1976-06-02 QUEENSDURV TCJ\'N PLANNIrJG :JOARD T iEETIrJG ., ... QUEENSDURY TOWU OFFICE BUILDING JUNE 2, 1976 Presiding.....................J. Arthur Norton, Cha1rman Present........ .... ......... . ~G. ¡.tellon, R. Roberts, T. Carl aVl ? ,','. Threw and H. :,tann Guests........................G. Liap.s . 1. R.eaular ;:~~j.fta ':00 P. :1. Minutes of :tay 5, 1976 ..eting approved. SUbd4vn1~~n -ß,øf~_~,.ü. II9ffP~~he;r'~~d. Tom :~cCormack ~~~lil~ch::;I~;~:r;oe~~ t~:~· N~:t::::o:~r:f:~ D~a::~:~i· of. lIealth, ~\'ater DepalUaet\t, Deed Covenants, Green Area, HIghway Dept. all roads. :~otlon by Roberts seconded by Threw for coneeptual approval. :'~otion carried. 2. 3.., Varl nce 4 D n Dk A i e Da 1 k - to conduct a home occupa on ma o.~ u. n..sn . garage more than two (2) employ..s on the pzaoperty situated. at 350 Ridge Road. :,~tion by :1ann seconded by ThreW to recommend app~val with the au,gestlon for a study of off str.et paøing for ...,10"".' and doctor's of ice. Also suggested 'hlImit on the nuëer of ...loy.... Uotion c'arried. No one appeared on t ia varianc.. 4. Varianc S c. - to construct a store con.-lex w n o:te.a~· H . ., .. 0IIe u, n an R.2 Zone on the property situated at Pitch_Road. :,1otion by Roberts seconded by Carla. to reconuaend appt'Oval with pt'Ovision lor 'ad.quate ofl str.et parking. Motion carried. 5. var~an~'rn4~. Pluen9,DÞ:f · .to .e1l .nt'-que. in an R-4 Zone with sign 1 :'1. y It. oñïJii P"P. .y .1tu.ted at Connecticut Av.nue. :."irs. Dever appeared on this variane.. ¡~tion by CarlavI s.conded by ;!ann to recommend approval witÞ recomm.ndation that sign be in.talled on fence lin~ :1otion carried . 6. Variance #446~~ Ro.e COI'I.", ... to ,Z'4tOPen a din.r that. has been closed for 5 years with sign. on tSulI(bft! and 11'.. standing s1gn on the property situated at Rozell. Stre.t. l.\ot10n by Robe:tts seconded by ::tellon to recommend approval with.sugg..tlon that the free standing sign be set back as far as possibl.. :.~otIon carried. ' 7. Variance #447, John A. Danth.. ... toplac. a private svlinuning pool in the tront yazo íh1{.~ 6t ihê .f¡~i~ rear of dWelling on th~ property si tuated at Upper nay Road. :,iOtion by Carlaw seconded by ,~ann to recommend approval. :.1otion carried. 8. Quèènsbury Town Planning Board, ;,leeting June 2, 1976 Page 2 9. 10. Varian #41 Den en an v f E k8 Glens Falls o e' .. n 1"1 oa. fín t e ..on ng . oa oppeal s . granted t i8 var ance on ept. 11, 197!> ther required that before a building permit is granted that the actua . plans be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning ~oards. ~.. J. Nealon, attorney for applicant was present as well as John Regis and Larry t:redellafrom the Elks Club, to present the plans to the Planning Board. :iötlon by Roberts seconded by :,1annt:o recommendappl'Oval of plans submit:ted. :.~otion carried. 11. N It V e S n IIf Róad. Michel B2:'andt and ~. . 1'.acy. urvfl'{.or pr..ent p.... ø,r. we61: Village Section II with 14 lots If . ..1otion by Melloa seconded by Tbr.. for concept\U11 approval. ~~tion CaZ'rled. . Requested the following for furtheZ' action: State Health Department Approval. Town Highway Supt. Approval, Contour r.~ap t Soil Conservation data and :>treet Names. I Next regular meeting of the PlaMing Board July 7, 1<)76. Reepectfully submitted, Gilbert :,'el1on Secretary