1977-11-02 QUEENSBURV TOWN PLANNING BOARD MEETING QUEENSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING NOVEMBER 2, 1977 Presiding.............................J. Arthur Norton, Chairman Present...............................G. Mellon, SecY.1 R. Roberts, R. Montesi, H. Mann, K. Sorl n, W. Threw Guests................................G. Lispes, H. Boynton Fx!;,tI 7 to 8 P. M. joint meeting of Queensbury Town Board, Warren County Planning Board and Queensbury Planning Board. Present: B. Harrison. M.Brandt. W. Threw, H. Mann, D. Olson, F. Walter, K. Sorlin, A. Norton, G. Mellon, C. Riekert, M. Carusone, R. Montesi, R. Roberts, Phelan, K. Cornwell, Waterhouse Ormsby, Waddelll Werblow, Liapes, Boynton, Ken Matson and Robert Cranston. Discussed rezon ng of Knoblauch propexty and Town Planning. Recrular Meetinq 8:00 P. M. . 1" Minutes of Oct. 5,. 1977 meeting approved . 2. .. Subdivision ... Ever rean III Martin C Mosher v s on . Ð n an sen present on a v son. t on y ontesi seconded bySorlin to grant preliminary Motion by Roberts seconded by Mann to grant final approval. 3. 4. by 5. 6. 7. Off.Premises Si 0 ... Aviatin Din n Co .- to place an off.pr~ises sign on c en property at 5 ~ ation Road. Present on this T. ~~r%ola. Peter Baltis, Dino Damas. Motion by Montesi seconded by Mann to grant approval of this off"'premises sign with stipulation that the sign be lighted from the front ooly and no other signs be placed on the property. Vote was 4 in favor, 2 opposed and Tbrew abstained. ~,~tion carried. 8. Variance #519, Henry Anable - to sell modular homes and reside in one suen modular home1.n an ;'11-1 Zone on the.. property 81 tuated at Ouaker Road. Mr. Anable present. Motion by Roberts to disapprove this application on the basis that it 1& no't good planning. Motion seconded by So:t'lin and carried. . Queensbury Planning Board Meeting - Page 2 .. November 2, 1977 9. Varlance ~20. R. 3. Grasse - to vary from the sign ordinance on the pròperty situated at Northwar Plaza, Route 9. Bob Platt from Signs of Progress present on this var ance. Motion by Mann seconded by Montesl to recommend approval. Motion carried. 10. Variance #522. John L. Haanen - to construct an addition with a 24 ft. front setback and a 12 It. side setback in an M-2 Zone on the property situated at the east side of Bay Road. John Haanen present. Board felt this variance reasonable use of the property. Motion by Sorlin seconded by Mann to recommend approval. Motion carried. Variance #523. Francis J. Antos - to place an additlonal sign ln lieu of the permitted one Facia sign on the prope:c-ty situated at 690 Upper Glen Street. D. White present for applicant. Motion by Mann seconded by Montesi to recommend approval of this variance with recommendation that two signs go on roof and all other signs be removed. Motion carried. 13. Qyeensburv Sian ~ancf ~dm,nts - Board discussed ammendments. The Queensbury P!ãññlng oaráì s ~ favor of the proposed ammendments to the sign ordinance. 11. 12. 14. le - rezon.. Motion seconded Next regular meeting of Oueensbury Planning Board December 7, 1977 8:00 P. M. Respectfully submitted, Gilbert Mellon Secretary