1978-06-07 .~ 4. ;;.-,.. .. <:VEENSBURY TOWN PLANNING BOARD MEETING - QUEENSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING JUNE 7, 1978 Presiding...........................R. Roberts, Chairman Present...............ó.............R. Montesi, Secretary, H. Mann, D. Krebs, J. Dybas, K. Sorlin Absent.........."..o..o.o.............Wo Threw Guests..o...·....o..oo.........".·oo.oG. Liapes, S. Lynn Workshop session conducted from 7 to 8 Po Mo 1. Minutes May 3rd meeting approved. 2. 3. by a 18 lot Section II part Extension Hewitt Subdivision - 40 lots south west side Dixon Road - Pro-Cratí Bu~lder8, Developers. Michael O'Connor, Frank Catone and: John VanDusen present on this subdivision. Motion by Sorlin seconded by Dybas to grant Conceptual Approval. Vote 6 yes. Motion carried. Public hearing set for July 5, 1978. Sorlin and Montesi to make field trip. Bedfo~ Close Deve~oDment Section III. 31 Lots south side Pitcher Road to Cor nth Road - orthern Homes Inc., Developers. T. McCormack, Surveyor present. Storm drainage problems discussed. Public hearing set for . July 5, 1978. Field trip by Krebs, Dybas. Sorlin and Mann. V riance 7 Wi liam and Rose Reiser 0 to sell bicycles and other art c e8 n an - one on e property situated at West Mountain Road. Hotion by Montesi seconded by Sorlin to recommend disapproval., Vote was 4 yes and 2 no. r.~otion carried. The Board felt that thi$li~would be the start of a commercial venture in a total residential area and that this was not go~d planning. var~rnce #5~. John ~. Dotv~ Jr. - to place building~ wi.th less than the requ red iIõe setEacks on the property situated at 684 upper Glen Street. Motion by Sorlin seconded by Krebs to recommend approval. Vote 6 yes. Motion ca~ied. The Board felt the setback would not change the area as building tieing moved had an 8 ft. setback and this would be a continuation of an 8 ft. setback. 5. 60 Variance ~9. Wo~fram Schille Q to place an addition less than the required s (Ie set acks on the property situated at Cleverdale Road. No one appeared on this variance. Motion by Sorlin seconded bÿ Montesi ·~~~::~~~'~~r:~iv~~i~~i~:i:e:fta~f~· no~·O~:iya~~~~!~··é¿k.l o~oihi :o:t~~ of the house. There seems to be a definite encroachment to neighbo~'s property lin~ and property. 8. Variance ~~. Fr,nk Nicotera Q to place a dock with less than the . required set ack on the property situated off Pilot Knob Road on Lake George. Mr. Nicotera appeared with his attorney, Francis DeCamilla. l~. Gurba also present. Motion by Sorlin seconded by Dybas to recommend disapproval. Vote 5 yes g 1 no. Motion carried. 7. ,y QUEENSBURY DIN PLANNING BOARD MEETING June 7, 1978 (conUnued) . 9. S P - Tuff- Din 1 - to operate an auteœotive service op on e property. . ua a·· ation Road. Mr. Martinez appeared. Motion by Mann .econded by Montesi to recommend approval. Vote 6 yes. Motion carried. 5 e i P 4 Va e - F ithB bee ch - to place a ceme ery n an - ne on e prope y s ua 0 vision Street. This"was pre.ented as a Variance änd it should be a Special Use Permit in R-3 Zone. Changed to Special PermS. t #1'74. Motion by Montesi seconded by Dybas to recoØIDend approval of this ~p':eë~p.er. Vote 6 yes. Carried. The Board se.. no problem with this special permit, as long as 1. t conforms to various State agencies that would have a say on the development of a cemetery. Du n - to convert a garage to re.idence with les. ng area in an R.4 Zone· on.,th! property situated at Glen Lake Road. . Motion by Mont..i seconded bI Dyba~ to reco_nd approval of this variance with stipulation that t be for the life use of Mrs. Dunn, for her u.e only and could not be rented, sublet 02' sold. Vote 6 yes. Motion carried. Varianc~ _J, .llhet..! Jon.. - to place an ov.rsized .ign 1.... than tfi. requU¡¡. . aCKon the p~y situated at 704 Upper Glen Street. Mik. Jone. aPlltared. Motion by Mann seconded bI Dybas to recommend approval of this sign variance,for use of .xist ng sign as it is with 6 ft. set back and oversize 8ign as it is now, for duration of sign moratorium. Vote 6 yes. r~tion carried. 10. 12. 13. Varianc.~~~nal~ A M1~n. II - to place a dwelling on a lot that do.s not ·frõia'on a pUbliC road on the property situated off Fitzgerald Road. Mr.~.u.lne and his attorn.y Louis Carusone appeared. Motion by·· . . !.~ann seconded, þy Montesi to reco_end .ppro~al. Vote 6 yes. Carried. Homes have been built on this right-of-way - neighbors have no objections and Board sees no problem with planning or use of land. 14. Variance~. Loq9tŒ' s EQU1.,..,,~Inc. - to use vacant lot in an R-4 ~on'i""for parlang, storage ãñ<f""iihi~i{1.ng lc:»gging equipment on the property situated on the east side of Lawton Road. 3. Lawrence Paltrowitz, attorney for applicant appeared.. Motion by Montesi seconded by Dybas to recoØIDend disapproval of this variance. Vote 6 yes. A~tlon carried. This is a Use Variance. thO' Board felt applicant did not show hardship and that this would be destroYing an R~ residential are. wl th cOIIIIercial equipment storage. Meeting adjourned 11:05 P. M. N.xt regular meeting July 5, 1978. R.spectfully submitted, Ronald ~~ntesi, Secretary