1977-04-06 " ..: QUEeJSBURY TOOJ PLANNING BOARD MEETING QUEENSBURY TCMN OFPICE BUILDING APRIL 6, 1977 P~es1diÐ9.........?...............J. Pr.sent........o...................G. R. Guests.............................G. Arthu~ Norton, Chairman Mellon, Secy., H. Mann, W. Threw, Roberts, K. Sorlin, R. Montes1 Liapes, H. Boynton 1. Rt9u,l,~ ~MtlnQ ~:lQ P,. M. Minutes of March 2, 1977 meeting approved. R S No one appeared on t· . $u . on. we pr n s av. need six more. Final Approval Granted. Bav Vl;ã Co~ on B19 Bt~91( (Roland B~nl.. John VanDusen appear . ~n9 set for y ~. 1.):_ and R. Montesi to'look at this property and report back to the Planning Board. Soils conservation data needed. This will be subject to Hudson River Valley Parks and Recreation. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. " . _. ... .. , '. '1,'- .' 7. ¿gbD i~ N~~¡~ - f,~9 ,B9fi R~d. Tom McCormack present on th1.s subdIVIiíon. PUb fêñiiiI'ñi .it ,r ay 4, 1977. Mann and Threw to look at property and report back to the Planning Board. Soils conservation data needed and State Health Department approval needed. ~~oo Ef~'V'. .em R~. -Tom McCormack present on this subdivisior. ~on by MontesJ. .econct¡a y Mellon to grant Final Approval of Mastel' Plan. Carried. 8... 9. P t 1S au v son. e: Approval, Street Names and Contour Mapa. SpecialPermlt ~t ~~iJ9..Fun. ~., to construct a drive-up photo. J.ciosv on the proper r s uai at ~or. 8Y Plaza, Route 9. No one appeared on this Specia Permi t. Motion by Montesi seconded by Roberts to recommend approval. M~tlon carried. . , Varlt9~e ~8~QS~h r~Aa~ - to place a dwell.lngon a lot that does not Iron on a pu c s r..t on the property situated at Right-of-Way, Extension Pi tzgera1d Road. Mr. MOsa1 ","ent.~on by Sorl~n seconded by Roberts to fec~end approval. Motion cani.". Existi.ng rJ.ght..cf....\,¡¡ly preexisted!:on ng. . 10. 11. QUEENSBURY TœN PLANNING BOARD MaTING (continued) April 6, 1977 12. ~ 13. 14.. 15. 16. 17. . . .. .. - to operate . Miniature Golf ursa ... .. · ..... n a ... . ,na on tþe ~erty· situated at Route 9. Lat. G80Z'ge Road (Stat.land). _. Glro\ix px-.sent on this Special U.. Pend. t. MoUon by Moftt..i seconded by ~ to recOMend approval of 9 bole Mtn1a-tue 0011 eour.e. Carried.. Sign will be confonS.ng. Motion by Sorlin Me..... by Monte.i >to rec...... dlsappz'fYal of the Go Cart T~aâ with :r-ec,___aUonth.t 1f the Zoning Boa" of '''It .... lit to ........;tb1..th.'t the Regulation of Nuisance El-.ñt. contained 1n Section· 7.300 k a concl! tion of approval. Caft'1ed by .. - 2 wta. - to opente ·a" autOMbil. ~alr n a.· . en .. .... .. y.tuattldat 6aO l.fÞI.t* Glen Street. Mr. Cole ~a' pZfttnt. Me oaby Mont... seconded by· Mellon to recOtlllDendappnval. Motion carii.ecI.· . . . ..... - top1âce .n ...1 tJ.on to a :;:~'3 :;...~~ ~.:~:=".:J:::~~yby Mellon VN\,MLIØQ.... . J ~;.Jf~ - .to .'lac.an..fN....i.ect -. 11 a19" Tn a c;:r&ii .. ~~t'" at tbe Ie.. .... of Route 9. Lalte CJecøp..... ..... s..ttun .....t on thiaVøianc.. Motlon by Mann atJcondecl by Monte" to no.I.1ftd diMppn"lal.. Motion cadied. V - to place an over t .... n 1·_ jd at 74 Aviation Road. Motion by Morrt..l ....... ~ Ita 10ft to :NC'. and ........1. Motion cam.ed. Mr. Guy NoonaÞ .... Rft. J-. 'aft4tll .......t on this variance. Qu.atiOM1n for Land U.e Plan to be d1stñbutecl .ftØt week - will be available .t Tow. Offic. Building. Next regulaI' ...-t1ft9 of PlaMi", Boan May 4. 1917. R..,.ctfully ..___tted, Gilbert Mellon. Secy.