1976-09-01 QUEENS3URY Ta:.~! 1>tA¡,Ji':I:~G lOARD 'jEETING QJEENSBURY TO\\'N OFFICE 3UILDING SEPTE.ffiER 1, 1976 Presiding..................J. Present....................G. \': . Guests.........·............G. Arthur Norton, Chairman ~.iellon, Secy., R. Roberts, H. r'ann Threw Liapes Regular neetinQ 8: 00 P. r.i. 1. ~anutes of August 4th meeting approved. 2. 3. 4. 6. Variance - Samuel to erect an 8 ona ree stan ng s1gn n a opp ng enter n lieu of the permitted one free standingtsign. Samuel Peca was p~esent. Would like to place 3' x 8' metal si~n with internal illumination on a 4" steel pole 47' setback from ·.,:uaker Road. His store is 275' off road and is the only store in the shopping center without a free standing sign. ;;\otion by Threw seconded by :ie11on to recommend approval. notion carrIed. . 5 ~ William and t~xine Ellsworth - to construct an addition to a we ng t. rom water ne n eu of the required ~O ft. in a C-3 Zone on the property situated at Canterbury Lane, west \~~d of Glen Lake. :.iotion by Roberts, seconded by :.1ann to recommend approval. !.lotion carried . Variance #457 - Fred Chamoa,ne - to place a garage 20 ft. front set back in lIeu of the required 30 t. set back on the property situated at Juniper Drive (Sunnyside North). ¡10tion by :.1ann seconded by Threw to recommend approval. ~~tion carried. !M58 - Jec~el ~ Sons oration - to place an , ree stan ng s gn on t e .arren oun y right-of-way on the si tuated at the south side of Quaker Road. T.1otion by Roberts, seconded by :~ann to recommend apþroval subject to stipulation that total sign area not exceed 50 sq. ft. Recommend approval of setback as long as it is in 11ne with adjacent signs, effective thru ^ugust 14. 1986. loard recommended disapproval of the third wall sign. ~!otion carried. ~~ext regular meeting of Planning :1oard October 6, 1976 8:00 P. :1- Respectfully submitted, 5. 7. Gilbert ~~ellon, Secretary