electrical inspection (2) E V E MAR 3 0 2071 TOWN OF QUEENS-11 Y BUILDING&CODES fe COMMONWEAUCH ELL,CTRICAONSPECTION SERVICE,INC. Main 01bee 176 Doe Run Road-Munbefin.PA 175d-1; ' UKICIPAL Cr,RTIVICATE E LECTRICAL APPROVAL Permit No. .......Cen,N2 42498 Cut-in Card No............................... .::4 Owner....................!,SH R.f�jA Location..... ...... r 'QJ ............. ................... ............... Installation Comisaing of......... .......... ............ ............ ..........Lf....-f:-3......................................................................................................................... ............ ........ .......—1............ ...............I............—........... ...........I.......... ......... InstalledBy.......... .............................................Lic.No............ .... ........................... The verned the issuaocc of this certiflizate,and any certificate previously issued is cancelled:- This Lertificivc.- only covers the electrical uqUiP14111 and installation conditions, its of date. Upon the introduction of A(Witional equipment or alterations,application shall be proi)jptly nikkdc for inspection. Impcolor.". of this Colopally shall have the privilege of making inspections at any One, and if its rules are vjlohi!�,.d the Corlipanys 0 have the Tiglit to revoke This certificate, nia,-- 3 ................. INSPECTOR_. ........................ Mefilber 144X.A.,JAX1.1. rl-ICTIAIrliAl Kjn)4 f7RQTR1;/