92-261 ' =y p CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK Date at r.& 2 19 ? This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. 92 2 1 has been completed. • This structure may be occupied as a Covered Dock I oration PO Box 63,H l 1l man Rd Owner Frank EfBC land By Order Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY / n / 67 7 Director of Bldg. do Code Enforcement --I BUILDING PERMIT y, a TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. 92-261 t WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK N w I PERMISSION is hereby granted to Frank W. England 1-▪ 1 OWNER of property located at Hillman Road, Cleverdale Street, Road or Ave. in the Town of Queensbury,To Construct or place a Covered Dock at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1. OWNER'S Address is m a PO Box 63 CLeverdale, WY 12820 g▪u a a 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name T Joel Clugstone 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address PO Box 90 Kattskill Bay 4. ARCHITECT'S Name a O. 5. ARCHITECT'S Address 6. TYPE of Construction—(Please indicate by X) O rD ( )Wood Frame ( ) Masonry ( ) Steel ( ) g A. 7. PLANS and Specifications —v C No. 144 sq ft Dock/432 sq ft Boathouse as per plot plan specifications 'r and application 8. Proposed Use Covered Dock $ 50.00 PERMIT FEE PAID -THIS PERMIT EXPIRES May 22, 1993 (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 22nd Day of May 19 92 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Inspector SE ��� TOWN OF QUEENSBURY OF'QUEEPVSE3U�s Fee :Paid �k>�a 5v,"*1 BUILDING & CODES DEPARTI�ENT��W� RECEIVED Permit .# APPLICATION FOR: PORCHES-DECKS- • . DOCKS & BOATH( iffS21 1992 Est. Cost f %�� — -A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING CONS111869131c.xWATINN.SWER ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: The undersigned hereby applies for a Building .Permit to .do the. following work which will be done in accordance .with the description , plans and specifications submitted, and such special conditions as may be indicated on the permit. ' TWO SETS OF STRUCTURAL PLANS SHALL BE SUBMITTED WITH THIS APPLICATION. Owner of Property: &'. G-v�/L4ti0 P.O. Address AO.- cZ' 4Z*6 -( (e,A,c7 Phone '# 6 - 3061 Property Location gccm44/Rd• Ccge"e49146 Tax Map # Subdivision Name (If applicable) PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPERVISION .OF WORK AS REGARDS TO BUILDING 'CODES: Name: "d 6-4- Cle.46 79 ni6 Address rP-d-10X %D KiT/Sieie.c/Lf Phone#G$ 20 BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS: Type of work to be done: Porch Deck , Dock Boathouse (Circle one) Size of Structure to be built (square footage): /1/ 5,;,, rr I 432- Ceq. F7 434-THouc& Foundation Material : Width Thickness Depth of Footing, below grade: Size of Posts or Studs: 6 x 1 x 8 Long Size of Floor Joists: `z x 'x /7-' Span Decking or Flooring Material : 3,41( How will Porch or Deck .be fastened to building? If Roof Will Be Installed, Answer Following Questions: Size of Posts or Studs: ‘ x 6 x c! Long Roof Rafters: Z x . /(2 Spacing l6; `- Span /z Roof Trusses (pre-engineered cing): • Span Type of Roof: Sloped Fla Shed Other (Circle one) . Material of Roof: jOccE45 4?,6Fy-c/6 . ZONING INFORMATION: TWO PLOT PLANS MUST BE PREPARED.AND SUBMITTED, drawn reasonably to. scale and attached hereto, showing clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether existing or proposed and indicate all set back dimensions from property lines. Show location of water supply and location and configuration of septic disposal area. . Size of Property: . 82 ft. x /ZZ ft. . Existing building(s): Size 24 ft. x'47.� ft. Size ft. x ft. Use of Existing building(s): £&SioE.-i & . Proposed structure, distance from property line: • Front yard ;2,o ft. Rear yard • • ft. Side yards ft. and . ft. Ti ww wn.wws.w en+ks^1, ‘NA... eide a+v.nn+. ft TORN OF QUEENSBURY �' /531 BAY ROAD • d►rP QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 12804 TELEPHONE (518) :745-4447 BUILDING INSPECTOR'S REPORT • FINAL INSPECTION REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED 7/ Y, ,W2, NAME kA/,Ulll, ("),% 62, 91 LOCATION /g/(4I2(e/ti DATE 0/0,2 PERMIT# 'jnfP TYPE OF STRUCTURE (.37 yd.. W (if RECHECK • FIRE MARSHAL APPROVAL (COMMERICIAL STRUCTURE) FOOTING FOUNDATION BACKFILL FRAMING ROUGH PLUMBING FINAL ELECTRICAL _SEPTIC _INSULATION WOODSTOVE/FIREPLACE .REMARKS . 6 . APPROVAL N/A • YES NO CHIMNEY HEIGHT/LOCATION • B VENT/LOCATION PLUMBING VENT V' ROOFING . SIDING ds' DECK/PORCH/STEPS/RAILINGS RELIEF VALVES ,1 FURNACE/HOT WATER.ROPERATING INTERIOR TRIM/PRIVACY DOORS FINISH FLOORS: BATH/KITCHEN WATERTIGHT\ OTHER FLOORS ,SWEEPABLE 3, OTHER FLOORS (CARPETED r' STAIR CLEARANCE/RAILINGS `.,\ SMOKE DETECTORS DOOR CLOSERS 4 • BATHROOM FANS ALL PLUMBING.IFIXTURES OPERATING GARAGE FIRE PROOFING DOOR CLOSERS;I OTHER FIRE SEPARATION FIRE/DEMISE 'WALLS FINAL ELECTRICAL . 'OK TO ISSUE C770 OR C/C • • COMMENTS: • ARRIVE DEPART PE OR JWf20 Queen,J. tury BUILD I- NG & CODES DEPT, THE PLANS SUBMITTED HAVE BEEN REVIEWED AND HAVE BEEN FOUND TO LACK SUFFICIENT DETAIL FOR PROPER PLAN REVIEW. WE HAVE ISSUED THIS PERMIT WITH THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS : 1 . THE WORK WILL BE INSPECTED AND MUST CONFORM TO ALL PROVISIONS OF PREVAILING CODES . 2 . IF DEFICIENCIES ARE FOUND THEY MUST BE COR- RECTED BEFORE WORK CONTINUES . 3 . FAILURE TO COMPLY WILL RESULT IN REVOCATION OF THE BUILDING PERMIT - 1 Virs Code Enforc ment Officer S/2-11C12--- Date q2 -.2 ( 1 - �>e {fit-vlLu .-'fz Building Permit # COMMENTS: Drawings indicate knowledge of construction. However: Points of support and methods of fastening are not shown. These items will be inspected during construction. Do not hesitate to call if there are doubts or questions . A call could save costly changes! ! :�' Vic Lefebvre C.E.O. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY DUfLmNO DEPARTMENT TOWN OF LI E E r,,3 c ., URN Based on our limited erumisitlak compliance with our FILE COPY BULL-ANC CO 1E. E PT. not be construed as Indict;nz NI REVIEWED BY . .+ld� plans and specificatft�sttt��fug compliance with the code. DATE bifia- -4 .....• TOWN OF QUEENSBUI-i RECEIVED r N MAY 21 1992 • . k " '\''' SA , (>-' -1---- ' I BLDG. & CODE DEPT. ...0 ! \ rr1-71 ' 1 - . 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