1978-04-05 ""-;' .....< -". ..... QUEENSBURY TOWN PLANNING BOARD MEETING QUEENSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUI WING APRIL. 5. 1978 P~esidlng..~... '... .-. .~.. . . . . -. ..'.. It . ~, .R. Present... ... '... -.... If.,...... ...... ..,... ... .,R. W.. Guest;..,. . S·" It,. '.... '4r ...-.'.... '.. .....,.. -. '* . ..:,... .G. Robé:r"'S., Chðirman Mon-t,e$l. S$'r;y." K.. Sorlin, H.. Mann. Threw.. D", Krebs. II J.. Dybas Llapés M. with Brian Harri$on of Wan-en County Wo~k$bop meeting frosn 7:00 toS:OO P. Planning_ Di.CU$$ed subdivisions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Mountain View. Section II ,JohnS,.trMt -:-19 lot ~ddit}..on toSéction I Subd1~.ion f.Jo~ 7-ô9-;"'~,MotIon by... Šorlin .secondéd by tGreb$ to grant Conc"'ual Appt'«!al peJf~ap dated6/2/71abowingSfìe'tioo II. . R. Mont..i and W. 'Th1"ew to rw~'p. J~n VanDuS,~V1a$preS$ntonthia subdivision. , . "'~~l::":'';'"'' '\'" DennIs Berkl9Y,Subdiv1&lon No. 4-7J;J '~9 lots offWéstMountainRoad. Dennis Ber~ìfrl anâ ~J$1in Vaií15us.enpre$ent on this$ubdi:nslon. No action taket't by the Board on thissubdiv1.siolh Montesi and Tbr.ew'Will make f!èlðin$p8ction.8nd review for conceptu~l approval. Rezo.ning, .. L1!.aq~ RU11-"p'~eloRra~nt ,f!,,~·~_!!§~l~x...~~d .1eft §,n,cl N. J'L Bodenwei.s~~4vje$~ ....side, RO~lte 9 !1':'R!1} R...4 ,~n(t p...2 to, ~"']." Robert. Stewart ~$ present -::ceprèseating MeadoWRun D$ife.LOpment CorporatJ.on.Motion by Montesi sfJ:cOOOEJd by Mann recomméndlng re'%oning frc>m R...4 and C...2 to C~3 the following prope~ty: Tax Mð~ No. . . ~OE'f1~owne%' . 7~~t)..1 . ..- MCD'ônald'''s·ô.. .iëñsbùry·.·· ,. ..... . ~UC4 ...... 7~...6...23 Kénneth Freebern % Franchise Realty In:t~r$tate Corp. 72-6-24 Peda$co Realty Corp., 72...6...25 Lebowi t... I.. Charl'e$ ~ 72-6-26 Meadow Run.I>evelopment Corporatiøn 72-6-27,1 Mary A. Bod..-tsØ2: 72...6-27 .2 CharI ê'S and RU'tb Ha"ley Mòtlon c8ftléd. 7. Re~onlnq Dona ld and Lae~nda Hess. . Di~ . ~nd 9ueepsbu:J:Y:. Avenue.' from R-.4 t~ ~3 It Donald and Laciñ<i.a Hess were pre'sfIDt.. Motion by Mann seconded bv Krèb$ to table for one month. to May 3rd meeting.. So:rlin and I<reb$,M&n~ rèVi- area.. The Board would like to review tbe whol$,area of Dix Ave. for n2:oning.. Motion ¢arl'iecl. Page ..:2 QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD MEETING April 5, 1978 8. Variance #539a Meadts NUJ:'$~. Inca - to place mini-warèhouses in aø existing 'buIl 'ing In a C-3 os O'n thè property st tuated at 360 Ridge Road. This is for a Use Variance and applicant must prove unnecessary hardship on property -want$ to keep two mên working for ~~nter months. Mini...~'!arehousin9 is a neviI t"..oxd. Tb,is is a new Goncept and Boa:'f:-cl fe~~ls :U; will not be 2.: in 1 Zon,:;-, i)t"1 1 0 ;3 311CB \-: Vð'¡s. ß (1.:1- 9, Variance #540. Ralph Celeste... to place a swimming pool t;vi th 14 ft;. ~èt:ëãel ""ïn-!Tê\ï"õf 'ine required 20 f'''. rear $etba~k on 'the property situat.ed at 345 Ridge St., Ralph CelGsta appeared on this variance. Motion by Mann s&e:cmd$dbyK:E7'-G'b$ to recommend approval' of this varianc~. Motion carried. Vote 6 to O. Lot behind is M-l Zone and requires 30 ft. buffer %on&. 10. Variance #541. David to> Ba~rnEts ... to place an addition to an auto body .' repair ~9a:tag" In an R-4 Zone on th!, property 51 tuated- at the west side '-' of Indiana Avenue.. . David Barnes present on this variance. Use of land as R-4 is not a reasonable return on property" State law require. ~.=èr"':.:: : ~._. fo: aIL..e;.r\:;....t::lt:eet. eti~i.~:OU. ,;::; ....-....' ...... .~.... .......... -...... to ........ r"IlS1 ., thi. variance. Vote 5 ,... and I.batalned. MoUon can! . 11. V nane. 2 Ln. net Barb a S1.... - to cons~ctai~.lling on a . ~rd;: :0;:' (,::8ØibryP~:r:r~·M()~ronbens:rf¡~v:~ó:::gi~~~n:s t:urnt recommend approval with understanding, that lot is not on public or town road and can not expect anr town services. Vote 6 yes I no. Motion carried. Board f.els this is on y reasonable use of property. Variance #544 . .James Lee Sweet - to locate a slaughter house in an ex!stl:ng bulí~ing in an R-3 Žc;ne on the property situated at south side Sherman Avenue. James Sweet present. Motion by Krebs seconded by Mann to recommend approval of this variance for James Lee Sweet for the period of time that be operated the business. The Board feels that this would recycle a building and business ~th a special use, but would like to keép a bandle on this use and therefore recommend granting variance for the time Mr. Sweet operated the business. Vote 6 yes. Motion carried. 12. nalts Co . ... to place structures es. t an the requ rOt. setbac an to vary from the Sign Ordinance on the property situated at Route 9 and Old Aviation Road. Motion by Serlin seconded by Montesi to recommend approval in accordance wi th the following: Area Variance - applicant has shown a practical difficulty in the use of this property. McDonald's agreed to remove their 600 sq. ft. sign which 1& setback 10 ft. Tbey will install a new 116 aq. ft. aign with l5 ft. setback. Will move sign to front center of build- ing. The Board recommend waiving the 8 year conforming stipulation of !lgn ordinance. The Board recommend accepting the rest of the request shown on application along with additional request for 2 directional signs or arrows in all drives. Vote 6 yes. Motion carried. Note - Planning Board have recommended to Town Board that they re%one this side of Route 9 to C-3 ... Tax Map Nos.. 72...6-22,23,24,25,26,27..1 and 27.2. · , Page 3 14. 15. 160 17. l8. 19. QUEENSBURY TONN PLANNING BOARD MEETING April 5, 1978 SD,cia¡ Permit ~l. Ernest P. Giroux ·'to operate a Go Cart Track in a C-3 Zone on the property situated at Route 9, Lake George Road. Motion br Mann seconded by Threw to recommend approval of this Special Use Perm t with no time limit as long as the wishing well and sign frame are removed in 30 days. Vote 6 yes. Motion carried. 46 Francis A. Giroux - to place an addition to Skateland or v ng quarters n a C-3 Zone on the property situated at Route 9, Lake George Road. Motion by Mann seconded by Montesi to recommend disapproval of this variance. This is a use variance and the Board feels unnecessary hardship was not shown. The Board feels there are other ways of protecting ones property from vandalism. Variance #548. U-Hau1 Co. of Northeastern N~ y~_~~~. - to place a free-standing sign with 3 ft. side setbacK ~n lieu of the required 25 ft. side setback on the property situated at Main St. (Corinth Road) near Exit 18 Northway. Bob Platt from Signs of Progress present on this variance~ This is an Area Variance and due to the present black top and curb cuts applicant has shown practical difficulty, thus a 3 ft. side line setback has been requested and the Board feels it shoùld be granted. Moti.on by Sorl1.n seconded by Manit to recommend approval of this variance. Vote 6 yes. Motion carried. Signs will have to conform at the time that the non-conforming signs as of 8/14/76 must conform. Variance ~49 James Shovah · to construct a retail farm and garden supply in an A...4 zonewith.25.ft. setback in lieu of the required 30 ft.. setback on the property situated at the·corner Lawton, Sweet and Montray Roads. R. Case Prime appeared for applicant. This is a Use Variance with hardship being that this lot is not conducive to residential development. Setback will conform to other buildings in the area. Board recommend a~proval of variance request as stated on application. Motion by Krebs seconded by Montesi to recommend approval. Vote 6 yes. Motion carried. Variance #!)50. Lake Geg¡ge R. V. Park, Inc - to place a free-standing sign on the property situated at Route ~(Farm-to-Market Road). Robert Stewart appeared for applicant. Motion by Mann seconded by Threw to recommend approval of this variance. Vote 6 yes. Motion carriedv Traffic flow and cutting of trees to conform were considerations to recommendation for approval of this variance. Sign will have to conform at the time that the non-conforming signs as of 8114/76 must conform. Peter Next meeting May 3, 1978 at 8:00 p. M. Respectfully submitted, Ronald S. Montesi, Secy.