1978-03-07 PLANNING BOARD WORKSHOP SESSION MARCH 7, 1978 MINUTES OF THE MEETING PRESENT: R. Roberts, Chairman, H. Mann, D. Krebs, K. Sor1in W. Threw, J. Dybas. I. A.) Discussion of Development Standards for the Warren, and Washington County Industrial Park. B.) Article VI, Section C-Suggest that they require some amount of open green space because of the problem of run-off which might cause flooding. Planning Board feel that some green areas should be kept for beautification. We would suggest that at least 20% of each parcel be left for green area. C.) Section D No comment D.) Section E Believe that this section should refer to Cert. % E rather that A & B E.) F Airport restrictions-No comment F.) G Landscaping require: We do not understand this section. Feel that it must be better described and some examples. G.) H No comments H.) I Sign Restrictions 1. We would request that no billboard at all be allowed. 2 . No comment 3. We request that setback be increased to 15 feet to agree with Queensbury Sign Ordinance. We also request a limit of 25 feet in height be placed on free standing sign to conform with Queesbury Sign Ordinance. II. Letters from Thomas Lawson-was reviewed and Dick Roberts answer same. III. H. Mann reviewed information she acquired during meeting of flood insurance study of H. U. D. relative to planning buildings close to potential flood areas. IV. Zoning Ordinace-Joe and Ken will review with Vic King what should be in our Zoning Ordinance with respect to travel trailer parks. V. Sewer's-We reviewed the alternatives to a sewer system both in the Town of Queensbury and l~arren County in light of information now available that might indicate separate smaller sewer systems combined with septic systems might be more economically sound. ~~e also discùssed the fact that based on some available information from the RPI study group that one of the prime reasons for the Warren County Sewer System, the protection of Lake George may not be valid. Don Krebs, Deputy Secretary Queensbury Planning Board CC: Planning Board Members