1977-05-04 ì I"'~ QUEENSBURY TOWN PLANNING BOARD MEETING QUEENSBURY TOWN OFfICE BUILDING MAY 4, 1977 Presiding..........................J. Arth\l%' Norton, Chaiman Present............................G. Mel10nA Secy., K. Sorlln, R. Roberts, , H~ Mann, '. Monte.i Guest..".............................G. Llap.. . Re9u~ár Meeting 8:00 p. 'M.. 1. M1nute. of April 6. 1977 _eet1ng appnved. 2.. Variance, #492. :fhv.G" Ca~~r.~ - to place an addition :to a' dwelling Wi {(1 11 ft: fron sft5.ci . in neuof Ute required 30 ft. on 'the propet'ty situated at thenol"t.b .ide of SUlli.... Place. Mr. Carl,on was preeent. Motion by Mellon second. by Mont..i to rec08lend appzoval. Carried. 3. ~ayJ!l" ~~Blr~) -~, ~y Ro,dt Mr. Bardin was pre.ent. lon~te$ . .econd~nn to . grant ITelindnary Apørov~i1 subject to State Health Dept~ Approvalt Soil Conservation Data and Hudson River Valley Authority. Motion cam.. . . 4. 11M~IfÞÃoo~~JRoland__~!1.J'- ~~.LULSb.u'Jøn I,~~~. .1ohn VanDuM: pre.en . on t I~on. ' lõtl~ SOrlln .eco [id1)y Rob.t. to grant Flnal and Prellcnary Approval. Motion Carried. 7 copt.. of plans to be $ubmi tted. . 5. iefjaae Ht!l. R~S~~, lid..., and John VanDusen present on t S lubavlsion. -.röUon yMiñtMl. MtOI'aded by Serlin to grant Pt'eliødnary and Pinal -Approval. Motloll.cauied. " 6. en"Shi . ~ 7 . . Motlonlw'iOftî.si 8.cOnded Rno gran . ·na2:'y A· rov.. .. . . oncarr1ed. ~Md State Health Dept. Approval. Town H19hway Supt.. AppI'oval. Town Water Supt. Approval, Street Nal8&s and Contour Map.. 7.. . Andrew on seconded by Mellon Need State Health Dept. 8.. R - Mr. Grant was pre.en on ... . secoñdeclbyMontesl to grant final Approval Motion carzied. 99 H.2 G . And:r-av orue· was... . .. on·· .' . · '.. . on. ... 'on Y . on ..<:onded by Manta to grant Pin.a1 ~...l. Mot1on~. .. . . For further action the following Reed..1: State H.alth 0... . .. .V'll T_Highway Supt. Approval, Town Water Supt. Approval. This. ·lv11 on subject to Highway Dept. approval of dralnat e .. reYi_ of· .u..t name chant_ - r..trictive deed coven.ta. 10. - 'K . John VanDusen ~r:~:nFi::l ~nnlsubJ::t to .':øt .....~ "::ronca~J~b.rt. to Next regular ØtHtlftt Juae 1. 1977. ' Respectfully subMitted, Gilbert Mellon. Se-cy. ,,-,