electrical inspection Err- E EUVE LE C APR 0 1 2021 TOWN _ _ OF(BUILDING ENSBU y BUILD 8, CODES R COMMONWEALTH 91,ECTRICAL INSPECTION SERVICE.INC. 17 Main Offlee 176 Doe Run Road-Manheirn,PA.17549 MUNICIPAL CERTIFICATE - ELECTRICAL APPROVAL Cort. N 2 42267 Cut-in Card No............................;Permit Nor....................................... ... iOwpor........................... .....'... a Q.4&S5.53-...V......................................... ................ Location...............:L,s, ......... Installation Consisting of................................................... J: ................................................................................ cr, ............................................. ... ......... .................................... .............. .......................... ..............................I............................................................I................ InstalledBy.... . ...............Lic. No................................................... 0 The conditions rollowing Move-mcd the issuance of ibis ccrtifica(e,and tiny certificatc,previously i.5sticd is cancelled:- This certificitto only covv& the electrical equipment and installation conditions as of date. Upon the introduction ofaddih%onal eql4ips1ent or alterations,upplicatiaii shall be promptly made for inspection. Inspcccon; of ffi;,,; Company shall have the privilege of making inspections At any time, and if its ruler,arc violale(l. the Company shall have the right to revoke chid certiflc4tc, Date.............3 ........... msff( ..... 'TOR Member NAPA,LASI. 20 35)vcl mawnW NON V89T86L GE:PT TZOZ/TO/tO