1976-04-07 0UEE:·~S~lm.Y 10\'tr I?LN;;:P!G nOAR!) ~.Ĺ’ETr;:G CUEE:SlURV TOm! O~7ICE nUILDItlG APRIL 7. 1976 -, . J. T A th "t "'h' !·'J:.'ÛSJ.(' l.ng. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v. . r . ~~r ¡'lor on. ..... al.rrnan PX(J5ent....................... .G. ~1ellon. Secretary. R. Roberts.. T. Carlaw. ~. Threw. G;...f~stS......... It &............... .G.Liapes. I~I. r~Ç>ynton Regular Meeting 8:00 P.~. l~ :';in, tes of ~.'tarch 3rd meeting approved. S,Jlx1iv:L:;,iol1 .. Barry Converse... 17 acres.. 30 lots off Burch Road- \~.:arJ::'en Lar\e. This vIas on t·he agéndabut no ,one appeared. r, ¿~.. " ....J. , §:j)divt!]j;on ,'" ll'ª-'yiland f\c're~..,no:t'th side pf Havilanc!R.oad...Donald §.DdJ!eJ9_n_}artell~..Þ~ve¿'9.P\r~.. ~onaI....d.a!1cl. l!e1en ::~rtel.1 and John Vanr)use:ì appeared on thlS Sl: d~vlsion. ,~otion by ,..el10n seconded by Threw to approve subject to highway layout approval from Garl Garb. lI-jghway S¡·pt. and also subjett to indivisual lot acceptance by Dept. of Health· for iS$\.:ance of Gex·'tificate of Occupancy. >lotion ca:c:rìed. -1 Old ':, 51.1105$: '''ariance #430. James "~eisner (John Rothermel ). Antiqua l?}:~L.:¿~~·-]~F~!Q--ì5õirt(· Lake ~~o.:rQe - to place a gar~ge. with no tro~t set bac' in lieu or the reqU.lred 30 ft. Tabled untJ.J. . iay 5th meetJ.ng as no C\dditional information presented and no one appeared on this "/c:ci¡:·(lcø. S';Jrvcy of property and wall set bact, from tight-of-way nec:dod. '. ,," ~ \rJ]'1_2r;ce {1436 - Glens l::al1s ;'lational 3ank and Trust Co. C-2 Zone Üp~p'~:'r-GIènañd Lafayette Street's ... toplac'e an addition 32 ft. from the pl"operty 1ioein lie\..~ of the :r:equired 50 ft. on property at Upper Glen and Lafayette Sts. ;.1¡0. .7ròrton .left the meeting as Crandall Assoc3.atas. his employers, were handling the variance. Therefore, -':1'. : :orton di squallfiec.1 himself f'rom 'actingon this variance. ; ~r. Donald Pür"ins and ::r. Stephen Physioc ðppeared on this variance. :,:o:tion by r1.oberts seconded by Carlaw to;t"ëc'ornmend approval. ~.:otion carried. 'r¿)ri.,.nic0 ;'l/~37 .. David Sherric'·. D.D.S. .90 Aviation :1oad ... to establish ¿i-"-ëiëí:;T~:;1 off1.Cé ihan tf..tt ~one.. !Jr. Sherric" and !1;n., Flynn appeûred or; this va)~iance. Pªr~:ing problems were discussed. ~.lotion by Roberts seconded by ~:ellon that board recommend approval with the following pro'. i5.io05 - that only access t.o Aviation Road \','ould be the present dI'i '/CiiJay - thzt par"ing in front of b :ilding he screened with hedge. ,·,()tion carried. , . , ;~!!:~::~j.,qX¡.Ç-9-11:!1.ª"7::' 'p.hi~~;p' :~. ~a~,', Cor(2 .JPe~: ~.nq rtesta'.:.rant) ~=-3 :~one d.·:?__~.'_r;;¡~Lt~..9" , ~ller I¡J.ll _ fO locate Pe"J.og nesta"rant s1gn 8 ft. from :right··of-vJùy. ; ;r. 'La: and his attorney :lr. Canale appeared 00 thi s ",'arj_1:-',nCEL ".otio!ì by;;orton seconded. by ~·.e11on to recom~l1end approval as 1c:'9 as sign is not within ::ew Yor'· State right...of-vJê1Y. Land Use t;eeting will be held April 28th at 7: 30. ~:ext regular meeting of Planning Board Bay 5, 1976 8 P .rA. R..,øtf'ul1y&ubmitted Gl1bert~~el1on. Secretary