1977-08-03 f\ '. TONI< PL;\NkU-JG BOAFW r;ŒE'TING QUEENSEUEY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING AUGUST 3, 1977 Presiding~"*.....~...o.~.~...J. Present..~~......~....~&.$~..G. Arthur Norton, Chairman Mellon, Secretary, R. Roberts, H. Mann and R. Montesi Threw, K. Sorlin p ,. _,oynton Ab·~ er1't.~ . 'it.. .. 'I¡-! . .. .' ... II' .. . .. .. ... . .. .þ .. " . ., . \Iv . Guest.....~.~~.~4........~._.H. Bryan Harrison was present and discussed the Mini-Hearing held on July 28, 1977 for the Glen Lake area. Next Mimi Hearing August 11 at North Queensbury Fire House. REGULAR MEETING 8:15 P. M. 1.. 2.. Minutes of July 6th meeting approved. Variance #503 M Harry'Troelstra, West side Quaker Road · to place ~ole'barn and three temporary greenhouses and a 40 ft. by 60 ft. addition to the sales area in a ~~-l Zone on the property situated at t.he west side of Quaker Road. Harry Troelstra present as well as Watts Bramano Motion by Roberts seconded by Montesi to recommend approval of this variance keeping in mind that the Board is taking no position whatsoever as to the existing drainage easement controversy. The Board also stipulated that the building not be erected on the former location of the drainage ditch. Motion carried. (The 40 ft. by 60.ft. addition to the sales area was not on the original variance presented to the Board on July 6, 1977. This was added to the Varlance August 1, 1977) Variance 04 ~ Joel C. Forker - to place an addition 19 ft. from ~a<e ront in U 0 t e required 30 ft. setback and 2 ft. side setback in lieu of the required 5 ft. side setback on the property situated off Fitzgerald Road. Motion by Mann seconded by Montesi to recommend approval. Motion carried. S.Ee~,Aal Use Parmi t 68 ..Woodmen of the World Wilfred Tromble - to ùse añ·existing·struètùre äš" a socfã1 a or a raterna organization and construct a pole barn in a R-4 Zone on the property situated at Lao Street. This was originally Variance #505 but was changed to a Sped.dl Use Permit at the Planning Board meeting. r'¡otion by Montesi seconçied by Mellon to recommend approval of this Special Use Permit. Motion Gûrried.. 3. 4. 5. Variance \ 06 - Dr~ Irvin D llek - to conduct a home occupation (mail o;dë:r~bt1sj.ness in an attacnèd garage with more than two (2) employees in a R·3 Zone on the property situated at the west side of Bay Road. tlotion by Montesi seclmded by Mann to recommend approval of this Varianc '\I.rí. th stipulation tbë¡t there be no more than 4 employees. Motion carried §2g.,£l&.L.2.erm:l;..4§.'?..... !.he Goo..dveaf Tire & Rubber Co.. .. to conduct Automobile Serv~ce and 1epair in a é~lone on tñë property situated at Upper Glen Street. fAotion by Mann seconded by Mellon to recommend approval of this Special Use Permit provided they comply with previous reQuirements. Motion carried. (Previous requirements are Beautificatic Co~mlttee requirements as outlined in letter signed by Robert Eddy dated Nov~ 19~ 1974, and found in Variance #382} Attorney, Michael O'Connor was present on this Special Use Permit. 6. QUEENSBURY TOWN PLANNING BOARD MEETING (August 3, 1977) 8. Variance #507 ... Mobil Oil Co;t1)oration ... to erect two circular canopies over exIsting pûmps less than the required 50 ft. front setback in a C-3 Zone on the property situated at Route 9 at Exit 20 of the Northway Philip McIntire. attorney for applicant was present_ Motion by Montesi seconded by Mellon to recommend approval of this Variance. Motlon carried. Variance #508 - Willard Jones - to operate a retail business in a previous ~ift and Souvenier ~hop in a R-4 Zone on the property situated at Dix Avenue. Bernard Sullivan present on this Variance. Motion by Mellon seconded by Roberts to recommend approval of this Variance. Motion carried.. 7. Next regular meeting of Planning Board September 7, 1977. Respectfully submitted, Gilber~ Mellon, Secy.