hovry a iardt to ba comuayed by the Lst&te of MALCOLM Kitchen is t 70v0 of 4aeaaabury..Nartan Cmuntyr Maw fora. dated ha 4, 1516, gxaper.m by aoalt■t 4 11o0AtW1W*. agd filed in aka #at- r!u county elarkim offla4 wink the raaoralnq of tba prariauely demaribed Lx4euterf4 Dead on Oec4aMet 11, 1144.