1976-10-06 QUJ.:E;,;sm.11.Y Ie,.: FIP};; ::r~:c; ]OAHD :~EETrJG QUEEtJS3URY TOtVi! O::::::ICE BUILDING OCTOBER 6, 1976 Presidin9........+......~........G. :1e1lon, Secretary Present..........................:~. Sorlin, H. ~.lann, R'. Roberts, ~'!. Threw', R. :.~ontesi Guests...........................G. Liapes, H. !3oynton Reqular r.~eetinQ 8:00 P. :.1. 1. :,!inutes of Sept. 1st meeting approved. 2. 3. 4. Subdivision .. Sec~i9n 13 Wes$}an~t.. Suna~l and Gilmore Avenues. Tom :'1CCormack present on this suDCIIVIiIon.. Pub! c Reartng set for November 3, 1976.8:00 P. ;.1. :'10tion by I.lontesi seconded bI :\ann to grant Preliminary Approval. ;,iotion carried. Sorlin and ;'Iontes to· investigsge and report. Subdivision - ~ton XI Co~.t H~.,E.~at.., 22 Lots ~orthof Glen Lake Röad. ;,iann ana Ro erts to invest gate and report. Tom UcCormack present on this subdivision. 5. 6. o 7. present. Threvl and :.'<)ntesi to invest gate and also present on this subdivision. Variance #460 - Roland C. :,'Iandigo, Luzerne Road.. to enlarge a Qonconforming use io R-3 and k-4. Zone. ;.:r. !,landigo appeared. !.iotion by :.~ontesi seconded by ;,1ann to recommendspproval. ;.lotion carried. Varianc.e#461 .. Peter Harris Clothes. ¡¡orthwav Plaza, Route 9 .. to place a 5" ft,. by 20 ft. sign on edge of canopy in íleu 0-1 Hie required 15inch projection from the face of the building. Jean Sullivan appeared f(}x Peter Harris store. :,1otiori by :,tann·...c.onded by Sorlin to recommend disapproval of this variance. :.1otion carried unanimously. V . iance 62 - J n R 08 - to en arge. BOncon () ng US, 't1 an' seconded by ~Aontesi to recommend aþproval. 10. V¡¡la'nce #4§3- ~fQe pÍl1..ffG - to enlarge a aonconformlng use on the property srtuàteda m:eñO,re Drive.:·~tlon by ¡,tontes1 seconded by ¡~nn to recommend approval. r.1otion carrled. ~'~ext regular meeting of PlaMing !3oarel Uovellber 3, 1976 8:00 P. {,'I. Respectfully submitted, 8. 9. Htide nann, Acting Secretary