1977-09-07 QUEENSBURY TCIIN PLANNING BOARD MlS1ING QUEENSBURY TaRN OFFICE BUILDING SEPTEMBER 1J 1977 j Presiding...................................J. Arthur Norton~ Chðirman Present.....................................S. Roberts. H. Mannt R. Monte!}i~ K. Sorlin Absent....................................G.. Mellon~ W.. Threw Guests...................................G. Lispes, H.. Boynton 7:00 P. M. - Bryan Harrlson and Dennis Phelan from the Warren County Planning were present and discussed the Mini-Meetings being held in the Town The next Mini-Meeting will be 9/15/77 at Mohican Grange Hall 7:30 p. M.· Reqular M,e~in~ ~:~ P. M. 1. l-Ainutes of August 3rd meeting stand as submitted.. 2. 3. Approval. 4. Vance .. to Vary rom . gn naRce on e property situat at at on Mall. Aviatior Road.. Joe Coms was presenting :repr.s~ting McDonald's. Motion by Sor11n seconded by Roberts to recommend disapproval of this variance. Motion carried. The Board felt that this oversize sign would easily be conforming - 13 sq. ft. ~ 18 sq. ft. They felt that granting this variance could set a precedentþ 5. Ytt1Jnce ~lrO - J2hn L. HeckmJn ... to place an addition 11 ft. from the ~property ffñi in fíeu 0 the required 30 ft. front setback and ~ ft. from the side property line in lleu of the requlred 10 ft. side setback on the property situated at Rock:hurst Road. Motion br Mann to recommend approval. No second to this motion. Motion by Sor in to recoll1lDend di .approval. Seconded by Montesl. The vote wa. 3 to 2 in favor of thls motion. Motion carried. . VaJ:~anc. ~~l - James, Hermance - to place. 30 ft. by 40 ft. building to ouae ve Ícl... aña s{ore roofi"9 equipment and supplies in an R-4 Sone on the property situated at Feld Avenue. Motion ~ Montesi to reco.end approval.. Motion .econded by Roberts and caJ!T1ed. The Board felt that this would help clean up the lot and improve >'the area. Variance > 2. V n n Ru i 0 Paul E. Cushin Associates) .. to construct a restaurant on a at . . e n eu 0 ,t e required 100 ft. in a C-3 Zone on the property situated at the west side of Route 9. Paul Cushing appeared for applicant. Motion by Roberts to recommend approval. Seconded by Mann and carried . This is an existing non-conforming lot and the board felt that it was reasonable use of the property. 6. 1. QUEENSBURY TOWN PLANNING BOARD MEgrING (September 7, 1977) 8. 9. V - B - V F . - to place an a on 0 l' ouse . . ron ya s ae in lleu of the required 30 ft. setback on the property situated at the north .ide of Sunnyside Road. Clarence Ellis and Richard Cutting appeared on this variance. Motion by Roberta seconded by Mont..i to recOflllMftd approval. Motion c.arried. 10. Variance ~15 - Our Lady of the Annunciation Church... to place a 30 sq.. ft. lign in 11eu of the 6 sq. ft. .peraa!tttecl lign on the property at Aviation Road. Michael O·Connor, Father French and Father Kelley pre.ent on this va:t'iance. Motlon by Sorlin .econded by Roberts to 'r8coJDMnd approval. Motion carried. k.~ectfully submitted. J. Arthur Norton t Chairman Next regµlar Met.ingof theQu..nsburyPlannlng BoardOé;tob"~'. 1977. i ~